Resources should matter more in Sea of Thieves.

  • Something that I consider extremely important that has been changed in Sea of Thieves is the resources that are possible.

    When this game first came out you were limited to 10 cannonballs, now you can carry 10 cannon, but also in addition you can carry numerous other types of ammunition.

    It is my opinion that ammunition needs to be limited to 10 in a fixed way because making a choice between types of ammunition should matter a lot in combat.

    "special" ammunition like cursed cannonballs, chain shot, and molotov cocktails are fun little additions, but I feel as if they are way too common, and the fact that I can carry those in addition to 10 regular hurts the tempo of PVP in the game, and in a way hurts the PVE side of the game too.

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  • @swimplatypus7
    It's been over 2 years since cursed cannonballs were added to the game. You have had more than enough time for your "tempo" in battle to adjust. It's fine as it is.

    Trying to limit all different cannonballs to 10 would be way to confusing at this point anyway, especially since some of them are throwable.

  • Throwables are fine as is, but part of me does kind of wish that cursed cannonballs weren't as easily held. Fortunately they're uncommon enough that its not much of a problem IMO. I don't really run into too many people hoarding inventories of curseballs unless they've very obviously been grinding for hours in which case they aren't exactly struggling for resources anyways.

  • @swimplatypus7

    I don't mind different ways of changing the game, but why should we combine cannonballs, throwables, cursed cannonballs, and chainshots to the same slot? What about the game is this change intended to fix? If it's intended to make your resources matter more and make what you have in your inventory matter, that doesn't fix it too much since if you have cursed cannonballs and can choose what to grab you probably have a storage crate or a cannonball crate that you can put extra ammo in. Meaning that the only people this change would be affecting is people who don't have that many supplies and who just spawned in the server 15 minutes ago. It would actually be giving an advantage to people who have played on the server for hours since they can "hold" more ammo since they have a storage crate right behind them, as opposed to a fresh spawn galleon who has to spend 7 seconds going below deck and getting more ammo.

    As for hurting the tempo of the game, the common strategy as of now is to not use cannonballs in the first place and just cannon over to board someone and drop their anchor. Very rarely is there actually a true naval fight where whatever you have in your inventory matters because people will just send over a boarder to try and anchor you.

    My whole point is I don't see a reason to add this change as in my eyes, there's no problem to fix here because no one cares about how much or what kind of ammunition that you are holding. In order to convince me I would need the problem that we're trying to fix in the game, and why this particular solution would fix said problem.

    It's not a bad idea, but if you want a change like this where you are limiting people's inventory space, you need to be addressing a problem or adding a more competitive edge to the game. Right now naval battling RARELY happens if ever, so cannons almost never actually matter, because it almost always up to the boarding/anchor meta.

  • I kinda get your pov.
    id say maybe only a combo of chain shots and cannon balls but if you choose to have 10 chain shots you can.

    The others are throwables so idk

  • There is not enuff freaking Cannonballs! Fruit EVERY WHERE!

    The is so much food!

    Trade the amount of food to the amount of cannonballs!!!!

    Who need this much food?

    Forget gold, doubloons and all that other nonsense! The REAL treasure in this game is Cannonballs!!!!

  • @glannigan

    Forget gold, doubloons and all that other nonsense! The REAL treasure in this game is Cannonballs!!!!

    Well yeah, but instead of being only able to hold 10 max like it was in the early days of Sea of Thieves, we can in a way hold a massive amount because different kinds take up different slots, and that is a mistake.

    Kegs use to be very very valuable, now not as much any more, and that's unfortunate.

  • @glannigan I’ll just leave my post here about adding a session only currency:

  • @glannigan said in Resources should matter more in Sea of Thieves.:

    There is not enuff freaking Cannonballs! Fruit EVERY WHERE!

    The is so much food!

    Trade the amount of food to the amount of cannonballs!!!!

    Who need this much food?

    Forget gold, doubloons and all that other nonsense! The REAL treasure in this game is Cannonballs!!!!

    Are you being sarcastic or not?? Honest question because even with PvP'ing constantly, I always have more than enough cannon balls. Usually by the time I clear out the server I'm sitting on like 400 or 600 cannon balls. Granted I don't have that many while fighting ships and having to kill skelly ships and meg, but I usually always above 100 or 150. If I ever get below a 100 then just find a island with a rowboat or usually by that time I have like 5 storage crates on the ship. I just make a run to the outpost or something and clear it out in a min.


    I also have to agree with the OP. I feel as if 10 cannon balls, with 5 chainshots, and 5 firebombs or blunder bombs with 10 cursed cannon balls is pretty overloaded.

    You should have to choose between the ammo, but then how overpowered would carrying around 10 blunder bombs be right??

    I don't know exactly how they would rebalance because there are throwables now but I agree with the OP. Its pretty insane how many shots on cannons you can have if your pockets are full.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Resources should matter more in Sea of Thieves.:

    @glannigan said in Resources should matter more in Sea of Thieves.:

    There is not enuff freaking Cannonballs! Fruit EVERY WHERE!

    The is so much food!

    Trade the amount of food to the amount of cannonballs!!!!

    Who need this much food?

    Forget gold, doubloons and all that other nonsense! The REAL treasure in this game is Cannonballs!!!!

