Fort of Fortune

  • Add some music for the new fort because with nothing "fresh" going on the background it seems like a rushed project, and also, some new quotes for the Ashen lord you fight at the end would be awesome, something that resembles a bit of a lore, or maybe something you can tease future updates

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  • @squ1kles said in Fort of Fortune:

    Add some music for the new fort because with nothing "fresh" going on the in background, it seems like a rushed project, and also, some new quotes for the Ashen lord you fight at the end would be awesome, something that resembles a bit of a lore, or maybe something you can tease for future updates. And I think it would be really awesome if the horn would've been louder all across the map and some red waves coming from the direction of the fort.

  • I personally would like to hear the Ashen Lord battle music when that big red gorilla comes out at the end. Just like with Graymarrow's Ghost getting his usual boss music at the FOTD.

    And the Lords being on mute is fine. Graymarrow's Ghost was muted at the FOTD, after all. Why should the FoF final boss be any different?

    Those walking charbroiled ribs talk too much smack when you fight them in their own separate encounters anyhow.

  • it seems like a rushed project

    Nailed it.

  • @squ1kles the fort is a waste of time right now. Everyone goes for it. I did one yesterday and we had to sink everyone on the server multiple times and it stopped being fun sinking the same people over and over. We got all the loot and it still felt like a complete waste of time.

  • I made my 1st attempt today with 2 friends. No other crews showed up nearly the entire time! It was only during our very last encounter with the Ashen Lord that we were simultaneously approached and set upon by 2 sloops and 2 brigantines. Not our lucky day.

  • @bronzeinquiztor said in Fort of Fortune:

    @squ1kles the fort is a waste of time right now. Everyone goes for it. I did one yesterday and we had to sink everyone on the server multiple times and it stopped being fun sinking the same people over and over. We got all the loot and it still felt like a complete waste of time.

    After one attempt interrupted by a server merge and another successful conquest ruined by an Athena Emissary galleon that sank both ships of our alliance and yanked our loot, I'm starting to think the same. You can get the same kind of loot, profit, and simpler experiences from Thieves' Haven runs, standard Athena voyages, vanilla Skullforts and individual Ashen Lord encounters, honestly.

    Fortune may favor the bold, but sometimes it also rewards the patient.

  • @galactic-geek luckier than ours

  • Last night, 11:30ish, just sold all my merchant stuff when a Fort o’ Fortune popped up. I scampered over there and started barrel hiding there. A sloop showed up and did nothing, later a brig came and took the fort. Spent the next two hours waiting. (I wasn’t trying to steal it, merely see it.) Finally, when they finished the fort, I jumped into the vault to say hi. I got graced with an invite to their ship, and made away with the spoils. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.

  • who has time for lore and fresh banter

    I've had to wipe the server 2 or 3 times for every one I've done by time I cash in I don't even know where I am anymore all I hear are loud bangs and see are lots of bright flashes

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