Advantages to Captaincy

  • Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that the Captaincy thingy is where you own your own ship, purchased with gold.

    My question is, what are the advantages of owning your own ship? I think the answers are going to be that you can decorate it and get more types of missions, but I thought I’d ask anyway.

    Regarding making your own ship look pretty, will the new look spawn with your ship each time you spawn in? Is the owned ship forever, even if sunk?

    Oh, are there any disadvantages to owning a ship?

    Many thanks. 👍

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  • for a new player it helps with longevity

    something we didn't have earlier on were our stats for motivation

    then they gave us some of our stats on the overview page and it helped keep many of us motivated

    now new players have milestones, so much of your activity is being documented for you, it helps a lot over time for many people.

    and if you pvp now there is all this new stuff for season 8 that is the same design.

  • The main advantage is that it gives you access to use the Sovereigns, which is a one stop sell all faction which auto sorts your loot to ensure you get maximum value (e.g. you will get emissary multipliers for loot sold matching your current emissary flag and regular pricing for everything else). There is no downside to using them at all, and it makes selling a ship full of loot take a fraction of the time it used to take. The only con is that it doesn't work for Reapers and they still have to sell at the hideout.

    Once you buy a ship, it's yours forever no matter how many times it sinks. You can set the cosmetics permanently (for a fee) or configure them each session just like a regular ship. Each ship has it's own milestone set, so they'll unlock different cosmetics based on how you use them.

    There aren't really any downsides to owning a ship, unless I guess you are a completionist at which point you'll just get frustrated with the number of trinket unlocks and the absurd numbers you need to get them, but I would advise against bothering with that.

  • 1- You can save ship cosmetics, so you no longer have to deal with that particular bit of atrocious UI.

    2- Captain voyages, you can buy like 100 of em and store them on your ship. Great for if you need just that little bit of extra emisarry value.

    3- You can buy supplies from the shipwright.

    4- You can name your ship and call it what you've always wanted to call it.

    5- You can sell to the sovereigns, which is fantastic as it really cuts down on your sale time.

    6- You get access to milestones, which is a glorified stat tracker. Take it or leave it i guess...

    7- It's a money sink... kinda a pro and a con tbh.

    8- Damage carries over to each session, until you pay to repair it.

    9- People can look through their spyglass and see a banner with your ships name on it.

    10- You can name yourself Cpt (Insert name here) and have it actually be true now.

    All in all, captaincy gets a 7/10 for me.

  • @cpt-redmane, @WolfManbush, @D3ADST1CK

    Many thanks for the awesome responses. I really do appreciate it. I think I saw a sloop costs 250k gold. I best pull my finger out. Only 180k to go. 🤣

  • @pumpa-cat said in Advantages to Captaincy:

    Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that the Captaincy thingy is where you own your own ship, purchased with gold.

    My question is, what are the advantages of owning your own ship? I think the answers are going to be that you can decorate it and get more types of missions, but I thought I’d ask anyway.

    Regarding making your own ship look pretty, will the new look spawn with your ship each time you spawn in? Is the owned ship forever, even if sunk?

    Oh, are there any disadvantages to owning a ship?

    Many thanks. 👍

    Another big advantage is you can do some of the voyages in a short time. There are days that I work 12-14 hours. So its nice to be able to come home, and complete voyages in a very short time(sometimes in under 10 minutes) I can pop up an emissary flag, and make some good gold in less than an hour.

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