Legacy Achievements on Xbox

  • Now that the arena is gone, the related achievements are unachievable and the game cannot be 100% completed by anyone that hadn’t done them (0.08% of players).
    This issue was addressed on steam and the achievements were removed, on Xbox however the issue still stands and writing (Legacy) next to the achievements doesn’t help for players trying to 100% complete the game.
    I understand that the players who completed these achievements should still be acknowledged and keeping this in mind I have several ideas that would solve the issue and keep everyone happy. (The 0.08% who have them and the 99.92% that don’t.)

    1. Remove the achievements, the players who completed them would still keep the related cosmetics and titles and hence keep their progress and status.

    2. Keep the achievements and unlock them for everyone that hasn’t got them unlocked. (Without rewarding all players the cosmetics and titles) Keeping the status of those who have completed them. (gears of war 5 recently did this with great success)

    3. Change the criteria for the achievements allowing them to still be completed in game. Eg. Win 100 arena battles OR do something else equally as difficult. This could be implemented without the cosmetics just so us achievement hunters can get the achievement ticked off.

    4. Reinstate the arena so players still have the opportunity to complete all the achievements, whether this be permanent or as an event held on a certain time basis.

    At the end of the day, achievements that cannot be achieved aren’t really achievements, the fact that the game can no longer be 100% completed on Xbox is a deterrent for achievement hunters and new players alike. Only 8 in 10000 players have these achievements, and 99.92% of us are playing a game we can’t officially complete.
    This was addressed on steam, so please do is the same courtesy on Xbox.

    Yours sincerely, a Sailor of the Sea of Thieves.

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  • Remove the achievements, the players who completed them would still keep the related cosmetics and titles and hence keep their progress and status.

    Only reasonable one.

  • @gottasmokebro Rare made their decision. The legacy marker is what they decided. Sorry I just don't see them changing it.

  • @burnbacon agreed

  • nothing about this experience is clean and perfect, in that it seems fitting to me

    cosmetics that some will never have a chance to get, shrouded ghost that some will never see

    seems like the kind of game to me where everyone ends up missing out on something that matters to them. Something every pirate has in common.

  • @captain-coel I think Rare are quite open to suggestions and ideas, I’m sorry you think they’re so closed minded that they’d dismiss a suggestion based off the assumption “they’ve made their decision”

  • @gottasmokebro They posted about the issue and then later made a statement that what they decided was final and that they were not going to revisit it.

  • @captain-coel link to statement?

  • @gottasmokebro https://www.seaofthieves.com/community/forums/topic/145614/closing-the-arena

  • @captain-coel seems bizarre they’d remove the achievements for steam but legacy the achievements on Xbox, it sets 2 different standards

  • @gottasmokebro I'm betting for steam it had to do with platform rules.

  • @captain-coel I’m hoping they change it still, achievements are designed to be achievable. The only games on Xbox that you can’t get achievements for anymore are dead 360 games with retired multiplayer, it’d be a shame for SoT to fit in a category with games like those.

  • @captain-coel the same platform rules should apply for Xbox

  • And I’m sure Rare is aware of the support of these changes, there are even game news articles published in regards to this.

  • @gottasmokebro said in Legacy Achievements on Xbox:

    @captain-coel seems bizarre they’d remove the achievements for steam but legacy the achievements on Xbox, it sets 2 different standards

    They researched it and it wasn't possible on XBOX matey.

    I'll also address idea 4 from your original post:
    You can't just re-open arena for a number of different reasons:

    1. They said that every change to adventure meant a need to also change arena as it's the same world. There are a few new updates since March, which would mean a lot of work
    2. This would need to be done every time they opened arena back up...
    3. Which they would have to do, as there would always be new pirates getting hung up on locked achievements that they couldn't earn anymore.
  • @gottasmokebro said in Legacy Achievements on Xbox:

    @captain-coel I’m hoping they change it still, achievements are designed to be achievable. The only games on Xbox that you can’t get achievements for anymore are dead 360 games with retired multiplayer, it’d be a shame for SoT to fit in a category with games like those.

