The waters are calm... Too calm for my liking

  • The forums have changed... I've observed a strange phenomenon happen after the complete the forums went through this "cleaning"!

    I surely noticed the change since I usually only checked the tech alpha forums, the pioneer forums, and the insider programme forums. Those, I'm willing to bet, were the forum sections that were used "disproportionately more than others." However, after those sections were made read-only, I've noticed a silence in the forums like never before, it feels to me like an abandoned ghost town from the wild west! Where is everybody? I'm starting to get worried here... Let me know if you're okay, alright?

    On another note: Can anybody explain what it means to be followed the most renown, feared, and reputable pirate on the Sea of Thieves?! To be followed by Captain @KattTruewalker ? The biggest legend of the forums? I must be doing something right when that happened, right? Or is it just me? Someone care to elaborate?

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  • @assassinsking98 You are not alone, I am here with you....

  • @flintlock-flynn oh thank God!

  • @assassinsking98 How did you get a GIF of me....

  • We're all here, my friend. Just waiting.. waiting for the deckhands to leave, for the mother of dragonbots to let down her guard. And then, my friend. Then we will strike. WITH PUGS MUAHAHAHA @DrBullhammer

    (I remember when @KattTruewalker started following me, I thought it was because I had done something wrong and she was gonna keep tabs on me hahaha)

  • @flintlock-flynn I'm gonna do what a certain deckhand does and answer your question with this ;)

  • @erinom3 said in The waters are calm... Too calm for my liking:

    We're all here, my friend. Just waiting.. waiting for the deckhands to leave, for the mother of dragonbots to let down her guard. And then, my friend. Then we will strike. WITH PUGS MUAHAHAHA @DrBullhammer

    (I remember when @KattTruewalker started following me, I thought it was because I had done something wrong and she was gonna keep tabs on me hahaha)

    I'm glad you too are ok, my friend. And hmmm I see your strategy here, make it seem too calm so that they get distracted and then you strike. You'll make a fearsome pirate one day with that strategy!

    I hadn't thought about the Katt matter that way, I'm concerned now...

  • @assassinsking98 According to my gamertag, I am a spectre so I fit very well in the ghost forum... 🙄👻

    Now, I think it is the calm before the storm.
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  • @el-espectro-0 lol good one! But even ghosts can sometimes be heard :D

    Calm before the storm you say? What's this about?

  • @assassinsking98 Who knows?

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  • @assassinsking98
    Yeah, she had me thinking I was a SoT forum delinquent for a while haha. Then I realized that maybe, juuuust maybe, I sometimes say some "good" things, and that's why she followed me :D

    And yes.. that is my strategy.. Let them think that there will be no apugalypse..

  • There is always someone watching....have you any idea how hard it is to NOT post a pug at this point?

  • @bobbles31

    Come to the dark side... you know you want to..

  • Tis the eye of the storm we be in me laddo. The Maelstrom be all around us. Soon enough the closing stormwall shall beat against our prow and back to the salty gales we shall head. Make good the ship while ye be becalmed. Enjoy the gentled breeze while ye can. ;)

  • @drbullhammer
    We must strike back, my friend.

  • And just like that, the topic has gone off rails yet again... Oh well, at least I know the forums are still alive so...

  • @drbullhammer
    I don't know.. what's going on @AssassinsKing98 ?

  • @assassinsking98


    'Tis naught to fear ye scallywag, I was just siftin' through some posts earlier an' yer name appeared an' I be thinkin' to meself - 'Thar goes a worthy pirate wi' some great ideas! I'll follow along o' his posts an' see what else he can come up with ;')

  • @drbullhammer said in The waters are calm... Too calm for my liking:

    @assassinsking98 how is this off topic? We're posting pug pictures just like you asked for. @Erinom3 why does he think we're off topic?
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    Also, @KattTruewalker follows me because I'm amazing. It's true. You can even ask me.

    Simple, I never asked for pug pictures! 😂
    It's fine though, the point is that the waters are no longer as calm as I thought, which is good in my eyes! Here, I'll join you, and retract my previous statement.

