Should I Pre-order?

  • Hi!
    I am very interested in getting Sea of Thieves. I am part of the Insider Program and really want to get my hands on the game. But, I am holding off on pre-ordering as I have pre-ordered some games this year and was sorely disappointed because of the actual quality of the game or being spiked with game-changing microtransactionscoughHelloNeighborcoughStarWarsBattlefront2cough. Can someone please provide me with gameplay or tell me if this game actually runs and plays as well as it looks or has game-changing microtransactions?

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  • The devs have mentioned time and time again that they don't want to put barriers in between players. They wouldn't want a level 100 player with 1,000 hours to have stronger weapons than a level 1 new player, so there won't be levels or stronger gear.

    The in-game gold is only to buy cosmetics and re-supply your ship. While the voyages offered are payed for with in-game gold, the voyages offered are determined by your progress with one of the three trading companies, and players cannot buy reputation with these companies.

    I don't see how micro-transactions to get cosmetics sooner would be game-breaking.

  • @sonic0660 I'd advise anyone never to pre-order. it essentially gives the developer of any game less of an incentive to produce a polished and quality game on release, as they've already made a decent amount of money on the pre-orders. we were all around for no mans sky. and further more how do you actually benefit from a pre-order? some cosmetic items? a beta? great, and if you end up not enjoying the beta i guess you get stuffed because you already bought the game. bad idea don't do it

  • @djm-xr07 Most Pre-Orders you don't actually pay for the game until it releases, I have this pre-ordered but haven't paid for it yet and I know a lot of other retailers do the same. If I play the beta and don't end up liking it I can just cancel the pre-order and not be out anything.

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi @Sonic0660 oh my bad i didn't clarify, i was talking about pre-ordering through the microsoft store. it's a massive hassle to get your money back from them, you need to call customer support and customer accounts. if you drop a five dollar bill at gamestop then its easy peasy to cancel the preorder.

  • @djm-xr07 I pre-ordered through the Microsoft Store myself and haven't been charged a dime. It was the same for CoD WWII, Forza 7, NHL 17, and all the other games I have gotten this year. I also had Star Wars pre-ordered through the Microsoft Store and cancelled it no problem before release.

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi Odd, i just went to both the windows 10 and xbox microsoft stores to try and pre-order sea of thieves, and both wanted me to pay 60 dollars upfront. not sure exactly how you managed to preorder for free but good on you. @Sonic0660 if you can somehow avoid an upfront charge and know that you'll be able to cancel your pre-order, i dont see the problem in it, it would probably be a good idea for that beta access tbh

  • @djm-xr07 If you're paying by credit card it will say "Pre-Order" and show you the price, however you will not be charged until 10 days prior to launch so that you can download it in advance and be ready to play come launch day.

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi beat me to it haha. @Sonic0660

  • @sonic0660

    I feel like i'm in the same boat... I want to pre-order this game, but there isn't much game play out and there doesn't seem like there is much to do in the game right now. You can do "voyages" aka quests that give you gold and reputation. You can search for buried treasure and claim minor rewards for them. No one is supposed to have an advantage... So their isn't much to acquire in the game other than cosmetics... I'm not trying to harp on the game I want it to be big. I just don't see it. I would like to hear from a developer about this topic. It seems to me that the developers are keeping info from the community or they don't have much of a game. This game releases shortly and i want more info. DEVS PLEASE RESPOND!!!

  • @sonic0660 Ahoy there! I waffled on the pre-order for a while, then watched all the Tales from the Tavern and Inn-side Story series the Devs have released. I highly recommend them if you have the time. Felt much better about their commitment not only to deliver a great experience and polished product for the player at release, but moving forward as the game 'matures' as well.

    Admittedly, SoT may not be everyone's mug o' Grog. But the cross-play feature, game play trailer content and enthusiasm of both the development team and community for this game was enough for me to take the plunge.

    May the wind o' good fortune be wit ye wherever yer ship be pointing!

  • Pre-ordered for me. I know that I will spend a lot of time on Sea Of Thieves.

    I played two times on this game, and it was really awesome. A really good experience!

    I trust in Rare, and I'm sure that the release will be amazing!

    So for me, You should pre-order. BUT I can understand that you are not sure for the moment and that you don't want do this.. It is your choice after all.

    But if you think that you will play... Why don't pre-order? ^^

  • @sonic0660 If you've played the Alpha or Beta and really enjoyed it then pre-ordering isn't a bad idea since the game can only get better.

    If you either weren't able to play the Alpha or didn't get invited to the Beta then you should definitely keep your money in your pocket and wait to see footage of the game at release and then buy it. An Open Beta may come out (and I really hope it does) and you could judge from that too but it hasn't been guaranteed that there will be one yet.

    Don't pre-order a game you haven't played ... Unless you have 1 Billion quid in the bank, then you can fire away :D
    And you might also want to send some cash over to me too... If you wouldn't mind.

    Edit: The Black Dog Pack looks incredibly boring and is a really bad reward for a pre-order in my opinion.
    I'd generally recommend everyone to keep their money in their pockets until release because you aren't really going to be missing much if you don't pre-order.

  • No.

    You shouldn't ever pre-order a game, and the entire pre-order economy these days is terrible. This isn't some limited product, it is software that is going to be available on demand, no need to rush.

    It doesn't matter what you are buying, try to make as informed of a decision as possible. You can't do that in a video game pre-order situation because there just isn't a final product to judge yet. The closed technical alpha showed nothing in terms of reason to buy, as it truly was a shell, designed to stress the game systems.

    That said, hopefully the Beta really shows what this game has in store for those who are going to be playing. As it is SoT is a great, big, amazing looking, empty ocean.

