Presenting…Tales from the Sea of Thieves!

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi ARRR Thanks matey do you think im eligible enough to test

  • @smallishlemur63 I don't unfortunately have the answer to that question, we will have to wait and see though!

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi said in Presenting…Tales from the Sea of Thieves!:

    @smallishlemur63 said in Presenting…Tales from the Sea of Thieves!:

    I would gladly leave my feedback and report bugs if I got the chance to play

    Your chance to play will be coming soon mate! Sometime before the end of the year all eligible insiders will be invited to the Technical Alpha.

    So this is a confirm that players will be getting a Christmas present in December :P
    that being sad if Pre-ordered my self a book cant wait for it come out in 2018

  • @snakeyheadnl Could even be an early Christmas present too depending on when they send the invites!

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi I cant wait :D and if i don't get chosen no problem for me i can wait for
    another invite Good luck to all the players out their

  • good luck hopeing god shall help us all get in

  • This looks great. Going to need this.

  • @khaleesibot

  • I think this book is a great idea would love to get my hands on one. Not only is it about games which I love, but also a tale of pirates!

  • @ex0sypher I'm tempted too

  • @wargrym said in Presenting…Tales from the Sea of Thieves!:

    @knifelife said in Presenting…Tales from the Sea of Thieves!:

    Think im gonna have to do some pirating to get hold of all the new booty they are anouncing! :D

    You'll be needin a crew matey? ;p

    For some reason i never got a notification for this, strange. Little late replybut oh well aha! Yes lets do it, i say we park our ship around back of one of the stores and plunder like the good ole days!

    Surley we cant get in trouble for pirating a pirate art book? Ahahaa

  • @knifelife I guess the mail ship with the notifications was waylaid somehow. Perhaps by pirates? Is all good matey. The forums can be 'quirky' at times ;)

  • hi ggug 6eu t8fc

  • Art of Sea Of Thieves and now Tales. Hope soundtrack will be next in the list of swag to enjoy the pirate universe when I’m not logged in.

  • when can buy sea of thieves when preorder :)

  • im think im bugged :)

  • Amazing! Looking forward to having both. And recipes? Sounds exciting

  • Preordered my autographed copy of Tales from the Sea of Thieves! I'm excited to dive into the lore.

  • I see in the Rare store that it says exclusively signed. Is there any US based store that will have signed copies?

    I see them on amazon, walmart, barnes&noble, and titan books. Will any of those have signature copies?

    The book on rare store is over 50 usd, and it's under 30 on the us based stores.

  • @mubhcaeb78 said in Presenting…Tales from the Sea of Thieves!:

    I see in the Rare store that it says exclusively signed. Is there any US based store that will have signed copies?

    The signed copies are only available on the Rare store. There are no other stores that will carry it, if that changes I'll be sure to update you all!

  • @mubhcaeb78 said in Presenting…Tales from the Sea of Thieves!:

    I see in the Rare store that it says exclusively signed. Is there any US based store that will have signed copies?

    I see them on amazon, walmart, barnes&noble, and titan books. Will any of those have signature copies?

    The book on rare store is over 50 usd, and it's under 30 on the us based stores.

    This was my concern as well. Nearly double the price to have them signed. 😞

  • @perfect-code But you also get a t-shirt too!

  • @musicmee said in Presenting…Tales from the Sea of Thieves!:

    @perfect-code But you also get a t-shirt too!

    Well, there are two options for the lore book. There is the t-shirt-lore book bundle, and there is the lore book by itself. Because I'm also in the U.S, to have the lore book by itself delivered here current currency conversions put the total price to around what was quoted above; nearly double the price. ☹️

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