Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked"

  • @pirateryang

    No. Learn to keep your distance...

  • @pirateryang said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":


    There is scant historical evidence that pirates would attack other pirates. In fact, most would go out of their way to avoid attacking other pirates. If you attacked other pirates, you were essentially attacking an incredibly well-armed ship, and you run the risk of losing a lot of your crew. It was much better to forge an alliance.

    Although, I suppose maybe some pirates in this game could be described as 'modern muggers' i.e. looking for an easy target and running away at the smallest risk of a threat.

    But yeah. The whole "pirates attacking pirates" didn't really happen. Not saying it didn't happen, but it was so incredibly rare. Stop using it as an excuse to attack others. Just be honest and say that your whole aim is to ruin somebody's day.

    Not trying to sound rude here, but that statement is not a good argument. Pirates never fought Ghost ships, Phantom Forts, Skeletons, mermaids, etc.... So should they get rid of all that stuff out of the game as well?

  • I disagree some people enjoy open world pvp and don't want to do hg with cheats

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