Possible server merge escape

  • Is it possible to server merge somewhere else as a way to escape pvp? A ship sunk us by castaway and my ship respawned at old salts atol. It took us 3mins to get back and their ship was gone. Our loot was gone, their loot was gone, our reaper flag was gone. All that was left, was their reaper flag. Did they DC? Or just quit the game after killing us, being toxic? Couldn't tell because all 3 show as offline. And if they did just quit, where's all the loot from both ships? I've been a constant player for 3 yrs and there is no reason the loot sink that fast logically. Otherwise this game recovery mechanics have greatly faulted to dismal levels if you can't recover loot from a fallen ship, only 2.5 islands away. And after 3 yrs, I've saved countless loot from fallen player ships from my own ship and allied.

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    glitched fallen lootserver merge hacking
  • They probably quit and didn't care about the loot or they sank for some reason and left the game

    The loot coulda sank or they coulda have hid it.

    Server merges often happen after battles where people sink because of quitting but people aren't forcing them or anything like that

    Plenty of pvpers bounce a server after sinking someone as the loot isn't high end and they deem the server no longer what they are looking for

  • @mstwerk
    Maybe, they sank after you sank and loaded everything except their own flag into a rowboat since reapers hideout isn't far from there.

  • @wolfmanbush we were a reaper 5 and so we're they

  • @testakleze the amount of loot both ships had, either some of the loot would still be there or we would have seen the rowboat in distance cuz we circled, looking for loot then only found the flag

  • @mstwerk said in Possible server merge escape:

    @testakleze the amount of loot both ships had, either some of the loot would still be there or we would have seen the rowboat in distance cuz we circled, looking for loot then only found the flag

    loot can definitely sink between atoll and castaway I dunno if it did but it can in that distance

    them sinking could have been a few things I'd guess someone had an unfortunate keg accident but so many things could happen

    they could have taken the good stuff in a rowboat to reapers which is an easy row and didn't touch the other stuff so it sank by time you got there.

    Hard to explain why the flag was there other than it was touched and thus didn't sink with the rest maybe they left it to throw you off or as a present, I bet the good stuff got sold at reapers on a rowboat tho

glitched fallen lootserver merge hacking
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