It needs said and I need a new game

  • So I have been playing sea of thieves for a bit now and I love the game, however the reason I enjoy the game so much is because I play at a time where nobody else plays so I get to enjoy the sheer joy of sailing across a beautiful sea as if I was really on a boat, without worry of some random person robbing me
    And yet I still get robbed
    I see so many posts saying
    "Oh it's a pirate game your supposed to get robbed"
    "It's part of the game so why not?"
    Or something along those lines
    To put it simply
    Most of the reason a lot of these people complain about "being robbed" is the fact that there is no other game like sea of thieves that is first person, costs Nothing to sail you ship across the sea or repair it when ever something does happen, and just, for lack of a better word
    If you can find me a first person sailing game as good as sea of thieves visually and as relaxing then I will be deeply grateful
    Otherwise I fully support a lot of people who complain that they can't enjoy a amazing game because it's for some reason been restricted to multi-player only, witch i personally is just stupid since removing the multi-player and making a solo version would likely be just as good since the skeleton ships provide enemy's to deal with already(although I have them spawn on top of me sometimes witch I find a little odd)
    If anyone can find me a first person sailing game as good as sea of thieves then I will be quite grateful, being sunk after long hours of fighting captains and collecting loot because player killers decided to sink you sloop with there larger ship and never gave up chasing
    It does to some degree the fun out of a awesome game
    I don't want to hear anything about what I have already mentioned
    It needed said
    And I'm looking for games similar to sea of thieves that are just a good and less Frustrating for people who don't enjoy multi-player since it can feel very unfair much of the time
    There is a reason not every gamer plays pvp and plays pve instead

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  • I've heard of a Steam game called Sailwind as an option. There is also Salt 2, which is essentially a Single Player sailing game but with crafting. If you feel like playing something more "well-known" you could try Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker if that suits your fancy. If you have Minecraft Java Edition, you could create a 1.12.2 world with a custom user-made map that's all about rowing your boat across the seas.

  • @nex-stargaze Windwake is an amazing game, definitely recommend.

  • You could create your own role play world in the shores of gold

    hardly anyone goes out there, you'll rarely be bothered

    you can live out there and fish and explore and "travel to town" so the speak to deliver at sea posts and do some light treasure gather and deliver at galleon's grave or morrows

    You could genuinely create your own game within the game if you wanted to and it would minimize player interactions.

    It's a beautiful area to live

    alt text

  • @kingxenobug

  • First thing, for those who post "git gud", "you're supposed to get robbed", and just generally making posts that don't add anything constructive to the conversation in the thread, here's what you do. Click on their username, and click the "Block User" button. They are single-minded naysayers and are gatekeeping Sea of Thieves for their preferred style of gameplay. Once they are blocked, you will not see their posts in the forum any more. I've got a handful of them blocked, and the forums are a much easier to read experience. I highly recommend it. It makes for a much better forum for your mental health. I'm surprised that PvE folks bother arguing their point of how they want to play, with the PvP naysayers.

    Now that that's out of the way, if you play the game to relax, like I do, you have to lean hard into the Zen of the Sea. When you play, play the way that you want, and enjoy the experience. Remember, there is nothing in Sea of Thieves that is real. You've never really earn anything, you just spend your precious time doing something that you enjoy.
    I play solo. I've been playing since before launch. I enjoy battles with phantoms, skellies, megs, kraken, and ocean crawlers. I enjoy sailing, fishing, cooking, and exploring islands. I complete Tall Tales. I like to "find" quest parchments and complete them. I do not emissary. I'm not going to draw that kind of attention to myself. I'm never carrying a lot of loot. I may never be a Pirate Legend, but I do make progress and earn some cosmetics, slowly, just by playing and enjoying myself.
    You have to understand that you can lose everything at any moment. You never really had anything to begin with. It is just a game. When I encounter the homicidal sociopaths, I basically practice passive resistance. I remove what gives them satisfaction. Take the wind out of their sails, so to speak. Don't run. Don't try to explain that you're friendly. You only feed their sociopathy. I'll raise my sail, and maybe draw my sword. Go ahead. Sink my ship. Gun me down. Steal my loot. None of it matters. You can always do it again.
    Whether you play PvE or PVP, t the end of the day, when you're done playing and leave the game, you're back to what you started with...Nothing but, hopefully, time well spent.