    That is completely false, there are as many if not more Xbox One games (and a few Series games) that also have discontinued/"legacy" achievements. Most are from servers going offline, others having broken achievements that were never fixed. And there are even a few that were in the same boat (pun intended) whereas they discontinued an update of the game (like Arena) and in turn made those associated achievements unobtainable - World of Tanks being the prime example of this. And that game is an ongoing live service game with a healthy population, just like Sea of Thieves. Then some games gave DLC that becomes de-listed along with the game, yet the physical versions are still out there...but those people can't get 100% either if they came along too late.

    Hard-core achievement hunters are an EXTREMELY small portion of the Xbox community, at least those with the compulsion to get 100%. You are not owed all the achievements in any game and there was time to get those that aren't there anymore. Microsoft keeps all the achievements visible and it quite frankly is a more accurate system than that of Steam - if you didn't get all of them when available then you do not deserve yo get 100% in a game....because you didn't get it. And Microsoft had their achievement system in place well before Steam or any other platform, why should they copy others when they were first?

  • @sshteeve if it’s not possible to remove, it is possible to award the achievement to all players as it’s been done on Gears 5 for Xbox matey

  • @dlchief58 if you want to talk about extremely low proportions, 0.08% of players have all the “legacy” achievements, and you’re also comparing SoT to a Free-To-Play pay-to-win game, which isn’t exactly a compliment to the team at Rare

  • @gottasmokebro said in Legacy Achievements on Xbox:

    @sshteeve if it’s not possible to remove, it is possible to award the achievement to all players as it’s been done on Gears 5 for Xbox matey

    True, but you answered why they wouldn't do this in your next reply to someone else - how do you think the 0.08% of players who got those achievements will feel if they no longer show any real validation in having been achieved?
    Gears 5 is slightly different, as I imagine their online achievements that were changed would have seen much higher % of completion.

  • @sshteeve they would retain the cosmetics and titles related to the acheievements, whereas nobody else would, and they’d feel no different from the players on steam where if an achievement can’t be achieved it’s not an achievement

  • @sshteeve if you read the article you would also see that gears gave people that had completed the achievement additional rewards per achievement when they gave the achievements to everyone

  • @gottasmokebro no need for the double ping matey.
    You asked a question, there was a link above to the official response from Rare, plus a pretty spot-on response from dlCHIEF.

    My last word on the matter is actually a quote from J0toro:
    "After thorough investigation, we were unable to find a fair and elegant way to repurpose the Arena-centric achievements for use in Sea of Thieves’ sandbox Adventure mode. We were unwilling to compromise in a way that would disrespect the efforts of players who fully met the original criteria, so alongside retiring The Arena as a game mode, we will also be retiring the accompanying achievements"
    They made it clear that they do not wish to de-value the hard work of those who played Arena by awarding the achievement wholescale as a compromise. They also make it clearly that there is no good way to repurpose them.

    Just because one other game did something and GameRant did a piece doesn't make it the way to do something.


  • @gottasmokebro said in Legacy Achievements on Xbox:

    @dlchief58 if you want to talk about extremely low proportions, 0.08% of players have all the “legacy” achievements, and you’re also comparing SoT to a Free-To-Play pay-to-win game, which isn’t exactly a compliment to the team at Rare

    And what is the relevancy of your response? I think you proved my point right there in terms of low proportions - no one was playing Arena, hence its cancellation, so very few would have gotten those achievements anyway as you demonstrated while failing to dismiss my points. I gave you the most valid comparison to this situation with World of Tanks (and you pitiful attempt to dismiss it falls flat because everything you wrote is irrelevant to the situation at hand) in that it is a current game, still has a large playerbase, is Live Service game, adds achievements all the time, and discontinued several (War Stories) which were part of an update (as Arena was) that shut down. Your opinion of it makes no difference and does not refute that pretty much the exact thing happened there...not just "dead 360 games with retired multiplayer" as you ignorantly claimed.

    If you didn't get the achievements, then you do not deserve a "100%" on your card because you in fact do NOT have 100% in the game.

  • Ahoy!

    The decisions around The Arena, its cosmetics, commendations, and achievements have been made and are final.

    Arena cosmetics, commendations and achievements were made for The Arena and will be retired alongside it. There are no plans to change this.

    Dropping anchor here.

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