Is A Pirate's Life Continuing with Two more Storylines?

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    feedbackstory & lore
  • @impymidna2303 I hope not

  • Honest opinion?

    I hope not.

    The entire APL story just felt like a SoT story with Jack Sparrow plastered over it. I've seen some of the movies and really couldn't make a connection.

    I'd much rather focus on some more game-changing stuff than another way of trying to drag players into the game

  • @impymidna2303
    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that the crossover is a crossover both ways. Jack Sparrow was in Sea of Thieves' story, but Sea of Thieves was also in the PotC story. So, the cliffhanger of lore is not for PotC to return to SoT, only to set up a future PotC story (I think).

    I loved the A Pirate's Life tall tales, but anything more would be overdoing it. I'd like to see Silent Mary in the Emporium, though.

  • Well we don’t know how many more but we do know it’s confirmed that they are coming back at some point in the future from one of the podcasts I believe

    And to everyone who said they should focus on sot understandable but having a fresh story that focuses on both is nice plus the tall tales gave us new mechanics some lore teases for the future and much more so who knows what may happen we didn’t even think it would happen but it did.

    It’s rare after all they could be making so many different things right now and for all we know things may change and become even better then we’ve imagined so just wait and see

  • @the-bomb-45tyle Those same mechanics being added can be brought in via content you actually want to replay. How often have you done the pirates life tall tales in the last 6 months?

  • @captain-coel I understand that and I also understand That people may not want another pirates life and such but understand that this is rares game as well and many people will have different opinions

    Pirates life is good in my opinion and having a similar thing in the future would be good with Jack coming back but here’s something you didn’t think

    When he comes back imagine he helps us get rid of flamehearts didn’t think of that did ya

    It doesn’t have to be pirates life again it can have jack and there crew be apart of it but doesn’t need to be the pirates story but still be sot related imagine pirates life being a introduction to Jack being in the game that’s more or less what it is and again rare seems to have stuff planned out in advance so who knows maybe they already have Jack coming back in season 14 or something idk we will see

  • @captain-coel oh and I’ve done pirates life pretty often actually I really like the last three tall tales they are my favourite the first I do ever so often or mainly when helping others out same with the second but I still enjoy them a lot even the original tall tales I’m very much a story person when it comes to this game

  • @the-bomb-45tyle I've done every tale, listened to all the podcasts. Im going to be choosing flameheart over the pirate lord.

    I disliked the Pirates Life tall tales.
    I am glad Golden Sands was besieged, I am hoping it never recovers.
    I am hoping that the seas run red in the future twists and turns.

  • @captain-coel well here’s something you’ve not seen pirates life isn’t actually just pirates it’s more sot then you think it had jack but listen to how it works

    Davy Jones and the dark brethren works for the capn

    They are trying to take over the sea of thieves and such

    Jack pops in to stop it after finding out about the trinket he has and lands on the ferry of the dammed

    The tall tales end up being apart of that you go save jack to gain some extra hands he gets thrown over board

    After you do that you got deal with the siren queen and the kraken

    Then you ho save jack again through yes the ride which is more of a big influence of pirates

    But it has tons of stuff sot related as well such as in the tavern and things

    After that you find the dark brethren and deal with them setting up a encounter with the capn for the future

    And the final nail in the coffin you head to defeat Davy Jones and get rid of the capns biggest pawn in his plan

    We are delaying a war

    And maybe soon we will see both the capn and flame heart fight each other so maybe you will get to join flameheart fight the guy ever though of that

    Also flameheart is a cool character and I want more of him in the game through tall tales and story but do you want constant stuff with him because other wise it means his story is over faster

    Why not give the story some time to become bigger and better mate

    Cause now that pirates is canon as they confirmed we will be seeing more whether we like it or not so soon enough we will be seeing it again not for awhile though

    But I will always welcome it

  • @captain-coel this is the end of the conversation though because we both have our views and understanding of the game and I get your point and agree on some things but not everything

    But whatever happens this game is still fun and I love it to bits and everyone is allowed to play how they want to play so stay safe and hope your time on the seas are wonderful happy reaping

  • @the-bomb-45tyle oh I want people to have fun, don't get me wrong and it's not all spent reaping. Recently it's been alot of just doing what we want and mixing pve and pvp.

    I just dislike tall tales. They are excellent conveyors of story but they add little to actual gameplay loop. I would just rather see the loop worked on than one off branches that we will never do again.

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