Season Ten - State of Play Update Part 2!

  • Will the “Fortune’s Favor” commendation progress bug be addressed? I can’t say I’m interested in more Fort of the Damned completions when I should be at 60/60 chests sold.

  • Keep it up with these updates!

    Removing progress from exploiters is another huge W

  • The Guild Leader boards are led by the guilds that use server alliances for days on end of stacking. All reward and no risk just to hunt commendations to top the leader board. They either need their own leader board or have servers reassign ships to a new server say, after 2 hrs. That would put an end to that. Imho

  • @musicmee On another note, seems like a new supply duplication exploit is at play, as well. Players who do this for big rep need only catch a rare fish and multiply it. This can be reviewed by going through the guild's log (e.g 1.000.000 gold+ sold to hunter's call). I only have assumptions as to how this works but will not share publicly, for obvious reasons.

    I don't know whether this is new, but it's something I've only recently noticed. Hope they nip it in the bud.

  • @hiradc well they either scuttle or they wait for you to scuttle or it's simply the bug and none of the ships knows whats going on.

  • Thank you!

  • I'm really curious about what happens to users who exploit the hourglass. Does it only affect the guild's reputation, or do their achievements get wiped out too?

    And is this achievement removal limited to users who've reached level 1000, or does it affect those below 1000 as well? It's actually quite funny to imagine people trying to reach 1000 using the exploit, only to see their achievements vanish. LOL.

    By the way, as an Asian player and someone who enjoys Hourglass, leveling up Hourglass can be quite time-consuming due to the lengthy matchmaking times. It would be greatly appreciated if you could look into this matter.

    Here are a couple of thoughts, aside from the exploits. The players who resort to cheating and hacking are the real headache, man. You can probably guess how challenging it is to deal with them compared to those who just exploit the game. Exploits seem like small fry when you consider the Cheaters/Hackers, seriously! I mean, teleporting, auto-aim, even instant repairs—come on, man. It'd be awesome if these players got more attention.

  • @nex-stargaze said in Season Ten - State of Play Update Part 2!:

    @sonicbob said in Season Ten - State of Play Update Part 2!:
    I wish we could get better and more solidified insight into the servers, because the amount of potential misinformation online is only going to lead to worse speculation and even more ridicule for the development team that they don't need if they're already working so hard as is in the game's current state.

    That. And I would also like to know how much Hourglass (Diving, really) in its current state, contributes (or not) to server load/instability. And if Safer Seas will be on new, additional servers, or if it's gonna share the current servers, increasing the load tenfold.

    But we'll likely never get such intel.

  • You absolute heroes!

  • @defranangelo said in Season Ten - State of Play Update Part 2!:

    I'm really curious about what happens to users who exploit the hourglass. Does it only affect the guild's reputation, or do their achievements get wiped out too?

    I think that if they don't wipe personal pirate progress as well, they are sending a signal that all future exploiting will be treated the same way and it will just get worse next time.

  • Anyone who was on a ship for an extended period of time while performing this exploit, especially for more than one session, should be redbearded.

    That’s the only acceptable response after removing the progress.

  • @fleet-admin said in Season Ten - State of Play Update Part 2!:

    That's cool and all, but please take another look at the state of gunplay. I understand that removing quickswapping was the goal, but you unintentionally nerfed doublegunning for people who didn't even use quickswap. Sprinting is a very needed part of combat, especially when dealing with swords, but the new update punishes you for sprinting. The timer is like twice as long if you try to sprint while swapping guns. Surely there is another solution that removes quickswapping without making the combat overall more clunky.

    Hey - I hit this in my previous post, but the team are working as a priority to remove this newly introduced wield delay after switching weapons and moving. This has added a level of clunkiness into the experience that we're working quickly to remove.

  • @d3adst1ck Yeah.

    They've all done an excellent job, and thanks to their efforts, the game has become even more interesting. The prospects of guilds and a safer sea in the future are truly intriguing. Personally, Me in SEA Server, where Hourglass players are pretty rare, I can't wait for the implementation of an Anti-cheat system and Faster matchmaking; that would be absolutely fantastic!

  • @sally-kraken said in Season Ten - State of Play Update Part 2!:

    So, are the servers just being run on badly outmoded hardware or is the code badly damaged by having to support out of date consoles? Which of these things is going to be changed? I am definitely up for abandoning old console support as they can barely run the game anyway and people should have moved on by now - especially if it limits the game as it does.

    So I can confidently say that neither of these proposals is what is causing our server performance challenges!

    I don't know how many times I'll have to say it but Older Generation Consoles or Lower Spec PC has no impact on the performance of our server.

  • @jackieboombox I have removed your post as it is not relevant to this post. If you wish to leave feedback on commendations and "grinding" aspects etc, feel free to start your own feedback thread on it in under the appropriate category.

  • @mopwieldinghedgehog it was about exploits mate not Grundy, although the reason for grind, exploits etc is to do with the way people try to get around the boredom of it all.
    Appreciate you putting it back in.

