Jumping Groggy

  • I (think I) know the jumping subject is kinda case-sensitive but here it goes, again (like, smthng dffrnt: arena, and adventure mode: wow great idea, modes!😘):

    Make the jump-pumpers - after ×?5 times in a row - groggy, for a moment. Like the IG drunken stupor on rum, that's all 🤡
    And then, when the ship goes down, u betta rdy, u betta be rdy #hic#

    'cos I was reading dusty 6 yr old posts @ this forum about the famous ability "jump".
    They being so very scientific about it: 1000 pages abt maths and what/not they grammar. It made feel woozy.😵‍💫 And most who posted @ it have quit SoT, it seems. So, this is to the none quitters!

    PS: nice pirate name:
    Le$$ "Jumping" Gr0ggy

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  • @vinze88 said:

    It made feel woozy.😵‍💫

    I had the same thought trying to decipher your post...

    If you're asking for a "drunk" effect after jumping 5 consecutive times - no thanks. Jumping isn't meta. Jumping doesn't need to be hindered or nerfed.

    It's less effective in PvP than ENASing. And this sort of effect would make PvE, or even something as simple as traversing an island, unnecessarily woozy.

  • c, I read abt it on Reddit.

    I think players don't really like "the jump spamming". Players don't normally jump like that.
    That's what I'm trying to explain.

    Fact checking ain't the thing: there isn't one. There's no solution.
    And if there was one I'm sure it would've worked flawlessly: no bugs in the drunken mechanic or being attacked by a snake :)

  • @vinze88 There are a number of sections of the game that have platform jumps which would become unnecessarily tedious by changing this.

  • Stop trying to sound cool like my deluded uncle that referred to his nephews as cats and neices as kittens.

    Just say you want to nerf pvp hopping because you have terrible aim amd want to double gun but you have a skill deficit.

    I'm damn near 50. Stop calling me kitten. It's weird.

  • @theblackbellamy I would argue that it's effective couse I belive that it is incresing chance for hit reg issues when shooting to bunny hopper.

  • @ghutar said:

    I would argue that it's effective couse I belive that it is incresing chance for hit reg issues when shooting to bunny hopper.

    Bro in this game, you could get hitregged on someone if they were jumping, standing still, strafing, etc lol. And that same hitreg that robs you of a shot while they're mid air could potentially help you backtrack them if you missed. As it is right now, being drunk doesn't make you any less immune to hitreg. So OP's suggestion wouldn't reduce that chance anyway.

    We've heard from Rare that they were going to work on hitreg in the past. So many times that it eventually felt like an empty promise & turned into a meme. Most Arena regulars could finish the statement, "in areas of intense action..." as if it were our national anthem.

    But Rare did make a point to say it was a focus of theirs in 2024. And since they've delivered on EAC, they have regained a bit of my trust, and so I am hopeful that we'll see some improvements.

    But hitreg is hitreg. A separate problem with separate solutions. Penalizing jumping shouldn't be one of them, as hitreg would still occur in PvP, and it would lead to QoL issues in other situations.

  • @pithyrumble said in Jumping Groggy:

    Stop trying to sound cool like my deluded uncle that referred to his nephews as cats and neices as kittens.

    Just say you want to nerf pvp hopping because you have terrible aim amd want to double gun but you have a skill deficit.

    I'm damn near 50. Stop calling me kitten. It's weird.

    No, my apology? Not all abt PvP.
    I have 20 yrs experience in PvP.
    I think I see it differently. It's experience.

    It's abt the fun of it. Being a pirate.
    Like Jack Sparrow from the movies. He has this kinda walk.
    I thought it would be cool to get xtra side effects within the idea of being a RPG pirate. Like the puking thing. I like this too, and all what RARE brings/gives.

    PS: I'm not english (not my mother language).
    If its the language barrier, what might bring misinterpretations: also my apology for bringing it wrongly like this.
    But believe me: I really try hard not to be offending in anyway. It isn't my intention @ all.

  • @theblackbellamy I meant that X% of folks bunny hops (and sometimes spirall around their axis) to force hit reg problems so it semi effective in pvp. Probably.

    I don't see eny need to change how jumping works right now.

  • I agree.
    Reading everyones posts.
    Jumping shouldn't be nerfed. PvP is good as it is. And jumping (isn't meta) won't save players from falling .

    And the S12 gives more fun tools anyways.

    I can't wait :)

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