(SUGGESTION) Messages in Bottles - little interaction with other pirates

  • I think it would be a cool feature if maybe after finding a quest in a bottle we could reuse that bottle and write our own message for other players to read. It would be an amazing cute little interaction.

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  • yea i could just imagine all the toxic/racist messages now XD

    but yea good idea :P

  • @oryanstar well yeah XD
    such things always need some key words that are censored or sth

  • I just want to sell the messages back to the trading companies, im not gonna go kill 4 captains for some foul bounties when I can find random captain that always drop villainous skulls.

  • @xzilbermann said in (SUGGESTION) Messages in Bottles - little interaction with other pirates:

    @oryanstar well yeah XD
    such things always need some key words that are censored or sth

    Work around. Short hand. Words that sound the same. Always end up bad

    Look at naming pets.

  • @xzilbermann there's something a lot like this in no man's sky. You can leave a floating drone that displays a message to any other players that find it

  • I hope it will be a fixed message system like in Darksouls then for example.
    Cause we all know why we cannot have nice things, am I right?

    Not thrilled at the prospect of finding stuff like
    " git gut scrub "
    " the shrouded ghost is a lie " ( its a Meme line )
    " your mother is so fat that when she barrel-hides, she becomes the mapcenter arena-room "
    " if you read this you are an idiot =) "

    And since the servers disappear and merge and what not, leaving player-notes behind will not amount too much.

  • The captian of the Poisoned Frog concurs!

  • @xzilbermann
    I like the idea feel free to take a look at a recent post I have made regarding to player interaction/socializing


  • @xzilbermann

    It would be an amazing cute little interaction.

    Until you find a hateful/offensive message inside. Or even worse, drawings of some particular stuff.

    Personally, I'd laugh at such things. But the are just too many precious bubbled snowflakes our there who can't handle it.

  • @greengrimz
    I think best way to work around such things is to have the player's tag displayed on the end of the message.
    So if anything is breaking any rules it can easily be reported with a good ol' screenshot.

  • @d0empie said in (SUGGESTION) Messages in Bottles - little interaction with other pirates:

    I think best way to work around such things is to have the player's tag displayed on the end of the message.
    So if anything is breaking any rules it can easily be reported with a good ol' screenshot.


    But this way somebody in particular will have to sit on his particular behinds and read through the message and the report, and then push his endless amount of brain cells to their absolute limit in order to take an adequate decision to punish, or not to punish.

    I don't know mate, sounds like too much hustle. Especially when I put on the management shoes and look at this. I mean, why bother, if you can just not bother at all?

    And on top of this, most of the times, this particular someone will be taking the proper measures, but sometimes he will not be on point, but surely in both cases, he will have to listen to all kinds of appeals, apologies, promises it will never happen again, and whatnot.

    So not just responsible decision making, but this particular person will also need nerves of steel?

    Pfff I really don't know man, the list of NO-reasons just keeps growing the more I dig into this idea.

  • @greengrimz
    Agreed... Sucks that so many potentially good features won't ever be a reality and a game is forced with so many limitations because of a bad bunch of players.
    But it's true we have to be realistic...

  • I like idea, i always wanted to leave messages to other players but this can be also a big exploit.

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