Infinite Death loop

  • Yesterday I had one of the most unpleasant experiences playing this game, something that I named The infinite Death Loop:

    I'm playing alone, want to do some quests and I'm attacked by 3 players (ok, no problems, this is the game). But instead of sink my ship, they kill me, stay on my ship, and keep killing me over and over again every time I respawn. The game need some sort of 3 seccond invulnerability respawn so, at least, I could equip my gun and try to fight.

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  • @her3s Spawncampers = super lame pirates

    It sucks, but the best thing you can do it scuttle in that situation.

  • If you find yourself in this situation and can’t seem to break out. The best thing you can only do is scuttling your own ship.

    To minimise this situation from happening. Keep your eye out on the horizons, surrounding and look out for any mermaids and check every inch of your ship regularly for any possible tuckers hiding

  • For me, spawn camping is equivalent to being sunk - you've lost. As such, there is a tool for this, as other have noted, in your ability to Scuttle the Ship. This will force your Ship to sink, and the attackers will not be able to prevent this long even if they directly try to. So you just chill on the Ferry for a little bit longer and respawn at your fresh Ship away from the attackers.

    There can be legitimate reasons to keep your Ship alive longer than you may like, such as taking your supplies to restock their own (this may or may not have been the case). Maybe they are working on sinking you (again, not saying for sure this was the case in your situation here) and need to keep you dead to ensure that you don't try to repair and save the Ship. Is it thrilling to have done to you, no, but the control remains ever in your hands as the defender.

    Invulnerability is something that was actually looked into in the past. What was found is there was no actual sweet spot where it effectively changed the situation but didn't provide some hefty advantage to the defender (who now has a big advantage in the cases where more legitimate reasons are in play).

    I get it, a lot of people don't like to Scuttle and want a chance to fight back. The thing is, you had your chance to fight back up to the point in which they were able to start Spawn Camping you (sort of like if they sunk your Ship outright). Yes, you will lose your treasure and your stocked supplies. But if you have lost, and if they just sunk you like you imply you would prefer, this would already be the case.

    So, take your loss and move on. Plus, if they are raiding your supplies and you Scuttle you cut that off for them and they won't get the rest. You can actually deny them their gains, but a little bit of sting back on them (if they care strongly enough).

    The best solution is to try and develop the mindset of not caring so much about outcomes and start finding the joy in the action packed adventure you're having - win or lose. As the code says, be a good sport in both winning and losing.

  • @her3s

    It's been said but - analyze the situation. If they're spawn camping you they're either being toxic or trying to loot your supplies.

    In both circumstances you can either

    Practice busting boarders off your ship after respawning
    Scuttle to stop them from stealing your supplies and remove their ability to be toxic unless they catch you again.

  • @redeyesith and @shotgunsunrise

    I understand and agree with your point.

    I'm totally new to the game, so maybe I miss it, but, at least, while on the Ghost Boat waiting to respawn, instead of only enter in the door, I could chose to sink the ship and respawn on the island with a new boat.

    What I don't like to do, and I don't think is a good option (considering the experience) is to disconnect and connect again to bypass the situation.

  • @her3s and you don't have to really. In playing since launch I've never had to take that advice myself. I only offer because some seem to insist that there are people out there stalking them to the ends of the server and back, and while I suspect they are exaggerating with hyperbole I try to take it at face value and offer a way to combat even that.

    Realistically, you shouldn't ever really have to do it in practice.

  • If you´re new i would use the official Discord to find more experienced players and let them know you are new so they can give you the basics down. Also playing with others is the way to play this game

  • @her3s said in Infinite Death loop:

    I could chose to sink the ship and respawn on the island with a new boat.

    You can. That's what we mean by scuttle. If you open your menu and go to 'my crew' there's an option to scuttle which will sink your ship and spawn you with a fresh ship elsewhere.

  • If you used your eyes theres actually a weapon box on the ferry of the damned to swap weapons. Still stuck? That's what the scuttle option is for.

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