giant whirlpool

  • imagine a giant whirlpool in the middle of the storm... entering the storm is bad enough, but imagine a giant whirlpool together, with a skeleton galleon fighting with you

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  • @szenn1 sure! Whirlpool would be interesting, and could be used to bait unwary chasers.

  • I hate the storm in this game so much that if I could I would remove it without a second thought.

  • So basically you're just asking for the Pirates of the Caribbean fight between the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman? :P

  • @TargasBR I hate it too, I don't like it, the rudder goes crazy, the holes appear, it's crazy, but occasional giant whirlpools would be nice to see hahaha

  • @aerotsune something like that :D

  • DUDE I'd be overjoyed to see a whirlpool in the game!

    The more chaotic and dangerous the weather, the more I'm like "YEEEAAH!"

    • Icebergs/Glaciers (Drifting chunks of ice which can knock holes in a ship)
    • Freezing water (If a ship is anchored near a cold island long enough, walkable ice forms around it and makes it harder to get moving again)
    • Whirlpools (Sucks ships in doing HUGE damage if it reaches the center)
    • Hurricanes (Pushing sailors down with wind gusts, rolling ships, snapping masts if the sails are down)
    • Tsunami (Water drops around an island, revealing treasure and fish flopping in the muck, then crashes in doing damage to players and ships alike)

    We already have 3 great hazards:

    • Morning/Evening Fog (This gives us a reason to use the crow's nest!)
    • Tropical Storms (LIGHTNING, SON)
    • Volcano Eruptions (AAAAAAA-)

    I have complete faith that, like with traps and puzzels, Rare can make more things to challenge players than skeleton variants and Kraken breath-mints :)

    Merry Christmas, ya scrozzled wazzoks :D
    Let's Go Rare B)
    -drops mic-

  • The gravity well of the sea!

  • Yes please.

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