Legendary curse

  • So Im a pirate legend and played back in season one problem is i didnt get to level 100 is there. Possible way that it will come back in the pirate legend shop or is it gone forever?

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  • @l-am-crxzy it will be back in the shops at some point. Rare is just still working out the details of how and when it’ll return.

  • They delay re-releasing it every time someone asks...

  • I had played during Season One and one of the things I regret was not finishing that season due to offline reasons and not being able to get that curse. Thankfully, Rare has said in the past that they had planned to bring it back, and that seems to still be the case.


    @musicmee sagte in Pirate Legend Curse:

    @wyvernkraehe Ahoy matey!

    That IS still the stance, the team are just still working out the finer details of the high-end rewards to make sure they still feel exclusive to the season and not take away anything from anyone that spent time earning it via the season.

  • @wyvernkraehe 100% still the case :) Everything has its time and its place. You should also start seeing old Season cosmetics filter their way through into the Emporium soon too.

  • @musicmee That is great to hear, thank you so much!

  • @ninja-naranja

    Oh ok thanks I was just curious thats all

  • @l-am-crxzy no worries man! I’m happy they’re bring it back for those that missed out on it.

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