We need a vote to kick option.

  • There have been countless times where a griefer has been sent to the brig and has just rubber banded in there to get free gold and reputation from us doing the work. Please add an option to kick people from your crew! Will you ever add this?

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  • No they won't, because it will be abused to prevent players from collecting rewards.

  • They won't add this, because it has too much of a chance for abuse.

    Think about this: You are on a brig playing with a few people. You've just stacked a Veil quest and a FOF. Suddenly, one of your crewmates says "Oh, Jessica's online! Lets get her on board!" Suddenly you are kicked, staring at the main menu screen with a little notification saying "You were kicked from the session."

    All that time, that effort, that loot, all gone in a moment just because your crew wanted to make space for their friend.

    That's just one example of the ways this would be abused. 9 out of 10 times if you brig someone they will leave. If you don't want them to earn gold off of you, start a new session and invite your friend. If you have brigged them and you already have loot on board, then they probably helped get that loot and deserve a share of the gold/glory.

    I get its frustrating. Maybe you had good intentions and had finished a few quests and opened up the roster, or a friend had to leave before you could sell and you don't want to be short-crewed. Suddenly a pirate shows up hurling slurs and firebombs, trying to keg the boat so you brig them and then they just sit there. It's a pain, yeah, but just sell off what you have then and if they don't leave start a new session.

    It's inconvenient, but the possibility for abuse and people being kicked to make spots for their friends on the ships will be used way more than someone sitting in the brig for 2 hours while you continue sailing.

  • Vote to kick becomes vote to mutiny too lol

  • @maximusarael020
    The abuse predictions are theoretical scenarios.
    Open crew trolls are a real thing that's really happening now and would be better solved by being able to kick them.

  • @scheneighnay
    Of course they are theoretical. There aren't actual accounts of that happening because it isn't a function currently in the game.

    Open-crew trolls do exist, and right now there are tools to deal with them. Brig them, and if you have loot sell it off and go start a new session. Or deal with being down one crewmate. If you don't want to sell because you're giving the troll digital gold in a pirate video game, then I think that's more of a personal issue.

    The number of people who get brigged and then hang out in the brig for 3+ hours is very small, and if they do exist it is because the players let them. There's really nothing that should keep the players on one ship for that long. No server is so absolutely compelling that you can't just invite the crew you want to keep and start up a new session, especially now. This server has a FOTD up? Either deal with being one crewmember short, or start a new session and use the Skull of Destiny to start a new one up. FOF has increased in occurrence so it is not that rare anymore. You have to leave a server with a FOF up? Another will be up soon, or just deal with being down one crew member.

    Annoying, sure! A huge problem in the game? No. The potential for abuse for people who are playing the game as is "intended", contributing to the crew, being useful on adventures, etc, to only be bumped because someone's friend joined is far greater than the few trolls who wouldn't mind sitting in a brig for hours at a time.

  • @slayzkian

    as much as I agree with you that griefers need to go with a votekick feature.

    People would abuse it to votekick noobs instead, never serving its intended purpose.

  • @maximusarael020 excellent answer, i support you with an upvote. So true. It could so easily be abused for toxicity like in other games too.

  • @maximusarael020 said in We need a vote to kick option.:

    They won't add this, because it has too much of a chance for abuse.

    Think about this: You are on a brig playing with a few people. You've just stacked a Veil quest and a FOF. Suddenly, one of your crewmates says "Oh, Jessica's online! Lets get her on board!" Suddenly you are kicked, staring at the main menu screen with a little notification saying "You were kicked from the session."

    All that time, that effort, that loot, all gone in a moment just because your crew wanted to make space for their friend.

    That's just one example of the ways this would be abused. 9 out of 10 times if you brig someone they will leave. If you don't want them to earn gold off of you, start a new session and invite your friend. If you have brigged them and you already have loot on board, then they probably helped get that loot and deserve a share of the gold/glory.

    I get its frustrating. Maybe you had good intentions and had finished a few quests and opened up the roster, or a friend had to leave before you could sell and you don't want to be short-crewed. Suddenly a pirate shows up hurling slurs and firebombs, trying to keg the boat so you brig them and then they just sit there. It's a pain, yeah, but just sell off what you have then and if they don't leave start a new session.

    It's inconvenient, but the possibility for abuse and people being kicked to make spots for their friends on the ships will be used way more than someone sitting in the brig for 2 hours while you continue sailing.

