Season7 is trash... Because of skull & bones?

  • Season7 has 14 weeks left according to in game season progress page. So november 24th should be the launch of season8. Skull & bones releases November 8th. Perhaps Rare is actually a little scared of the competition so they left a small team working on captaincy while the majority of the devs were focused on a bigger update to try and compete with an actual competing game release.

    Thats me trying to make excuses as to why this update is so poorly thought out and buggy as hell. Is that they were more concerned with a larger update and this one was kinda rushed out the door. Which would explain why there are so many bugs and other lacking bits of this update. [mod edit]

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  • @roborob-r66y Show me on the doll exactly where Sea of Thieves hurt you.

  • @roborob-r66y you can’t even board ships in skull and bones, at least not in first person. If you like immersive pirate games then sea of thieves is for you. If you want assassins creed black flag 2 then maybe you should play skull and bones. Skull and bones is going to be more npc oriented in terms of a crew but SoT is still more immersive for a group of friends on the same crew…

  • @roborob-r66y Anything experienced in Insiders is STILL under NDA regardless of release (or not) to Retail.

  • Captaincy is overall fine in design, the requirements mixed with super ticking off some of the most dedicated pirates on the seas by doing what they did about stats is the issue.

    They could easily get things on track by bringing down some of the extreme requirements, bringing back vet stats and incorporating what I call "legacy" stats into the book which would not count towards captaincy unlockables but would be recorded. Add overall gold made.

    Largely everyone would be fine after these changes imo and it wouldn't harm anything they intended.

    This is still a very fixable situation and one where everyone can still mostly get what they want.

  • @wolfmanbush Totally agree and am surprised at the direction that was taken followed by the "shut up and eat it" approach taken here in response to what are very legitimate issues in a game where progression is 100% "what did you do".

    Captaincy very much has some teething problems, which is expected given it's social impact on the game which could never be tested, but hopefully a civil and respectful feedback loop with both Rare and community participating can produce some satisfactory results. Or we can all just keep playing as before but with named ships, better voyage selection, and loot sales cheesing and ignore the new progression system and trinkets.

  • Longer reach than Lennox Lewis

  • @sn0kanon said in Season7 is trash... Because of skull & bones?:

    @wolfmanbush Totally agree and am surprised at the direction that was taken followed by the "shut up and eat it" approach taken here in response to what are very legitimate issues in a game where progression is 100% "what did you do".

    Captaincy very much has some teething problems, which is expected given it's social impact on the game which could never be tested, but hopefully a civil and respectful feedback loop with both Rare and community participating can produce some satisfactory results. Or we can all just keep playing as before but with named ships, better voyage selection, and loot sales cheesing and ignore the new progression system and trinkets.

    If an adventurer that has been out there for 2, 3, or 4 years and has done many many things looks in their captain's log and sees that they sunk thousands of ships and encountered hundreds of megs and killed 50 krakens and did 75 fotd's and other stats a lot of this goes away

    if people look at the requirements and think "well that's gonna take a while but it's reasonable, I'll grind it out" a lot of this goes away

    This is no way harms their intent which is to create more long term activity.

    The more everything matters and is documented the higher quality the immersion is. Many people will become motivated to sail once again if a lot of what they have done has become documented. Not many want to become a leaf in the wind, they want a legacy, they want to be remembered, they want their story shared so it lives on after them.

    Deliver on this and longevity blossoms

  • @sn0kanon said in Season7 is trash... Because of skull & bones?:

    Totally agree and am surprised at the direction that was taken followed by the "shut up and eat it" approach taken here in response to what are very legitimate issues in a game where progression is 100% "what did you do".

    It has came off as a harsh take it or leave it offering honestly. Which is a shame, as most of us love this game and want what is best for the community, which includes vested pirates with many real world days in game. Especially mentioning OG Pirates, We are mostly a resource at the devs disposal. Something to think about.

  • I'm pretty sure Skull & Bones is releasing Nov. 8th so that all the bad reviews get drowned out by the hype machine following God of War Ragnarok which comes out on the 9th.

  • Yeah... they were laughing so hard it took a month to catch up. It needed to go live so they could find the actual bugs.

    Is Rare worried? Nah.

  • Trust me, Skull and Bones is not gonna be a threat to our pirate paradise anytime soon.

    Also, this guy joined a day ago and has just used his time to slander Season Seven. I think he just had a bad Day 1 and wants everyone to hear every negative thing about the game to try and “make the devs listen to me”. Don’t let him get to you

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