  • @sonicbob said in Season Ten - State of Play Update Part 2!:
    While the team have resolved the exploit, the task of addressing the impact will now be taken on by our Player Support team, expect players and guilds who have utilised this exploit to have their progress removed as only the first step...

    It's good to see that you take a strict stance towards players who use exploits and are ready to take away the benefits gained.

    I'm looking forward to what you will introduce regarding the anti-cheat system especially in the area of 3rd party assistants like ESP, because currently you are losing more and more long term players every day and that's a great shame.

    Good luck and strong determination

  • @woodarius said in Season Ten - State of Play Update Part 2!:

    I'm looking forward to what you will introduce regarding the anti-cheat system especially in the area of 3rd party assistants like ESP, because currently you are losing more and more long term players every day and that's a great shame.

    I thought I was the only one looking forward to this. (Online games, whether PvE or PvP) anti cheating system! It's the main and most vital aspect, and I really hope they can prioritize it.

  • @jackgrimm6899 Dang! We have 21 members with about 3/4 active and we've only reached lvl 50. Although, most of us have careers and family obligations so, we can't grind the way the yonger folks do.

  • @druid-chef thats pretty good, I have a guild with 12 members, where 6 are usually active and we are 36 xD

  • @sonicbob @j0toro Can the community team flag this for discussion in the next Podcast?

  • Thanks for the continued communication, it's really appreciated.

    @nex-stargaze said in Season Ten - State of Play Update Part 2!:

    "Microsoft Azure is so bad for a video game server!"

    Discussions about Sea of Thieves running on Microsoft Azure servers has been a topic that has been most concerning to me because it seems like a wild assumption. I have very little solid information about Microsoft Azure, and all I'd like to hear is confirmation if these are the servers Microsoft has provided the team all this time.

    They are Azure servers. There are a HUGE variety of Azure server types, just like Amazon (AWS) has a huge variety.

    It's not at all concerning that they're using Azure, but we don't know what instance types they're using. And we don't need to know. The server hardware does not seem to be the problem (the feature updates etc. seem to be the impact, and throwing more server at it didn't really help, as confirmed by this thread).

    "Azure" does not indicate a specific type of server, just the service. It could be anything from a 2 vCPU tiny RAM VM to an absolute beast of a server that the mere sight of would burn a hole in our wallets.

    Now for a very new rumor I was told about:

    "Sea of Thieves' servers are actually as old as the original Halo servers on Xbox"

    I wish we could get better and more solidified insight into the servers, because the amount of potential misinformation online is only going to lead to worse speculation and even more ridicule for the development team that they don't need if they're already working so hard as is in the game's current state.

    Rare does not owe us their entire tech stack description. This is not something to be normalised (for a variety of reasons).

    The team wants this game to succeed. If they have the levers to pull to make things better, they will. If "better servers" was a viable option, it would have been (or will be) pursued. Unfortunately, as is common, it's going to be much more work than that.

    I've worked at tech companies where leadership did want to just throw bigger servers at the problems. All it did was marginally improve things (not meaningfully) while significantly increasing our costs every other month as we got bigger servers. And then suddenly, there was no bigger server option and we were left with a costly poor-performing service.

    Code, architecture, etc. is usually the core issue, and throwing "more" server at a problem only helps if the system is designed for that to be helpful. Which isn't actually that straightforward.

  • @fox-gr

    Are you defending the exploiters because you are one of them or what?

    If they are SoT lovers, they will never look up for ways to break the game and exploit it, so they just deserve Redbeard (A.K.A Permaban) and GG, good luck trying to exploit the next game they play.

  • @fox-gr

    I respect a player who takes out his curses through Loose Farming much more than an exploiter.

    Anyone who breaks the normal functioning of the game deserves punishment, but none of the glitches seen since the release of HG have been as brutal as this last one. No exploit/glitch to date has allowed players to rush win streaks of 150 in a row.

    I don't care if they are new players, or the most veteran players in the world, for me they should be perma ban and then cry whatever they want, having thought about it before doing it
    You can't compare an invite for free win or a x2 streak with this, both are wrong, but this is something extremely abusive and unfair to all those players who have broken our heads in Hg for hundreds of hours for ONE curse.

    That a player with 15 days of /played can have both curses abusing this exploit is an insult to the rest of us.

    I don't consider any other punishment than perma ban.

  • @mrestiercol

    Well, considering that at least the first 400 guilds in the ledger surely used the exploit because of the broken exp gaining, Rare should permban THOUSANDS of veteran players.

    I can’t see the profit, the majority of players whining on the forum are people that will ditch SoT for COD or other titles, and of course, people that will NEVER admit that are just jealous because they haven’t used this exploit.


  • @fox-gr yeah that's fine. If they're willing to CHOOSE to exploit then it's reasonable that the consequences of that choice are faced.

    If it results in thousands of bans then those bans are all people that shouldn't be on the seas in the first place.

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