Ship lantern skins

  • What do you think about adding to the game different type of skins for the lanterns in the ships?

  • 13
  • yeah

    and when saving works let people save their light colors

    good for quality of life and good for production

  • @wolfmanbush said in Ship lantern skins:


    and when saving works let people save their light colors

    good for quality of life and good for production

    That would be abused for the FOTD.

    If lantern colors do save across sessions the flame needs to be unable to be retrieved from the lantern. At best, it could be replaced.

  • @coffeelight5545 said in Ship lantern skins:

    @wolfmanbush said in Ship lantern skins:


    and when saving works let people save their light colors

    good for quality of life and good for production

    That would be abused for the FOTD.

    If lantern colors do save across sessions the flame needs to be unable to be retrieved from the lantern. At best, it could be replaced.

    "abuse fotd"

    an organic ship might be more incentivized to do a fotd which helps organic production

    meanwhile alliances have lights locked down and make 50 million+ a month, without the risk

    it's time people stop putting the weight on organic play and acting like they are the ones that are "abusing" the system

    this does nothing to amplify cheesing it literally just gives a perk and incentive for random ships on random servers as well as the quality of life of design

    They still need to complete the event that isn't competitive in loot compared to other current athena activities, they still have to be subjected to an imbalanced risk/reward scenario to cash it in.

    or keep putting the weight on organic play and keep having dead content like fotd has been for a LONG time.

    This isn't even incentive to do multiple, people will find a ritual skull and they won't have to go chase down lighting and pvp after they have already gathered it, it's incentive to do 1 when the time is right, not stacking, not cheesing, just doing 1. Which is a whole lot better than the none that most people do in the current environment.

  • Yes! thats all that can be said, just, yes!

  • Yes, absolutely yes! I felt I would’ve been a perfect addition for captaincy and was disappointed we didn’t get it. Especially disappointed that most of the Captaincy cosmetics are limited to the cabin.

  • @ninja-naranja said in Ship lantern skins:

    Yes, absolutely yes! I felt I would’ve been a perfect addition for captaincy and was disappointed we didn’t get it. Especially disappointed that most of the Captaincy cosmetics are limited to the cabin.

    Im sure captaincy is only the start of things! It feels like just a first iteration of new ship customization.

  • @goldsmen my bet is now that rare added some customization, they won’t revisit it for another couple years.

  • I noticed that the lanterns used on the spanish seaforts are bigger models of the exact ones we use on our ships. I've also noticed they have a broken version of them, I'd love that for my ghost ship.

    The model is in the game, just needs a slight scale adjustment and were good!

  • @wolfmanbush Let's be real though, organic or not, it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things - the ability to have lantern colors save would be pretty neat. Maybe they could limit it to where only 1 color could be SAVED onto the ship, and separate colors would need to be put on normally.

  • @valor-omega said in Ship lantern skins:

    @wolfmanbush Let's be real though, organic or not, it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things - the ability to have lantern colors save would be pretty neat. Maybe they could limit it to where only 1 color could be SAVED onto the ship, and separate colors would need to be put on normally.

    Letting people save all colors is a no damage feature.

    They implement these huge game changing features that harm risk/reward and people get excited for the convenience and ignore the sacrifice to the environment but when it comes to these no damage quality of life additions that also incentivize organic production that is when people are pushing risk/reward balance.

    Should be the opposite, the small, no damage, quality of life stuff should be supported and the big deal features that interfere in combat and amplify actual killing of significance should receive the push back.

  • @wolfmanbush I definitely get where you're coming from, for sure. Tbh the colors aren't hard to get, so keeping their acquisition as they are wouldn't be horrible. But new lantern designs on their own 100% need to be a future captaincy addition. I'd really also like to see different sail designs, that we can use (think V-cut to any sails).

  • @felieppe said in Ship lantern skins:

    What do you think about adding to the game different type of skins for the lanterns in the ships?


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