Wish I could have recorded!

  • Just finished a session of sea of thieves, we were in a galleon in the reapers hide out about to sell when we got attacked by 2 other players in a sloop.

    These guys were incredibly good at combat, they were evading left and right and blasting all 4 of us hard, we didn't have a chance, yet we were competitive enough to keep the ship afloat so it became a war of attrition.

    Sometime during the end of our battle, it was all or nothing, we had ran out wood, our supplies were dwindling so we decided we had to push for resupply and to put some heat on their sloop.

    I had shot myself from our cannons from quite a bit of distance, and while I was in mid flight I aimed my eye of reach at one of them and, to my dismay, shot them dead, then and there as they were standing on the sloop. I was just shooting past like a star! Over their sloop, Swishing past their vessel, and landing in the small area of water within the inner docks of the hideout.

    I was so bewildered, in utter shock and excitement that I forgot to record them. The heat was still on and I couldn't just ask for time out lol, but UGH!!! I wish I had recorded, that was crazy memorable. Yo rare! Where's my commendation?

    We were able to get some wood and stay afloat a bit longer, but at the end of it all we couldn't keep going, and we sunk. Great game though

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  • @red0demon0 there is no commendation for this...😜
    Cool story

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