Closed Beta Install Instructions

  • @swarthybook67 I am not sure, but it is very possible that it continues to be called that, even if it is the beta version.

  • I received the invitation to the closed beta without the code because I also participated in the alpha, only if I go on XBOX inseider hub, the closed beta is not there but I find only the alpha, and normal? do you have to wait a little longer before I release it?

  • The beta is still called Technical Alpha on the Xbox Insider Hub. when you download it thru the Microsoft Store the app will be call SoT Closed Beta

  • @diqitalsoul are you sure? only 13 gb for closed beta?

  • 100% sure

  • @giacomose89 "Only"? That's quite a lot already. :)
    @diqitalsoul is right.

  • So I played the alpha and haven'y uninstalled it as I believed that it would be used for when the beta came out. I was informed by a friend who had pre ordered but not played the alpha that the beta was out so last night I attempted to play and I was met with a kiwibeard, much like what happened to those who tried to play on the alpha when a play session wasn't running. So does this mean I have an issue or is there just not a play session open right now? Just to clarify I'm an xbox insider who played the alpha and have pre ordered the beta. Cheers!

  • Again, I still get the message saying that it is too early. I pre ordered the game and dowloaded it. Please help

  • Sea of Thieves Closed Beta, I want to play the beta before pre-order but I can't download the beta they said it's not available for now... Why ? I do all the stuff, and I'm insider in sea of thieves but I can't play.. thank you Microsoft Studio.... WOW ! (sorry for bad english)

  • Looking forward to playing this shortly, Just wondering is the beta X enhanced?

  • i recieve the email but didnt appear in my insider hub

  • Been an insider for three months but wasn't invited to alpha, neither beta. Didn't even recieved session invite mails and yes, checking both registered hotmail account and a verified profile account. Researched and tried almost everything but still no chance.

  • I've installed the beta, but it doesn't play. Nada, not a jot. All I get is a picture.. it flashes up for all of 3 seconds then goes away. No disk activity nuffin', not even a muffin'.

  • @nagual101 same here :/

  • @madoguva yeah, same.

  • @chau7 I can’t even download it because the insider app on Xbox one is 18+ for some reason.

  • It still says - Alpha - in the main menu. Is that normal?

  • @bmb23 Yeah this is normal! The splash screen never got updated... don't worry this is still the beta build.

  • Hello guys in case if you can`t see the game in your Xbox insider Hub, you should to change region in start - setting time and language - region and language, try to set Finland.
    It is work for me, now i am finaly downloading client.

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