A simple pirates respect.

  • Lately i have found my self at outposts with another crew for any number of reasons, be it they showed up after me, i found my self turning in, or they sunk me when i didnt realize and we end up having a chat (oddly specific, i know). Something i have found my self compelled to do when i find my self in these situations is buying some supplies and giving them to the other crew for their journey.

    I know this is a lot like the "karma crate" idea, but it feels more active and personal. Something i propose is, in those moments outside of action at outposts, to those who have the spare gold and the will to do so, gift forward some supplies when you can! It seems to be a way to brighten the day for other crews, and if it becomes popular then it could become a nice informal gesture to come to the seas.

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  • Goes to buy supplies for then, blundie in the back lol

    I just supply crate it onto the dock if I end session at a post.

  • @pithyrumble said in A simple pirates respect.:

    Goes to buy supplies for then, blundie in the back lol

    I just supply crate it onto the dock if I end session at a post.

    So far i have yet to be betrayed after doing this. Im sure it will happen, but most people seem really happy to have an extra boost of free supplies.

  • Just three days ago I went to an outpost with a ship already docked there with the idea of leaving them some supply crates before I logged out.

    As soon as I stepped on board with a crate they scuttled. Never even saw where they were.

    This game just teaches you to often expect the worst from others I guess.

  • @liberance My guess is they were server hopping, crashed, or just checking stuff in the legend tavern.

  • Honestly, I wish the seas weren't so stupidly toxic, the second I see a sail in the distance regardless of my destination I usually just turn to avoid, the fact the game is so aggro with everyone makes it hard to find friendly pirates.

  • @liberance said in A simple pirates respect.:

    Just three days ago I went to an outpost with a ship already docked there with the idea of leaving them some supply crates before I logged out.

    As soon as I stepped on board with a crate they scuttled. Never even saw where they were.

    This game just teaches you to often expect the worst from others I guess.

    Or perhaps they had finished playing for the day.

  • @vahnkiljoy

    But it also makes it all the more special.

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