    I find it odd how aggressive people will become to earn nothing.

    It's definitely more nuanced than what I'm saying poorly, but you shouldn't let the homicidal ruin your experience. Make the experience your own within the limited parameters that you're given.
    Don't let them run you off of the Sea of Thieves.

    P.S. - I reiterate that I highly recommend blocking the nonconstructive users here in the forum. Don't give them satisfaction.

  • There’s Atlas, which has PvP and PvE servers. It’s a ship-sea-land based game with building and taming of creatures. Then there’s the upcoming Skull and Crossbones, which looks good.

  • This is similar to what gets posted all the time in EVE Online. They have this really great space game, nothing compares, so it draws in people who love space games. But it is hardcore OW PvP which those people don't want.

    The paradox is that OW games that don't have PvP don't survive because people burn through the content so fast and then move on. The risk adds difficulty which makes the content last longer.

  • @kingxenobug all multi player games are that way

  • @kingxenobug I feel you on this one bro, the devs are hardstuck on this tho and have locked the thread with anything to do with balance. The PVP playerbase itself will never side with anyone looking to escape into this beautiful world. I tried playing today, the first time in years since i quit after getting pirate legend, and again was reminded why i stayed away. I suppose venting frustrations is now falling on deaf ears, something that we deal with in our day to day lives already lol. I hope another developer will capitalize on this failure and make us an adventure game that can rival the beauty of this one.

  • There is nothing like Sea of Thieves on the market.

  • There's a lot of money on the table for the first AA or AAA studio to basically copy Sea of Thieves but make it entirely PvE and release it on all platforms. I'm actually surprised none of the big companies have really attempted it yet.

    Salt 2 is a decent alternative but it currently lacks co-op. Being a small indie studio, they also don't really have the resources to deliver the same amount of quality, even if they are really dedicated. But I do recommend trying it out, it has some cool ideas.

  • @realstyli said in It needs said and I need a new game:

    There's a lot of money on the table for the first AA or AAA studio to basically copy Sea of Thieves but make it entirely PvE and release it on all platforms. I'm actually surprised none of the big companies have really attempted it yet.

    Salt 2 is a decent alternative but it currently lacks co-op. Being a small indie studio, they also don't really have the resources to deliver the same amount of quality, even if they are really dedicated. But I do recommend trying it out, it has some cool ideas.

    No money in it. Rare didn't push SoT to be so pvp heavy in popularity they profited from the people deciding that's what they wanted to see. Most of the streamers and partners leaning more pvp than pve comes from what people want to view.

    A pve game won't have that. People aren't going to watch pve in a game like this long term. There isn't random thrill long term in pve, people lose interest more with boredom than they do frustration.

    Also, a big part of this game was stealth plays and recording people's hot mics. This game had a lot of social things between pvp and pve that made it what it is.

    Small games sure, but big money for a game like this with pve only isn't a reality.

    If there was money in it there would already be multiple competitors.

    Rare even has the cheesecake factory out back of alliance servers buying emporium items, they got this niche experience locked down big time until they end the game. (Which is an option for op, lots of people in alliance servers for the same struggles)

  • @wolfmanbush I also think that whenever paid private servers come, this will help alleviate a lot of people's issues, too. They will be able to freely sail around and do PvE, but won't get gold/exp or severely lessened.

  • @valor-omega said in It needs said and I need a new game:

    @wolfmanbush I also think that whenever paid private servers come, this will help alleviate a lot of people's issues, too. They will be able to freely sail around and do PvE, but won't get gold/exp or severely lessened.

    it'll help pvp as well (in theory)
    events for non partners
    people looking to improve in better conditions

    lots of potential by bringing this outside of partner control/connection

  • @wolfmanbush Yeah, I think it would be cool to set up coordinated fleet battles (2v2s, 3v3s), which would honestly also make for awesome and official modes for Sea of Bones.

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