Solo Galleon

  • I know its a really bad idea.
    Its not practical and there are way better ships to solo.

    Regardless of the reason, lets assume you just want to try it.

    Whats the best way to manage those 3 sails and overall maintenance whilst going around the seas?

    Is it even possible competently ?

    Share your tips.

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  • @daringclarky

    Solo galleon is totally doable, the only tip: start doing things early enough, mid sail is the most important sail to manage. Never drop your anchor and don't pick fights with pirates?

  • @cotu42 Thank you :)

    What about the skeleton ships?
    I reakon a sloop would be ok but would a skelly galleon be suicide?

  • @daringclarky

    Doing the fleet might be a tall order, but if you use the cheesy strategy with islands maybe. A single galleon is pretty easy, get some initial shots in, ram into them, stick to them like glue and just bail water into it. Pretty boring, but not a big deal. Technically if you get your speed right and naval positioning, you should even be able to win a shoot out by avoiding broadside enough.

    Kraken might actually be the more challenging monster to encounter on a galleon solo. Between the distance of bailing and dealing consistent damage, the grasp even if it is not on top of the hatch might be to much.

    It has been a long time ago since I did galleon solo and usually was just already starting with the Athena voyages while waiting for the rest to come on and banging out a couple of the maps. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it is a smart choice.. but it is doable.

  • Hell even when I’m on a Galleon with a full crew it feels like I’m Solo sailing while the other 3 are sight seeing off the bow!!!!

    So yea it’s totally doable and when I solo galleon the only time I drop all 3 sails is if I’m going really really far.

    If I’m just island hopping 1 and a 1/2 is plenty

  • I used to solo Galleons in order to insure peace for me while I do voyages. Do people know you're a solo? Not at all, and most are not willing to risk it.

    I am in a fortunate position to own two xboxes and two T.V's, where I can use my secondary profile to look at the map while I sail. If you lack this ability, or are on PC, download the Sea of Thieves companion on your phone to track your progress.

    As long as you're patient and can learn how to stop without raising sails, you can absolutely solo a galleon.

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