Might we have Squid on a Stick as a food cooking option?

  • I know, I know this is not a survival game or an RPG for the most part, just for fun I think you should be able to eat your Kraken meat on a stick if you so choose. Alright, back into my gaming hole. Let me know what you think ?

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  • I dont understand why if it works exactly the same, just on a stick.

  • I have good news

    If they ever implement my (and others) request for a bow and bow fishing/hunting this could be added as a feature of the arrow.

    Arrows can easily be used for this.

  • @goldsmen Atmosphere and immersion. @WolfManbush That sounds like a ton of fun .

  • @sairdontis4317 said in Might we have Squid on a Stick as a food cooking option?:

    @goldsmen Atmosphere and immersion. @WolfManbush That sounds like a ton of fun .

    I really cant say i would be more immersed just cause the kraken was on a stick. Definitely not enough to justify putting work into it at least. Unless i can hit people with it or it does something different, i really dont see why.

    If food is the exact same thing in every way but looks different, my brain doesnt really think "hey! this is more fun!" since the time im going to be using it will probably be a bit too hectic for me to really care what model of pixels i just ate if they do the same thing.

  • Someone just published a book of recipes based on SOT. Give it a go for immersion!

  • I think it would be nice to implement Cooking into the Game. It would Improve the Game and expand the Hunter Call. Plus, It already exist in 2 Monkey Island Tall Tales.

  • @selgewick said in Might we have Squid on a Stick as a food cooking option?:

    I think it would be nice to implement Cooking into the Game. It would Improve the Game and expand the Hunter Call. Plus, It already exist in 2 Monkey Island Tall Tales.

    I believe that the MITT deliberately created a proof of concept for a crafting system (which could include cooking).

    As for cooking itself? I'm not against it, but I don't see a particular use for it at the moment. The best option is adding in food buffs, but I don't know if that is a good idea or not.

  • @tybald I was thinking on the lines of fun food variations to both have a bit of enjoyment with and maybe even add some foods that may be seen as somewhat not has appetizing looking, but with maybe an added effect for the exotic or bizarre (fun effect not combat mind you). A play on pirate zaniness from the point of foods they might find and eat on their adventures and travels that "civilized" non-pirate culture might find "odd".

  • @sairdontis4317
    The problem is cooking without extra effects is extra code work for "no point".

  • @tybald Extra non-combat effects ("fun effect not combat mind you) sorry for the typo I should have said effects not effect earlier. What I mean is nothing that would out shine weapons in the game. The effects could matter or not. The point is to add more fun bits to the game. Also, remember clothing and other cosmetics are without effects also and Rare seems to think they have a point as they keep adding them for earning and purchasing.

    They could add a way to earn the "recipe" of making the food with the different look or you would need to be on look out of items to add to the food to make. Again, utility could be an effect also and does not necessarily need be combat focused. I could come up with examples of some non-combat utility effects if you like ?

    Little touches add fun too and don't have to make a huge splash to enhance the game.

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