Game Glitches and Crashes since last SoT Update

  • I could really use your help! I've tried everything and nothing works!
    Before the last update came out the game worked perfectly fine, no errors, glitches or GPU overheating.
    Now however, whenever I set foot on an Island the game starts to freak out and then crashes with the windows message saying: "Video driver crashed and was reset! Make sure your video drivers are up to date. Exiting..."

    My drivers are all up to date, I tried downgrading which only resulted in a BSOD. (Made sure no old ones were there either)
    Uninstalled and redownloaded the game, turned all the settings down and nothing works!
    I tried to contact the support but it just leads to a Microsoft website that says I should contact the SoT-Support or check the forums. But none of the forum posts were really able to help me.

    My Specs:
    CPU: 12th Gen Intel Core i7-12700K
    RAM: 32GB
    GPU: AMD Radeon R9 390 (Yes, I know its old but it worked perfectly fine before the update and every other game works just fine!)

    Does anyone have an idea what it could be?

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  • @kittykins2959
    🧐 I don't have something about crashing, but I do have a support ticket about a drop in performance that may be related.

    Rare is aware of a drop in performance for a small subset of players and are actively investigating improvements to this which will be rolled out for all players in a future update so keep an eye on their social channels for any news.

    Though in-case this issue is not related, and as there are only have limited troubleshooting for your issue, please try the following in the meantime:

    • When you enter Windows, ensure that you are using a Microsoft account and not a local Windows account.
    • Reverify the integrity of your local game files. To do this, right click Sea of Thieves from your steam list and select properties. Then from the local files tab click 'Verify integrity of local game files'.
    • Please ensure that Sea of Thieves is using your desired graphics device through your graphics application software (such as Geforce Experience or the Nvidia Control Panel).

    • Could you try setting the default graphics settings profile used by Sea of Thieves via your graphical application software to the lowest values possible and then launch the game. Once in the main menu, also change your graphical settings to the lowest values and try to enter gameplay.
      • Then once in-game, try increasing all graphics options to your desired performance. Does also switching to different modes such as Windowed mode in the main menu make a difference?
      • Please also try completely remove your graphics drivers and installing them to the latest versions. It may also be worth using software which is available to ensure that these files are completely removed.

    Other system and Windows checks:

    • Disabling any overlays applied to Sea of Thieves (such as Discord, Afterburner etc. - you may keep essential overlays open if needed: Steam, Xbox Game bar etc).
    • Closing any unnecessary background processes while running Sea of Thieves
    • Checking if Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware software is affecting the performance of Sea of Thieves and adding the game executable and its folder on exclusion list.
    • Disabling CPU and GPU overclock (or lowering OC to a stable setting and using correct RAM profile/timings in Bios).
    • Please also disable any 3rd party software which may be causing any conflicts with Sea of Thieves (such as MSI afterburner). You can also boot Windows in Clean mode (which prevents 3rd party software from loading when booting) to see if you can then access the game. To do this:

  • @kittykins2959
    Have you tried changing the graphics settings in the game or changing the graphics card settings? In order to write to technical support, you need to enter your email address and password in the appropriate windows. If you enter a login, you will be redirected back to the site.

  • @ixxxoloff Yup, I tried that. I got into the support screen here on the site and whenever I click the dropdown menu to pick the topic, it asks for my microsoft account. I logged in and then got redirected to the microsoft support site where there was one link for the SoT support and the other to the forum. I tried clicking the support which then brought me back to where I started and trying it again just looped me back to the microsoft site that had the option to ask the SoT-Support or check the forums. It just keeps looping me whenever I try to create a ticket. (Tried a different browser where I had the same issue)

    I tried the graphics settings but none of those worked unfortunately 😥

  • @aribalam Unfortunately no luck there, I tried all of the steps and nothing worked 😢

  • @kittykins2959 Are you playing on Steam?

    There is apparently an issue that crops up for some on Steam and AMD cards which involves the Steam shader caches and turning them off has helped some.

  • @triheadedmonkey Nope, I bought the game on the Microsoft Store 🙁

  • @kittykins2959 Have you tried resetting the 'App Data'?

