Sovereign harpoons totally broken

  • Greetings-

    With the latest release, the Sovereign harpoons are totally broken. When you put the platform down and attempt to shoot the harpoons at your boat, the rope now has a hitbox. That means you cannot target treasure on your boat, the harpoon just stops when it hits the hitbox of the rope.

    In addition, if you attempt to grab treasure off the platform onto your boat, the platform itself now seems to have a hitbox, blocking the harpoon from hitting anything on the platform.

    I've repeated this test at several outposts and on several servers.

    These changes make selling treasure at the Sovereigns completely broken, and it really needs to get fixed ASAP.

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  • What about with the platform up?

  • I had a heck of a time yesterday with the harpoons. Plunder didn't work at all. The others work if I park the boat to either side of the tent and shoot with the outside harpoon, then turn and drop the loot. So opposite of how I used to use it. If the platform is up it locks onto that all the time. And also it makes a horrible noise when I am standing at or near the harpoon/platform.

  • So cruel to give us a easy and fast way of selling AND THEN TAKE IT AWAY!!

    Super annoying bug but hopefully it's easy to fix...

  • The harpoon also turns all the way to the left when fired.

  • This still appears to be an issue. I've totally stopped playing since it makes selling too painful to make it worthwhile. I'm shocked more people aren't complaining about this.

    Does anyone have a video of how to quickly harpoon loot from your boat at the Sovereigns without hitting this problem? Having to rotate the harpoon for every piece of treasure is not a sufficient workaround, since that requires way too much user input when you're dealing with 150+ pieces of loot.

  • @fuzznick8343 said in Sovereign harpoons totally broken:

    This still appears to be an issue. I've totally stopped playing since it makes selling too painful to make it worthwhile. I'm shocked more people aren't complaining about this.

    Does anyone have a video of how to quickly harpoon loot from your boat at the Sovereigns without hitting this problem? Having to rotate the harpoon for every piece of treasure is not a sufficient workaround, since that requires way too much user input when you're dealing with 150+ pieces of loot.

    My crew just drops loot off the bowsprit onto the dock, we barely used the harpoon even when it was functional.

    It's definitely an issue but it's overdramatic to say the game is unplayable without a feature that's only existed a few months.

  • @scheneighnay I don't believe it's overdramatic to state that the harpoon bug makes the game unplayable. I've stopped doing Merchant runs altogether, and won't play until this is fixed.

    You're welcome to check receipts for this month or last:
    1 damao818 32,103,660
    2 Fuzznick8343 25,942,599

  • Hey.... you guys remember before season 7? When you to take everything to a separate person...

    Selling at sovereigns even without your harpoon is still easy as pie. It's no worse than selling at merchants directly since you like doing merchant runs. Heck, selling to merchants is a little closer depending on how you park.

    Jeez you're gonna hate turning in Reaper.

    Definitely needs to be fixed. Agreed a bit dramatic.

  • Having the loot on a rowboat and dock it to the tower is even faster than useing harpoons anyway.

  • I also want to report that this is a really game breaking experience and I hope that it will be fixed with the next update/patch.

    However I would like to give a couple of tips to everybody struggling with this glitch atm.

    Docking the rowboat to the sovereign platform is a legit way to sell your stuff, but if you want to utilize the fastest way to sell in the current situation follow these steps.

    Please keep in mind, that you want to angle your ship in a 90 degree angle towards the sovereign platform with every ship type. If you for example hit the platform on a 45 degree angle there is the possibility that the physics weird out on you wich pushes your ship away from the platform.


    1. Place all the loot you want to sell at the very tip ow your bowsprit.
    2. Approach the sovereign platform from the same side you dock the rowboat.
    3. Slowly sail forward and position your ship in a way that the tip of the bowsprit is over the small steps close to the sovereign vendor.
    4. Leave a bit of sail down to be set in position or anchor the ship.
    5. Drop the loot on the sovereign platform and start selling.
    6. (Optionally) Turn the ship 180 degrees to make emergency bailing easier.

    Keep in mind that some sovereign platforms are lower than others. Plunder Outpost and Morrows Peak for example are low. Therefore the above mentioned steps are not a problem to execute.

    However on the higher platforms you will run into problems, because the bowsprit of the sloop is barely higher than the edge of the platform. Therefore you want to follow these steps.

    1. Follow all the steps mentioned above up to point 4.
    2. When your ship touches the platform drop the anchor and run do one of the harpoons.
    3. Harpoon the edge of the platform and carefully hold the ship in place till the anchor is dropped.
    4. Now slowly easy the harpoon by letting off the left trigger (controller) while slowly tapping it. You want to easy the ship off the platform as slow as possible.
    5. As soon as you feel that the ship has stopped moving backwards let off the harpoon.
    6. Follow point 5 and 6 from the instructions above.

    Brig and Galleon

    There are two deviations from the instructions used for the sloop. Follow the steps laid down for the Sloop and adjust the following.

    1. Place your loot in the upper quarter of the bowsprit but not the tip.
    2. Approach the sovereign platform from the side that you ship is facing down the long pier towards the island.

    The reason is, that the bowsprit of the Brig and Galleon is too long\high to be able to place the loot on the steps. Additionally there is a chance to joink your ship of the platform or into the sky if the bowsprit hits the sovereign tent.

    I hope that this can help some players who still want to sell to the sovereigns in a somewhat quick manner.

  • If they are broken they usually work at one angle. Move them around until they work and let them stick to the sea. Now sloooowly move your ship over :)

    Discovered that yesterday and clipped it :)

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