    Are you being sarcastic or not?? Honest question because even with PvP'ing constantly, I always have more than enough cannon balls. Usually by the time I clear out the server I'm sitting on like 400 or 600 cannon balls. Granted I don't have that many while fighting ships and having to kill skelly ships and meg, but I usually always above 100 or 150. If I ever get below a 100 then just find a island with a rowboat or usually by that time I have like 5 storage crates on the ship. I just make a run to the outpost or something and clear it out in a min.


    I also have to agree with the OP. I feel as if 10 cannon balls, with 5 chainshots, and 5 firebombs or blunder bombs with 10 cursed cannon balls is pretty overloaded.

    You should have to choose between the ammo, but then how overpowered would carrying around 10 blunder bombs be right??

    I don't know exactly how they would rebalance because there are throwables now but I agree with the OP. Its pretty insane how many shots on cannons you can have if your pockets are full.

    What I’m saying is just switch the amount of Bannas, coconuts and other lame food with the amount of Cannon Balls!

    Everyone knows you gotta eat super food if you wanna live! Fish, chicken, Pork, etc

    Yes, do I get enough cannonballs to get the job done, I do.

    Am I content/happy with the amount of effort and time in gathering said cannonballs? No I am not. Just which it was a bit quicker and less tedious.

    But hey, I like my cannonballs!

  • @swimplatypus7 considering the meta is in favor of boarding, allowing for more cannonballs is a good thing. Beyond that, cursed cannonballs don't do ship damage (excluding the coveted wraith balls) and as such the extra 10 is not an extra 10 holes of damage.

    *also doubling up on cursed effects cancels it out. Ie a second anchorball raises the anchor so if you get shot or shoot yourself, you break the effect

  • @glannigan I usually have/find more cannonballs than food

  • @glannigan

    I would agree except gathering supplies is just part of the thing we do now in my crew. Hell if I'm the ship its always stocked. I'm never NOT shooting off to this or that island, or harpooning barrels then jumping off for the same barrels with the one still harpooned.

    Like I literally NEVER stop. So I don't ever understand it. Super food is required but early on food is needed and you don't want to use super food for topping off like 10 points of damage.

    I don't know. Gathering supplies never bothered me none because it always gave me something to do in between traveling on islands. Always had a ton of cannonballs unless I just had a fight with like 3 ships back to back with kraken and skellyship or, and this is the worst, having a teammate that just melts through your back stock.

    You got that one in the crew that goes through a stack of 10 with long ball shots and he never hits a single one, gets another 10 and keeps going. Like....whyyyyyyy and the even worst ones are the ones that use up all the chainshots.

    I'd actually like barrels to have a cap on how much resources they can have like barrel's 1.0.

    Used to a normal thing on resource management where ships had to really manage their supplies, now you have 400 planks by the end of every session, 500000 different types of food, and if no one fights me I usually have 700 or 800 cannonballs. The cannonball numbers is without combat. If I get into multiple ship battles then that number can range from 200 to 400.

  • @xultanis-dragon

    Remember when it was actually possible to run out of ammunition and you had to kite an enemy ship by a fort and send a crew mate overboard to get 10 cannon, some boards, food and then port back to keep the ship going while you were double double duty on the bucket brigade and managing the ships sail trim and heading just to avoid taking any more damage..

    I do, and I REALLY miss it a lot, the game in its earlier incarnation was extremely well set up and thought out and while the did add cool new features many of them are just tuned badly, and the resource management side of that is a huge part in where they can improve greatly.

  • @swimplatypus7

    I remember a few times I would send crew mates over to the ship just to STEAL supplies lol. "Get on that ship, dont try anything, just take their supplies dang it!!"

    Other times you would have to decide whether or not to waste the planks plugging up the top deck, or when you were currently broadside with a ship and they were hitting the bottom deck so you just bucketed until you were out then you started to repair.

    There was a lot of nuisances to battling during launch that just isn't around anymore.

    I understand that boarding was mandatory to sink a ship back in the day but still. I miss how insane and long the naval fights could take sometimes. Even against noobs, as long as they could bucket they could save their ship. Now though...if they are noobs, they get taken out instantly.

    I really miss the launch game.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Resources should matter more in Sea of Thieves.:


    I remember a few times I would send crew mates over to the ship just to STEAL supplies lol.

    Not to mention stealing treasure, back when silly thing like skulls chests were considered very very valuable.

    They never really did enough to combat in game inflation due to really not enough to spend gold on. I have no good ideas on how to fix that, but man the naval warfare was insanely good for the first year of the game.

    And man oh man did I love to steal treasure. Here is a summery of my thievery, and I will make a point that I was doing this far before the stupid streamers. I had tucked into a barrel in the crows nest on this sloop while the crew did all the work.

    Best part, they did not notice and put all the kegs right on top of me making me even more invisible. Thanks guys!

    Soon as we were under way and about 100 yards from shore I dropped 2 kegs from up top, and lit the third and dropped it. Thanks guys!

    I then swam back to the fort like any platypus would, and got the handy dandy row boat to load up all my loot!

    Needless to say in the last little picture you can see the sail of their ship coming back looking all over for me, they were VERY angry, but I got away in the row boat. Took me 40 min to row from that fort to one of the islands to turn in all the way across the map, all because I did not want to get caught. Back when a skull fort was still a reasonable win!


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