    Go to 'Settings', then 'Apps', find and click on Sea of Thieves, click on 'Advanced Options' and then click on 'Reset'.

    alt text

    alt text

    Might not work as you have said you have already uninstalled/reinstalled but worth a try.

  • @triheadedmonkey I did that and now it's giving me the "connect to the internet" error 😂

  • @kittykins2959 🤦‍♂️

    I have seen there have been some Xbox Live Issues on Twitter today, so hopefully that error is related and the original one is sorted!

  • @triheadedmonkey I hope so too. I feel like I'm running out of options at this point. I'll wait it out and see if it'll let me connect later to test if it worked 😅

  • 1.Have you upgraded any hardware on your pc such as buying a new cooling system, cpu, or Ram?
    2. Sometimes they recommend to amen exceptions for this game in your antivirus.
    3. Have you tried searching in you pc in the start menu for CMD in admin mode, then type "CHKDSK c:" or "CHKDSK /SCAN" Without the quotations. (The "c" is referring to the drive the game is located so if it's in drive F, then it would be CHKDSK f:). This will check and repair issues that may be present in the drive that the game is located in
    4. Some people have been reporting that a software called "Nahimic services" is causing issues with their games. It is a 3rd party audio software program that is used to optimize game audio for gaming purposes, downloaded by your motherboard provider. Pros and Cons to disabling it:

    Pros is that it is known to be incompatible with multiple other pc hardware devices, games, and sound systems. Also causes high CPU and RAM issues. Cons in disabling it is that it helps maximize sounds and boost bass and other sound applications and may affect speakers (If speakers are too loud it may damage them. Can't uninstall it, but that's ok just need to shut it down. go to your pc search box, type services, find the nahimic services and disable it. If issues arrives you can always activate it again. This service is NOT an audio driver, it only enhances the audio driver you may have.

    The choice is yours in reference to #4, I disabled it and have gotten no such issues since then, but don't take my word for it, your case might be different.

  • @red0demon0 said in Game Glitches and Crashes since last SoT Update:

    1. Have you tried searching in you pc in the start menu for CMD in admin mode, then type "CHKDSK /c" Without the quotations. (The /c is referring to the drive the game is located so if it's in drive F, then it would be CHKDSK /f). This will check and repair issues that may be present in the drive that the game is located in

    This is wrong. /C and /F are parameters which change the operation of chkdsk, and are not drive selection. To do that, you'd use the drive letter followed by colon.

    chkdsk c:

    It's probably easier to just run it from the drive properties in the UI.

  • Since the last week I too have an NVIDIA system I have these serious problems. The game becomes unplayable ... when loading zones or elements. I tried everything, nothing worked. I used to play without problems! The lagg of FPS occurs in the loading of islands, ships, players, ... the PING goes to the stars, and the Frames are lowered a lot making it all unplayable. The further you go without restarting the game, the worse this thing gets and happens more often. Please RARE, solve.

  • @triheadedmonkey I think that did the trick! I was able to play for 2 hours without any problems! I just have to wait until my friends can play so I can really put it to the test. But playing solo going on islands, sailing through storms and doing forts have been no problem at all.

  • @kittykins2959 🤞 Hopefully it is sorted and you are back on the Seas!!

  • @triheadedmonkey Bad news, it happened again 😩 It worked fine when I sailed solo for 2 hours. Now I'm playing with a friend, one hour in all good. Then we do a sea-fort and as soon as it gets to the wave with the sirens it freaks and crashes again. 😭

  • I gave up 😐Absolutely nothing worked and I've come to the conclusion that there might be something wrong with my GPU. Luckily my Boyfriend had a spare 970gtx lying around that I could use and after playing for like 4+ Hours there have been no issues.

  • @KittyKins2959 is it still happening? I just crashed 3 times in a row, the game is literally unplayable, I also get stutters and lag spikes...

  • @mogyesz2706 Not anymore. But that is because I switched out the AMD for an NVIDIA one. No matter what I tried nothing worked. The NVIDIA one works without a hitch

  • I had the same kind of crash. After almost 3 hours of stacking and reaching emissary level 5 , I decided to call it a day. Almost reaching the outpost the games freezes and after 3 seconds it closes, without even giving an error code. Uninstalled SoT and cancelled game pass, which I was only using to play this waste of a game. [mod edit]

  • @zargran Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.

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