  • I will not force you to do anything you do not want to do, but I will give my personal opinion about pre-ordering Sea of Thieves. The quality of this game is magnificent and the creativity the developers put into the game gives many positive reasons why this game is a wonderful game, worth your money. Have a fabulous day Sonic0660 and I hope my insight on your questions helped.

  • @sonic0660 Regarding the important micro transactions, the developers said that they wanted the transactions to be only cosmetic and not add an advantage to people.

  • @sonic0660 Just to help your decision, if you preorder the game you get a cosmetic pack and access to the beta which will come out later this month.

  • Ahoy @Sonic0660 !
    Should you pre-order? Entirely up to you.
    That's the short answer.
    Now, to answer some of your voiced concerns.
    @DHG-IXxRMACxXI and @AloneEmperor960 have done a great job taking the worry out of pre-order and micro- transactions already. So it really boils down to if you like the black dog items bonus and most importantly, if you want to be in the beta. I think the black dog pack looks really cool, and personally want the pre-order just for them.
    You asked about gameplay... Here's the most straight forward honest answer I can give you and anyone else who hasn't had the opportunity to play this game:
    I would tell you to refer to the gameplay videos on YouTube. When you see the developers/YouTubers playing, laughing and having fun, it's genuine. Because that is exactly the experience I have had!
    Still concerned of the quality? Here is what I believe and base my decision on.
    I have watched ever video and read threads on this forum until exhaustion and have never found one that made me think anything other than this:
    RARE is doing this right, they created this forum and a CREWmunity was born that they listen to. I can't help but speculate this game will be one created by both RARE and all of us.
    Need more still? I'll say this. Even if the Alfa was the finished product, I would still spend my 60 USD. on this game.
    Sea of Thieves is beautiful, creative and so different than anything out there already that I love it.
    You will have loads of fun I promise

  • I used to pre-order all my games, but based on what's been happening in the industry I just refuse to do it any longer. Wait for reviews and commentary from both the YouTube streamers and the larger online news agencies. Loot boxes, day one DLC, old content going behind pay walls, etc., have compromised game publishing.

    I would trust Rare more than other publishers if I were to change my mind, but that's based on a company that I think is still more concerned with making a good game versus creating a cash cow to continually raid your wallet.

    As others have said it's your choice, but my opinion is to hold off.

  • The one thing that does hold me back from buying this is, if it doesn't do well enough in terms of sales, and they're forced to release it on Steam, I won't get a steam key.

  • @sonic0660 I pre-ordered this morning, My thought is that i am gonna buy the game anyways so i might as well pre-order and get some extras + a beta. If you are worried about the game not being as great as you thought then this is the best opportunity, like stated before you will get to try a beta and if you are not satisfied you can cancel. Hope this helps.

  • @sonic0660 Hello, first I would like to say that I am not telling you what to do. You need to decide if you will pre-order or not. I personally am not going to pre-order this game because even though I love it, it still seems very shallow of a game. I feel that in it's current state, the game can be finished being explored and all factions completed within the first 2 weeks of launch. The game is beautiful and the mechanics are great, but frankly, there is not a lot of depth for a $59.99 purchase. Again, this is only my opinion! I know many people that have already pre-ordered this game. Lastly, I will not pre-order a game until I make sure that the micro-transactions are only for cosmetics... Hope this helps.

  • I'd say it depends on you. I think these games fall apart when people go in expecting it to change their lives. Personally, if hype is under control - i'm down to preorder (unless its EA lol)

  • I pre-ordered today if anything for the cosmetics. Planned to get the game anyway, better to get something out of it for buying early.

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi Thanks to you, I pre-order today :D

    P.S.: I would appreciate a tiny praise for my amazing circles.

  • @jcmdeadpool omg your circles are like concentric rings of Awesomeness!

    And I so glad you ore orderd I would love to play the game some time with you. Just be warned I plan on using some pirate talk lol

    Hope to sail with you some time!

  • @zombie-p1ague Hehe, mate. That would be nice indeed. I would love to be able to do that, but I beginn to have troubles when I have to play a game and speak english (Native german) :D

    But sure, why not. If the Beta doesnt interfer with anything else, we can try to play together.

  • @seizuresac said in Should I Pre-order?:


    I feel like i'm in the same boat... I want to pre-order this game, but there isn't much game play out and there doesn't seem like there is much to do in the game right now. You can do "voyages" aka quests that give you gold and reputation. You can search for buried treasure and claim minor rewards for them. No one is supposed to have an advantage... So their isn't much to acquire in the game other than cosmetics... I'm not trying to harp on the game I want it to be big. I just don't see it. I would like to hear from a developer about this topic. It seems to me that the developers are keeping info from the community or they don't have much of a game. This game releases shortly and i want more info. DEVS PLEASE RESPOND!!!

    This is exactly how i feel, i dont actually understand the "hook" of this game? Sure you can say its fun to just set sail and be a pirate (which it does well), but it wont last.
    Its like Destiny without the loot, or wow without the leveling.
    Compare it to eve, you can be a pirate or you can go out just hunting treasure and safely bringing it back. If the only progression was being able to change the colour of your ship, how many people would still be playing EVE.
    I played Archeage and the sailing in that was fun, but it was always in the aim of gaining power to my character, i don't know how long my atention would be held doing treasure runs for fancy coloured hats.

  • I preordered mine and got the sea of theives controller as well because I must say the game is awesome and beautiful, I had a great time playing the alpha with random pirates. Drinking rum and taking gold! I say it's really up to you the game will still be available to buy when it comes out. I loved playing that's why I preordered.

  • @djm-xr07 I was going to preorder from Amazon who does not charge until you ship.

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