The friendly pirat, the clumsy pirat and the silly one (sometimes).. hehe..

  • Hi, its me, Pandapk02 or just call me PK or Panda whatever will be fine with me :) Im 18, from Norway, and play when i have the chance for it. To your info, yes im shy sooo its not that im silent because i dont have a mic its just that im shy around new people, Im not a sore loser that get mad if we sinks or if the loot we have collectet gets stolen (its just a game and we will find some more loot :P). I will play with you when i have the chance for it, boys, girls, unicorns, fellow pandas, squid and so on, it doenst matter for i want to play with you and hoping to form new friendships. Be warned, my english is mhe and when i get comfused then just be patient, i will figure it out eventually.

    Hope you are intrested and add me on xbox: Pandapk02 or steam: Pandapk4 (i think). Dm me if you want to play :) And i hope we will get along well :)

    By the way, here is a smile and a hug for you if had a bad day today :)

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