Talisman of Great Fortune necklace

  • So the Pirate Lord has a Talisman of Great Fortune pendant around his neck, which got me thinking it'd be cool to have a few more customization options. I don't know about you guys, but I think it'd be cool to have a pendant like that as well.

    This also makes me wonder, what other pirate/ship customizations could be added to this game? What do you guys think of the idea of pendants/necklaces as a cosmetic?

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  • @cyberguardian77 More customizations options there are the better.

    In these forums we have discussed pirate accessories like pendants and necklaces. We have also discussed options to customize parts of the ship, like the lamps and the harpoons.

    With the rings in each hand introduced in the last season it seems the tendency is going towards more customization.

  • Yes more cosmetic options always 😂

  • @metal-ravage I’d love to see more of those options like the ones you just listed as well. Customizing harpoons/lamps on the ship would be amazing!

    But yeah, even before the Talismans could be found in Athena Voyage skeleton forts, I’ve been wanting the pendant the Pirate Lord has.

  • harpoons and lamps.
    after distinction rings/fingerless gloves gets (fixed) worked out a little more, sure. Necklaces and earrings. more bracelets like the well traveled trader gloves.

  • @cyberguardian77

    forgot ship barrels lol. those would be fun to customize too. could soften the blow of interiors not being painted on most ships. it could auto match the hull for the prop barrels, and have custom designs for supplies.

  • Was going to post similar myself
    Would like more customisation boat lamps and jewellery, etc. Wanted the fiery necklace that some NPCs wear since the Ashen/Devils Roar stuff was put in the game.

  • Only if they give us Mr T epic necklace.

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