  • @katttruewalker said in The waters are calm... Too calm for my liking:



    'Tis naught to fear ye scallywag, I was just siftin' through some posts earlier an' yer name appeared an' I be thinkin' to meself - 'Thar goes a worthy pirate wi' some great ideas! I'll follow along o' his posts an' see what else he can come up with ;')

    Aw shucks! Little ol' me has great ideas? That's good to hear coming from such a famous Cap'n! That has encouraged me to come up with more in the future. Thank ye for yer kind words.

  • So... The second pug invasion returns here?

    Marking the territory
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  • @el-espectro-0 oh indeed. I've seen it happen before on other posts. Never thought I'd have an invasion on one of my own!

  • @el-espectro-0 said in The waters are calm... Too calm for my liking:

    So... The second pug invasion returns here?

    Marking the territory
    alt text

    Shhhhhh hold fire. They're still here tip toes out

    Wait til the coast is clear chuckle

  • @drbullhammer said in The waters are calm... Too calm for my liking:

    @erinom3 the original topic is gone forever.

    But @DrBullhammer I have quoted your own words. You said it yerself!

  • @drbullhammer it seems I've uncovered who's truly behind all these pug posts then... The mastermind is none other than Khaleesibot herself?

  • @drbullhammer @AssassinsKing98


  • Darn it all, and all the pugs had just finally gone to sleep when you had to go and wake them up.

    Can we go back to arguing about which boat is more powerful and the need for safe zones now?

    EDIT: I totally forgot our pressing need to debate crew sizes LOL

  • @drbullhammer Aww... I see you've been visiting the island of Reddit...

  • @erikinthebakery
    Please.. no... no more... :P

    There's quite a few players who just don't want Sea of Thieves to be Sea of Thieves. They want it to be like Sealayerbattlegrounds Unthieves or SeaWorld of Thiefcraft, or Overwatch of Thieves.

  • @erinom3 said in The waters are calm... Too calm for my liking:

    Please.. no... no more... :P

    There's quite a few players who just don't want Sea of Thieves to be Sea of Thieves. They want it to be like Sealayerbattlegrounds Unthieves or SeaWorld of Thiefcraft, or Overwatch of Thieves.

    Sadly those games are all the rage nowadays... A shame really, that they don't see that what they have in front of them is already perfect just the way it is. Although I would like some things to be considered myself... :P

  • @erinom3 said in The waters are calm... Too calm for my liking:

    They want it to be like Sealayerbattlegrounds Unthieves or SeaWorld of Thiefcraft, or Overwatch of Thieves.

    Ah, I SEA what you did there........... (I'll get my coat.....)

  • @erinom3 said in The waters are calm... Too calm for my liking:

    Please.. no... no more... :P

    There's quite a few players who just don't want Sea of Thieves to be Sea of Thieves. They want it to be like Sealayerbattlegrounds Unthieves or SeaWorld of Thiefcraft, or Overwatch of Thieves.

    Dear Rare Employees who shouldn't be reading this because come on folks, take a holiday,

    You have captured lightning in a bottle. Don't let anyone tell you different.


    P.S. Please add magic bottles we can capture lightning in during storms. That would be epic. And let us load them in cannons. With chickens. And snakes. On a plane.

  • @jediknightxiii said in The waters are calm... Too calm for my liking:

    Got it. As soon as Rare comes back, I say a report for animal abuse should be filed. 😂

  • @erikinthebakery said in The waters are calm... Too calm for my liking:

    @erinom3 said in The waters are calm... Too calm for my liking:

    Please.. no... no more... :P

    There's quite a few players who just don't want Sea of Thieves to be Sea of Thieves. They want it to be like Sealayerbattlegrounds Unthieves or SeaWorld of Thiefcraft, or Overwatch of Thieves.

    Dear Rare Employees who shouldn't be reading this because come on folks, take a holiday,

    You have captured lightning in a bottle. Don't let anyone tell you different.


    P.S. Please add magic bottles we can capture lightning in during storms. That would be epic. And let us load them in cannons. With chickens. And snakes. On a plane.

    Btw this lightning in a bottle thing is a great proposal for the potion shop! If it can't be captured at least let me buy it.

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