Apply Sail Cuts and Tears to all owned items

  • Simple idea huge improvement:

    Once you buy and unlock a set of sails, its cut/tear pattern should be unlocked and you can apply it on all sails.


    I've unlocked the Dark Adventurer Sails but I love the Dark Warsmith Sail pattern, I should be able to hoist the colors of the Dark Warsmith Sail while having the cut of the Dark Adventurer Sail.

    Any cuts should only be unlocked if you own the respective sail with the cut itself.

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  • What so special about the DA sails. Besides the ugly V cut. It doesn’t do anything the game doesn’t provide.

    Can’t see? Raise sail just a hair. Or use your crew. Nothing more alarming then hearing “captain! Rock/Keg!”

  • @burnbacon said in Apply Sail Cuts and Tears to all owned items:

    What so special about the DA sails. Besides the ugly V cut. It doesn’t do anything the game doesn’t provide.

    Can’t see? Raise sail just a hair. Or use your crew. Nothing more alarming then hearing “captain! Rock/Keg!”

    The fact that you have to even make those suggestions is proof that the DA sails provide a distinct advantage (mostly on the Brig and Gally). The translation of your suggestion is: go slower or rely on your crewmates.

    Being able to achieve the maximum speed with improved visibility and no reliance on crewmates is an advantage. It's not disputable.

    Regarding OPs, idea. I do feel that there should be multiple options of "cut style" that can be applied to the majority of sails without really impacting the design. I've suggested as much before and will upvote similar suggestions without question.

    Allow for a "standard" square cut, a "lightly tattered" cut like the inky kraken sails, a "heavily tattered cut" like the venomous kraken sails, a v-cut like the DA sails..and I'm sure there could be more.

  • @burnbacon said in Apply Sail Cuts and Tears to all owned items:

    What so special about the DA sails. Besides the ugly V cut. It doesn’t do anything the game doesn’t provide.

    I kinda does, it makes navigating way more easier because of that V cut. Thats why everyone uses it over raising sails and losing wind.

    Can’t see? Raise sail just a hair. Or use your crew. Nothing more alarming then hearing “captain! Rock/Keg!”

    You have to raise sails quite a bit on the gallion to actualy see & be comparable to the DA sails, and you lose some wind because of that too.
    With these sails you don't need to raise sails & less coms either on not to hit every rock on the way, allowing crews to spend their time somewere else on the ship.

  • @cpt-sockmonster said:

    With these sails you don't need to raise sails & less coms either on not to hit every rock on the way, allowing crews to spend their time somewere else on the ship.

    If the only thing stopping you from hitting every rock along the way is DA sails, there's something fundamentally wrong with the way you're operating a ship lol.

    Imo, the advantage they provide is there, but it is minimal, and only useful in PvP during certain chase situations. If you're doing everything else right, they shouldn't impact your performance significantly.

    In the other thread, the OP referred to them as a "luxury," and I think this describes them more accurately. It's nice, but it really isn't essential.

    @capt-soul-beard said:

    Once you buy and unlock a set of sails, its cut/tear pattern should be unlocked and you can apply it on all sails.

    I feel like Rare has a lot on their plate. Idk how much dev time this would need, and I'd rather they just work on other things.

    That said, I do think we need more cosmetics. I'd like to see other v-cut variants, as well as other new sail designs.

  • Allowing certain cuts on sails ruins the intended design or style on many of the sails, particularly the cultural ones. They have those cuts for a reason, and changing them would be an insult to said cultures. Do you want another Fue-Man-Chu incident? The last thing I want is for more cosmetics to be removed because of stupid decisions.

    The DA sails are incredibly expensive, and the cut is a minor reward for the price paid, but if you give pirates the option to use the cut on all of the other sails, you'll diminish the importance of the DA sails, as well as all of the other cuts, which will never get used even if this idea gets implemented, due to the perceived advantages the DA sails cut gives. You'll actually start seeing more variety of sails, but not for the cuts. In essence, any pirate not using the cut will instantly be at a disadvantage, no matter how small. At least now, it's earned.

    Personally, I think the DA sails cut needs to be reduced.

  • Horrible idea. Boo this person.

  • @capt-soul-beard lol I have given up on this forum ppl still insist DA sails cut is not an advantage yet they start making excuses for your suggestion to implement it on any sail...

    Should be noted the people complaining about your addition also are all Xbox players where the servers are far less cutthroat than on PC ones. Came to realize the culture of the game on Xbox vs PC is so beyond different.

  • @nitroxien said in Apply Sail Cuts and Tears to all owned items:

    @capt-soul-beard lol I have given up on this forum ppl still insist DA sails cut is not an advantage yet they start making excuses for your suggestion to implement it on any sail...

    Should be noted the people complaining about your addition also are all Xbox players where the servers are far less cutthroat than on PC ones. Came to realize the culture of the game on Xbox vs PC is so beyond different.

    I'm honestly confused, it makes sailing much more comfortable, I can sail with any sail but for those who say it provides no advantages are just wrong. While my crew is in combat in a galleon fight they can focus on shooting while I can comfortably see forwards without moving from the wheel, while other sails I need to either waste my time raising it a bit or move down the ladder a short distance to see, for those who say this is a minor problem clearly don't understand the precious few seconds this wastes which could turn the tide of battle.

    People just like getting mad and hate improvement it seems.

  • @nitroxien said in Apply Sail Cuts and Tears to all owned items:

    lol I have given up on this forum ppl still insist DA sails cut is not an advantage

    Most people don't think it's not an advantage they just think it's not a big enough advantage to warrant the complaints.

  • @nitroxien said:

    Should be noted the people complaining about your addition also are all Xbox players where the servers are far less cutthroat than on PC ones.

    I play with controller on PC, and even before PC, I always played in cross-play. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    The reason I suggested Rare just adds more v-cut variants is because it seems easier than creating a new sail design system. Less work for them. There's stuff they should be focusing on improving, which hasn't even made it on their plate yet (as per their roadmap). I would think someone who is as involved in PvP would feel the same.

    Though it doesn't surprise me that someone who thinks it takes 45 min to complete a ghost fleet voyage also places so much importance on a fairly negligible buff.

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