New player (PS5) looking for a guild

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  • Hi there my friend you’re looking for a crew for sea of thieves correct??? I belong to a group called the Royal British Navy on sea of thieves, we have members from all over the world and have different roles to display your playstyle and a loose RP aspect into the game where you can create a backstory and immerse yourself !!😁😁 We’d love to have you aboard my friend. We are about 260 members strong so there’s always people ready to play!

  • @tstrats05

    Hi there,

    I’m looking for a guild to join, would I be able to join?

    Thanks :)

  • @jrw-redemption of course!!! Add patches05 on discord and I'll get you sorted

  • Hey! I’m somewhat new to the game myself. I just downloaded it on ps5 yesterday but have played on xbox in the past. I never had friends to play with so I never got into it. I would love to party up and play. I’ll add you now

  • Looking to join a guild. I’m on PS5 I understand the game so far. It’s fun takes communication and strategy. My psn is KNK22

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