Back Flipping Over New Features Coming

  • BOOOOOOIIIIII! I am so excited for the features coming in Seasons 12, 13, and 14! Like that double barrel pistol is gonna be so useful, like my skills are gonna improve with it's dual functionality with it being a pistol with 2 shots, and it can also pretty much be a blunderbuss, which is perfect for my close up style! Hopefully they make more versions of it, and by versions I mean designs cuz a mercenary DB pistol would be awesome. I also noticed that with it you have to look down the barrels to get an accurate shot from that barrel, which is a neat feature, but I would like to suggest having the barrels stack vertically cuz I think it would look cleaner and less clunky than the current design with the barrels and the handle looking like a Pixar mom design.

    And the grappling gun looks like so much fun! I know I'm gonna find a way to combo it with my sword and make it basically ODM gear from Attack on Titan, so big pirates be careful.

    I am also very excited for the Flameheart not because you can sail on it, which I'm not gonna do cuz I hate Flameheart and wanna see him at the bottom of the ocean dead, but because it'll be so much fun to fight, like if I can get my full galleon crew to fight it, it'll be a big challenge and a true test of whether my crew works well together, which is a big goal I have for my galleon crew.

    Also, I am making a hard prediction right now: Galleons are gonna take over! Like think about the scatter shot! That thing is a buckshot! Ships like the sloop and brig are going to be overwhelmed with 4 galleon cannons shooting shotgun shells at them, especially the brig cuz that ship can be a bucket of rocks.

    I'm also excited for that Wind Caller cuz now I don't have to row while my heart is beating super fast while a galleon is coming my way cuz I can blow the horn and I'm out!

    Also, I am thinking of multiple strats people are gonna do with that bone caller, and I'm one of them cuz I love it!

    I would talk about the rest of the stuff, but this is already long enough, so tell me what you think of the items, and will you sail on Flameheart's ship or not?

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  • I cant wait till the new ship!!!!!

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