I want to hit other pirates with what I have in my hands

  • There's been a few times where I find myself repairing or swing something in the middle of a battle and it takes me a second to get to another weapon. I kind of want the option to hit someone with whatever I have in my hands. There's been a few times where I have panic banjo'd...I am not sure how I managed that but...I would love to clobber people with it if it happens again. Anything can and should be a weapon if given the chance. #DeathByBanjo!

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  • @almtychcknpoo said in I want to hit other pirates with what I have in my hands:

    There's been a few times where I find myself repairing or swing something in the middle of a battle and it takes me a second to get to another weapon.

    Doing* not swing

  • This title is so intense I read it in Tyler Durden's voice

  • Insert Monty Python fish slappy gif thing here.......

  • Someone mentioned this before. Think his idea was being able to hit people with the shuvle.

    Did I spell shuvle right? My God I believe this is the first time in my life I ever spelt it. Shovel?

    Anyway, I loved the idea. Even if it's like a 1 second drunk effect with some stars and birdies it'd be fun and better than nothing.

    But then an army of dudes came in and started saying how unfair it would be and it would empower the double gunners and blah nah blah.

  • Agreed if I can bucket someone to death.

  • Love this idea. The damage for the items could be really low too so it isn't that practical for combat and doesn't upset PVP balance.

    I just really want to be able to hit pirates with fish.😅

  • @wyvernkraehe said in I want to hit other pirates with what I have in my hands:

    I just really want to be able to hit pirates with fish.😅

    What an odd fetfish.

    alt text

  • I am all in favour of this, possibly even having these tools provide just a knockback rather than any damage.

    I could see it add both a new approach in combat (all be it a fairly useless one) but also for the fun of booping a crew mate off the edge if the ship when they afk or don't listen.

  • @metal-ravage Ok William!

  • i like the idea

  • I love this idea! I think a good way to balance it would to make them either do 5 HP of damage or just knock back.

  • Let me break the head of my opponents with stronghold skull, or block a sword blow with my shovel, please

  • Perform a Tom and Jerry move.
    Bucket over their head and slam the shovel into the bucket!

  • Knockback? Wouldn't that inadvertently nerf the blunderbomb by proxy?

  • "It was a run by fruiting!"

    Me hitting pirates with pomegranates.

  • @galactic-geek blunderbomb nerf? Sounds good to me.

  • Get this man some Grog! He has to be the best pirate I've ever seen. Seriously, why isn't this already a feature in a pirate game?

  • All these posts are making me crack up lol.

    I agree, fighting with "non-weapons" or even just your fist would be awesome.

  • @joshcraftworld6 I mean skeletons can already hit me with their fists but I have to find a weapon before fighting them back

  • +1 slapping someone with a fish or bashing them with a banjo would be fantastic.

  • @almtychcknpoo something to think about is that skeletons can do alot of things that players cannot. Especially the fact that there ships house larger crews than individual player ships.

    But then again our brains give us an advantage over their built in AI system that doesn't allow them to adapt to their surroundings in the game.

  • @joshcraftworld6 thought about it...still wanna hit people with whatever I have in my hands

  • @almtychcknpoo said in I want to hit other pirates with what I have in my hands:

    @joshcraftworld6 thought about it...still wanna hit people with whatever I have in my hands

    How about being able to throw those items at people too?

  • @joshcraftworld6 that would be cool too...or make certain items throwable and others wildebeest. If only I could pick up my friend pirate to hit another pirate.

  • Wieldable* though I like wildebeest

  • @almtychcknpoo being able to pick up other pirates and throw them, hmmmm . . .

    That would be complicated. But also very funny.

    Just minding your own business when suddenely someone picks you up and throws you overboard Weeeeeeeeeeee!

  • @joshcraftworld6 it was the wind

  • Rouge waves could capsize your ship?!

  • That's what we are going to call it 🙃 definitely wasn't me throwing someone else overboard

  • I would love some fish slapping or plays with bucket and shovel; but it would give people who use double gun a way to fight in melee.

    Perhaps for in-crew fighting (fish slapping for starting a duel) or as emotes - not for crew vs crew.

  • @lem0n-curry said in I want to hit other pirates with what I have in my hands:

    I would love some fish slapping or plays with bucket and shovel; but it would give people who use double gun a way to fight in melee.

    That shouldn't be a problem as long as the damage is really low, as in what scenario would a sword swinging maniac lose to a guy with a fist?

  • @almtychcknpoo said in I want to hit other pirates with what I have in my hands:

    @joshcraftworld6 I mean skeletons can already hit me with their fists but I have to find a weapon before fighting them back

    Skeletons have claws; you do not.

  • @artibyrd said in I want to hit other pirates with what I have in my hands:

    +1 slapping someone with a fish or bashing them with a banjo would be fantastic.

    Oh the sounds that would make! 😅

  • @joshcraftworld6 said in I want to hit other pirates with what I have in my hands:

    @almtychcknpoo said in I want to hit other pirates with what I have in my hands:

    @joshcraftworld6 thought about it...still wanna hit people with whatever I have in my hands

    How about being able to throw those items at people too?

    No. That then creates the dynamic of having equipment that you could lose and would have to figure out how to retrieve - for example, accidentally throwing 8t out to Ssa and having to buy a new 1 from the shops. Meanwhile, not having it would break balance

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