Wow, so that was weird...

  • Poking around the commendations for guilds and such, I stumbled across the Creator Crew stuff. I have streamed. It was GLORIOUS. and weird. I watched myself live from a different screen than I was playing on, (I also have a full keyboard for the first time in I cant remember and it is glorious to be typing 75 wpm again.) that was weird.

    But I streamed for 5 minutes for sails. and my cat officially stepped on my new laptop while I was typing.

  • 5
  • Maybe it will be something that you really enjoy even beyond today.

    The game can always use more content and creators that lean more into the random adventure side of gameplay.

  • @pithyrumble Are you streaming on twitch?

  • Is this back up and running again? It disappeared for ages, I always wanted to finish the commendations but never reached more then a couple of viewers and I can never stream when my full crew is on as we'd be removed from twitch in seconds!!!

  • @qu1etone

    Yeah. I started following the stream prompts on my Xbox and twitch was already there (drops)

    @Tenlo I got the message in game that I had gotten the sails. I didn't go check if they showed up.

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