Russian servers, ping delays in pvp.

  • Hello everyone,

    I am from Russia, playing SOT everyday and my ping is 80-110. What i want to say, in pvp if i ll meet player from Europe ( Germany, Holland, France, Poland etc) and his experience in game above normal i have no chance to kill him in combat on the ground. I hit him from distance 1m from shotgun and his is still alive ( i have a lot of video), i am hit from snipe 3 times and he is not healinig and again still alive. Its painfully to play from Russia in European servers. Any possobility that Russian servers ll be opened for SOT ?

  • 13
    russian serversping pvp
  • @zattara90s

    Ping in Germany is same.
    Hit Registration and Tick rate of Server is the "Problem", but i dont consider it s a Problem, but some random Factor that reflects accuracy of guns of that time .

  • @stundorn

    Its cant be the same because of the distance. From Germany to Netherlands 500km, From Russia(Saint-Petersburg) to Netherlands 2500km,

  • @zattara90s sagte in Russian servers, ping delays in pvp.:


    Its cant be the same because of the distance. From Germany to Netherlands 500km, From Russia(Saint-Petersburg) to Netherlands 2500km,

    do you have exact location of servers - source please
    I sometimes play on US Servers for sure with way more bad ping than this

  • yes i have exact locations of all servers they are all in amsterdam, i mean european.

  • I live in Russia and play with friends from France and Spain, in this case the ping does not exceed 105, but when we approach the enemies, screen freezes appear and the ping rises. When I play with random players, the ping can grow to 270. I think a problem also in the fact that the player's character moves too quickly and jumps like a monkey, but this is how the game is arranged.

  • @zattara90s

    thing is if any ship comes close the ping raises anyway like @BARMALEY7580 said.
    I can have Ping of 50-60 sometimes, but when the server is in amsterdam i should have a ping around 30.
    And when ships are cose my ping goes up to 70+ and more worse.

  • In other games my ping is 30, maximum 60. Here 100-140. When I sail the ship I don't really feel that ping, but when close pvp starts I feel like my character is less maneuverable.

  • 80 to 110 is "normal" for sea of thieves no matter where you are playing from.

  • @D3ADST1CK Sea of Thieves is a pvp game. Low ping, in such games, plays a big role for a comfortable pastime.

  • @xpymko I'm aware. I'm just saying that it's not going to get much better. 80 had always been the lower end of average for this game.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Russian servers, ping delays in pvp.:

    80 to 110 is "normal" for sea of thieves no matter where you are playing from.

    I'm between 50 and 60.

  • @lem0n-curry I'd call that good, not normal ;) Other games it's possible for me to be hitting 50 or lower but on SoT I've never gone below 80. Ping for whatever reason, whether that is lack of server locations or worse server performance, is higher than you might experience in other titles.

russian serversping pvp
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