Serious question

  • Why is it that every time a post so much as says the word "Cheater" the post gets immediately locked with a message about "ThE fOrUmS aRe No PlAcE tO rEpOrT cHeAtErs" by an moderator that's not even a real person, but a badly programmed bot? oh wait, I just answered my own question, because it's a badly programmed bot.

    I'm not trying to "report" anyone, I am going on here and suggesting ways to mitigate the crisis this game has with that type of player.
    But this bot is too poorly programmed to see that.

    Just watch.

  • 17
  • It just depends how a topic is approached.

    Sometimes threads last a while if they think there is room in the thread for a constructive conversation.

    A lot of cheating stuff tends to be venting, leaning into witch hunting, contentious, etc.

    What I often say is don't view forums like twitter. On Twitter (or a platform similar to twitter) people just say whatever and people either pay attention to it or they don't. Forums are gonna have more moderation, The site is the host and we are the guests and they are gonna use discretion based on rules to decide what they think is best. Less wiggle room on forums, more wiggle room on other platforms.

    On forums I wouldn't take it personal and there really is never a point in fighting against it. If you have something to say and don't want it subjected to the discretion involved in forums then it makes sense to use a platform like twitter.

    It's just about choosing what makes the most sense for you. They don't have to host what they don't want to host.

    My personal opinion on it is that they are generally right in how they approach it on the topic of cheating. Nothing good really comes from letting that topic drag on and escalate.

  • @cptgravelord said in Serious question:

    by an moderator that's not even a real person, but a badly programmed bot? oh wait, I just answered my own question, because it's a badly programmed bot.

    They're not bots. They are real people (some of them actually stream) and, aside from some perks, they are mostly unpaid.

    You may not like what they do, but they are simply enforcing the forum rules and community guidelines as laid out by Rare. If you have a problem with how they moderate, you can send in a report to Rare Support.

  • @cptgravelord said in Serious question:

    Why is it that every time a post so much as says the word "Cheater" the post gets immediately locked with a message about "ThE fOrUmS aRe No PlAcE tO rEpOrT cHeAtErs" by an moderator that's not even a real person, but a badly programmed bot? oh wait, I just answered my own question, because it's a badly programmed bot.

    I'm not trying to "report" anyone, I am going on here and suggesting ways to mitigate the crisis this game has with that type of player.
    But this bot is too poorly programmed to see that.

    Just watch.

    Posts about moderator action will also be locked ...

  • Frankly I don't understand this urge to direct issues like this as a "challenge" to the mods in the forum. If you have a genuine concern just try to communicate it and if you have something concrete to report just follow the proper channels through a support ticket.


    Here's a link to submit a ticket with your complaint. Otherwise nice edgelord post there Karen.

    They'll also lock arena threads, why was I banned threads, they let them live a little longer but upgrade safer seas threads get locked too.

    Not that you'll read or reply or learn anything from your topic.

    Good job Mods. Some of us appreciate what y'all have to put up with.

  • I'm watching 👀

    alt text

  • @look-behind-you The day is here dude you have to prove you are not a bot 😉

  • @metal-ravage

  • Bro is calling the mods bots lol. We talk about cheaters here. Yeah you don't have complete freedom of speech here. But consider what this forum would look like if we did. We would have trash posts everywhere.

  • by an moderator that's not even a real person, but a badly programmed bot?

    You never had a conversation with a mod before? They are just following guidelines given to them. Copy and paste answers.

  • @look-behind-you said in Serious question:

    I just noticed this 🤣

  • @metal-ravage BEEP BOOP BEEP

  • @look-behind-you said in Serious question:

    @metal-ravage BEEP BOOP BEEP

    I love how when the "bots" get called out their code suddenly breaks, i think this one needs some maintenance!

  • @goldsmen

    @Look-Behind-You ...

10 de 17