Do you think arena will ever come back?

  • Arena has been gone for a while, and many people wants the game mode to come back. Do you think rare will ever do a step to bring back arena? I know that only a few people played arena but they could have fixed the hitreg or maybe rework the entire game mode to something else. The removal of the arena was a mistake at the begining in my opinion but I think its still not to late to bring it back or maybe even rework it. What do you guys think?

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  • @zefroxn I think it's highly unlikely it ever comes back, I'd say it's significantly more likely Rare improves the general pvp experience in adventure and potentially adds in ways to get more pvp when you want it in adventure rather than splitting it off into a separate game mode.

  • Don't think so

    at some point they might try to give adventure pvp a push but it won't be as successful as reaper.

    everyone acts like they just wanna pvp but what shows through tales and content is that people actually want a hunt and ambush where the other crew gathered the loot and they entered the hunt with low risk and investment, that's what the activity actually shows.

    I think if custom servers ever take off it'll open up potential for competitive pvp (if the servers ever improve) but adventure pvp isn't going to change imo even if it gets a push.

  • Don't think so unfortunately however I expect more PVP elements added to adventure (perhaps the return of Sea Dogs?) and I expect a lot of fun PVP to come from custom servers. I know I plan to do some naval 1 on 1 battles with friends in custom server when they get properly integrated.

  • many people wants the game mode to come back.

    Havnt seen that many people saying they cared or want it back. But that just me and the Xbox players I run into.

    As for “would they”. No as it was a broken project and caused more bugs for adventure.

    (Kind of like how Warzone and vanguard broke Cold War and CoD)

  • nope, I wish they added an invite only 1v1 ship battle option though.

  • I can very much assure you I don't want it back.

  • @zefroxn A while? It's been like 6 weeks. And no its not coming back

  • No. No. No.

  • @zefroxn

    They cut Arena's Achilles' Tendon at launch.

    They put it out of their misery...

  • I and many people i know would love a new iteration of arena / something more focused on the tdm side of things or even another fresh semi "competitive" game mode down the line, but only if they extensively redesigned it and learned from past mistakes.

    I'd think it would be possible to make it "more" compatible with future updates and less of a headache to maintain if they made something from the ground up - the real question is if they are willing to spend the resources on something like this - it honestly doesn't seam very likely.

    Im not a huge fan of the current state of pvp in adventure - i feel like there is too much "downtime" with the time waisted waiting to find people (really hope they increase the ship cap back soon at the very least), boring constant server/portal hopping, chasing runners who don't fight back... I hope this will be improved upon.

    Without a doubt though the annoyingly common rubberbanding and hitreg etc. would need to be fixed first.

  • i don't think it will come back, there were several issues with it as well...Long loading times , no more talking in the lobbies because people mostly couldn't behave their speech and a change of playstyle that not everybody liked ... It had Great potential but we have to look in our own Hearts and admit that we made it silent to play...

    There were 2 percent of the Pirates playing this option , but from the day it was announced it would stop , many Pirates realized that they would miss their "quick" SOT , pvp / ship to ship battle , version... As they old saying once said : " You suddenly realize the value of something from the moment it's gone"...

  • Its dead jim. It will never come back. They don’t have the team large enough or the money to focus on both.

  • I doubt it will be back. The game was designed with PvEvP in mind. Something like PvP arena is only essentially 20% of the game. It was designed with PvE in mind a pure PvP experience would be boring. You really need the threat of PvE for any sustainability or longevity. You will absolutely get bored of purely pvp. A sword swinging simulator at that point

  • Yes, I do, call it a hunch. It will be reworked, but I feel like we'll see something again someday.

  • Let's hope not

  • No, Im pretty sure they will turn the sea dogs tavern into an outpost though

  • @zefroxn

    I can say with absolute certainty, the Arena will never return. The reason being is people had a chance to keep it going, and they didn't. 90% of people played adventure because there was more to do and more rewarding. It's only now that it's gone are people willing to play it. It's the classic case of 'you don't know what you have until you've lost it'. Rare should of done more to make it more rewarding, and enjoyable to play, but perhaps they saw the numbers and decided against it.

  • Nope, unfortunately.

  • Personally, I think the only hope we have is, if not rare, but someone else will bring it back.

    Rare has had problems with PvP from the beginning and they have always struggled with it. In a recent podcast, Joe Neate hinted at the potential of them including an external company to help them fix PvP in Adventure. I think, the only hope we have for Arena is that magically, they would find such a company and they would really revolutionize the PvP in the game and with them doing such a good job, Rare could pay them to develop something like Arena again.

    However, I think this is really far fetched. Only thing we can do is take the L for now.

  • @zefroxn arena is gone for good, the focus for development has been reshifted to adventure because that is what sea of thieves is all about at its core

    hit reg wasnt arena specific and due to the low player counts pretty soon after arena's release the spending on development for arena couldnt be warranted.

    and the sheer work to keep arena working whil the rest of the game was moving forward was too much of a burden on the development of the game that it was ultimately decided that it got shut down

  • Honestly, all they had to fix was the capability to launch a closed crew boat. Cause then you had scouts solo hopping into lobbies, and then you'd sit there forever til a game started. That was half the reason arena died.

    Of they wanna fix it. Make it open crew only, but keep the ability to create a roster before you launch, so people can bring their friends in first and fill in the gaps later.

  • They had so many options available to them to make a great PVP game modes. 1v1, 2v2, Capture the Flag/Chest and a ton of other typical PVP focused variants that would be COMPLETELY UNIQUE to any other experience of any other game. Arena was absolutely garbage when it could have been great. It was always so bare-bones, uninspired, and felt dated all the way up until it was closed.

  • They couldn't be bothered to keep Sloop arena even though it was alive and well (you could actually get a game). Why do you think people like that would be bothered to bring arena back?

  • Hi all!

    All decisions around the Arena and its closure are final and will not be reversed.
    You can read more information about it here.

    Dropping anchor here.


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