    This only kinda makes sense. The thing is, the ability to kick someone would have to be a vote like always. Meaning 2-3 of your crewmates all will want to have to kick you. Which if that is the case, you are playing with the wrong crew. Yes, I see there being the possibility of those 2-3 crewmates all being trolls and kicking the random open crew guy when they are about to sell. A way to improve this is to make a requirement of the player needing to be in the brig for a certain amount of time beforehand. Then any trolls would be giving players a heads up of what's happening by brigging them for so many minutes beforehand (like 10 mins since that is the lazybeard time). Which if that is the case, then they are making the trolls waste 10 mins before they can kick you and sell.
    I personally would love to see the feature to kick someone after they have been brigged for so long, come to captain only ships (and not be able to kick the captain themself). As most trolls use open crew and either their own captained ships, or uncaptained ships, this would be another reason to get a captained ship of your own.

    With both the pros and cons in mind, personally I think kicking someone is worth it.

    (Rare could also put up safe guards by setting a restriction like if there is a certain amount of loot on the ship, you cannot kick someone. Or if a player has been in the session for a certain amount of time, you cannot kick them. Or if the ship hit grade 5 emissary, they cannot kick crewmates. These are just examples which ik have some issues themselves, but there are definitely things that can be done to prevent kicking from being abused)

  • @legion1te said in We need a vote to kick option.:

    @maximusarael020 said in We need a vote to kick option.:

    They won't add this, because it has too much of a chance for abuse.

    Think about this: You are on a brig playing with a few people. You've just stacked a Veil quest and a FOF. Suddenly, one of your crewmates says "Oh, Jessica's online! Lets get her on board!" Suddenly you are kicked, staring at the main menu screen with a little notification saying "You were kicked from the session."

    All that time, that effort, that loot, all gone in a moment just because your crew wanted to make space for their friend.

    That's just one example of the ways this would be abused. 9 out of 10 times if you brig someone they will leave. If you don't want them to earn gold off of you, start a new session and invite your friend. If you have brigged them and you already have loot on board, then they probably helped get that loot and deserve a share of the gold/glory.

    I get its frustrating. Maybe you had good intentions and had finished a few quests and opened up the roster, or a friend had to leave before you could sell and you don't want to be short-crewed. Suddenly a pirate shows up hurling slurs and firebombs, trying to keg the boat so you brig them and then they just sit there. It's a pain, yeah, but just sell off what you have then and if they don't leave start a new session.

    It's inconvenient, but the possibility for abuse and people being kicked to make spots for their friends on the ships will be used way more than someone sitting in the brig for 2 hours while you continue sailing.

    This only kinda makes sense. The thing is, the ability to kick someone would have to be a vote like always. Meaning 2-3 of your crewmates all will want to have to kick you. Which if that is the case, you are playing with the wrong crew. Yes, I see there being the possibility of those 2-3 crewmates all being trolls and kicking the random open crew guy when they are about to sell. A way to improve this is to make a requirement of the player needing to be in the brig for a certain amount of time beforehand. Then any trolls would be giving players a heads up of what's happening by brigging them for so many minutes beforehand (like 10 mins since that is the lazybeard time). Which if that is the case, then they are making the trolls waste 10 mins before they can kick you and sell.
    I personally would love to see the feature to kick someone after they have been brigged for so long, come to captain only ships (and not be able to kick the captain themself). As most trolls use open crew and either their own captained ships, or uncaptained ships, this would be another reason to get a captained ship of your own.

    With both the pros and cons in mind, personally I think kicking someone is worth it.

    (Rare could also put up safe guards by setting a restriction like if there is a certain amount of loot on the ship, you cannot kick someone. Or if a player has been in the session for a certain amount of time, you cannot kick them. Or if the ship hit grade 5 emissary, they cannot kick crewmates. These are just examples which ik have some issues themselves, but there are definitely things that can be done to prevent kicking from being abused)

    Those aren't bad ideas. I fear, given the player-base, that it would still be abused far too much of the time.

    I think in general the issues people have with Open-Crew and wanting to kick other players off of their boats come from how poor an experience it is to try to find a crew that has the same goals as the other members. I've long argued for a better Open Crew system, with selected "Preferences" that will help to minimize trolls as well as people popping in, staying a brief moment, then popping out. Preferences could be things like Tall Tales, World Events, Hourglass, Fishing, Emissary (and under Emissary you can select which emissary you would like to represent). This would help like-minded crews get together better and I believe you would find fewer trolls and less contention amongst open-crew crews.

    Yes of course there is always Discord and LFG on Xbox, but for many, especially newer pirates, I think it would be beneficial to have some sort of preference system to match crewmates.

  • I can guaranty this isn't happening, we already got crews who troll by locking newly joined players in the brig. Imagine the abuse if given the ability to outright remove someone 😒

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