Need Help

  • Today BSS lost a member, actually our SoT community lost a member to a car accident in California . @holycrusader78 He was a retired marine, pioneer member and over all a great person. He played in the Alpha a lot. BSS would like to reach out to the overall community and request if you guys give this thread a uplike and see if we could get rare to get a rock engraved with his gamertag on it or something to remember him in a game he absolutely loved. Thank you for any support we get. I know this is not traditional but the effort is still getting pushed out.

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  • bss lost a great member today

  • sorry for the Loss to such a valued member. Im sorry for the loss to all his friends and family.. I really like this idea, its a touching monument to a game he enjoyed. RARE please act on this one request

  • Please Rare, please do this😢

  • Dear Rare,
    We recently lost one of beloved members @Holycrusader78 as known on the SoT forums or as we know him in the Black Spot Shanties discord as @Preacherman. We as a community were wondering if you could make something in-game to commemorate his life and dedication to the development of Sea of Thieves.

    BSS Family

  • Dear Rare, a member of our guild has recently passed on and he was a very kind person. All of us ask if you could do at least a small dedication to him such as his name on the bottom of a cup of grog or a rock or tombstone with his name on it. He was a great guy and we hope you understand. May he Rest In Peace

  • He is in all of our thoughts. Hope Rare could really add this monument. It would mean so much to us.

  • I am sorry for your loss. I hope Rare will implement this idea in the game. I wish you all the best and hope his friends and family will get through this.

  • Reminds us how fragile life is. Loved ones or anyone of us it can happen. Condolences to his family and friend's(Fated to swim). Prayers and thoughts to them.

  • We ask everyone to share this post and upvote it to get Rare's attention

  • @bountyhunter945

    Contact Rare via Twitter as well. Maybe that will help you? I upvoted and hope with all my heart that he will live on in the game. While I do not know BSS or our fallen comrade, I feel it is our duty as a community to help you guys out.

    Upvote this plea everyone

  • I fully support this.

  • I messaged through the forums also. Thank you everybody

  • @Deckhands

    (Mod Edited)


  • @yualee
    Thank you Yualee

  • @metachront

    You are welcome. Together we stand strong!

  • @moosemays hey mate just a heads up that all of those tags besides the Deckhands tag do not currently work on the forums.

    We have passed this thread along for consideration, again we’re sorry to hear this horrible news that we’ve lost a community member, My condolences to all those effected.

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi Ok. Thanks for letting me know.

  • @captainzingster My condolences to his family and friends. I think putting his name in the game somewhere is an excellent idea. And as being a vet myself I would like to thank his family and friends for his service.

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi

    Thank you so much, this means the world to us.

  • @grim-sigtyr
    Thank you for your service. We will pass your message down to his family

  • **sure sorry to hear about this be more than glad to upvote **

  • Having served in two divisions I found the true meaning of brothers in arms. I never met him, but I have lost a brother. May he find comfort with all those who went before him. Simper Fi, my brother.

  • I'm so glad everyone here is helping out. Some times I forget the people that I chat with every day are actually other living humans. When incidents like this happen and the community comes together, it really shows how strong a group of random strangers can be. You guys have helped do much in so little of time, I hope that Rare sees this call as something beneficial for the community. Thank you guys again for everything. I will be standing by and hearing a final word from them when they respond.

  • I'm sorry to hear of the loss of a good Marine, Semper Fi.

  • Farwall @Holycrusader78 aka Preacherman you will be missed.

  • Oh wow, How horrible. :(, We will soon meet him in davy jones locker mateys.

    That's tragic. We will all remember him.

  • @Holycrusader78

    RIP mate. Condolences to the family and all of his friends.

  • @capta1n-cr0ss thank you so much.

  • @captainzingster aya mate R.I.P @holycrusader78

  • @jokerxfacexptx
    Hopefully, I would be more at ease when I know Rare does this. There is not a lot I ask for from day to day but this would help a lot of our members out. Especially ones that know him well.

  • @captainzingster wen i play the closed beta im going to shoot 3 cannoballs on is name but for now
    1 canno...boommm
    2 canno...bommmm
    3 canno...booommmm
    R.I.P @holycrusader78 :(

  • Sorry for your loss, it is definitely a hard thing. I will send good vibes your way. I hope he does get his name in and I surely know we will all take the time to go find it!!

  • @jokerxfacexptx Thank you <3

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