Alliance servers

  • @eggyboffer97 said in Alliance servers:

    What did pirate fleets used to do? What are fleets? This is a pirate game, why shouldn't we be aloud to have fleets of pirates sharing income? Why does us being in an alliance server chilling out and enjoy the SANDBOX GAME how er want to harm you guys? Theres no global ranking? No rewards for grinding? Level means nothing? Gold means nothing? So why dont you like people using alliance servers? Guarantee none of you can answer that.

    The difference is pirate fleets had rival fleets and you cant have a rival alliance in this game.

  • I agree with this, unfortunately there are a lot of players on the forums that are pro alliance, PvE and all that. but I agree with you wholeheartedly. alliance servers have done nothing but harm the game since they were made possible, and make grinding and achievements useless when you have some alliance dude who hardly knows how to play the game, cant fight. and barely knows how to sail a ship himself, have all the same commendations and have fed off everyone else giving him stuff. and that same guy will boast about all the stuff he has or has unlocked, when it was not him that actually did any of the work for those things. us hard working players are often annoyed by this, and even now. we refuse to be of that same likeness. alliance servers are so common in posts these days that its actually affecting how many people and players are playing the game how its supposed to be played, when the LFG posts online are like 40 percent alliance xbox only players. there is something seriously wrong. they are abusing the alliance system rare integrated to make sailing with other ships fun, and turning it into "xbox only grind for whoever we are grinding for at the time" and "get your stuff in a quarter of the time with no effort" people will comment saying its not abuse but it is.

    there is NO system in the game for alliance servers, to do so. you need to hop until u get into the same server with someone u know, OR go round trying to convince and often even bully people out of the server specifically so you can have people join their ship and lock the server down, so there is no threat or even chance that something will go wrong.

    furthermore, if ANYONE in your server or discords tried to do anything else other than what you want them to grind for you, they are banned from discords, removed and unfriended. or deliberately spawn camped by the rest of the server, and are treated very badly. then they are never allowed back in. this is abuse, abuse of the system and of the alliance system rare has given us

    unfortunately some of these discords have grown to big, and now rare has their hands tied. they cannot ban alliance servers without angering a lot of these players abusing the system. which makes sense, but is sad. sad that it is allowed to happen. its killing this game. I only hope one day rare sees that exploitation and does something about it

  • @pvp-creed said in Alliance servers:

    its killing this game.

    Man, with all the things that are "killing" this game, SoT must feel like frickin' Julius Caesar in the middle of a senate knife party. =P

  • I played on an Alliance server once. It was the most boring SOT’s experience I ever had. It was awful.

    Party chat was a mess, 70% of them had a speech impediment. The other 30% spoke With the cadence, annoying loudness and obnoxiousness of a YouTuber.

    To each their own but I bounced in about an hour and never even bothered to cash anything in.

    It takes the magic out of the game and I’ve never been a XP/Level/Rep grinder so all that sheet it worthless to me.

  • @c-l-u-3-3

    While I don't like the nature of Alliance-farming servers and believe it is against the spirit of the game, I don't think players should be banned over it. What Rare likes about them is the content creation aspect of things, but they already made it clear a long while back that they do not appreciate the PvE farming.

    My concern about PvE/peaceful servers has always been about hurting the game experience by distributing players based on play style, thus decreasing the player variety we encounter. Alliance servers do not occur at a high enough frequency to have that impact (yet).

    Something that recently rubbed me the wrong way though was that they had this Xbox Hall of Fame contest for Pirate Legends to earn Emissary value in Athena's Fortune and be given a chance at a spot in the Xbox Hall of Fame.

    That is a situation where I believe Alliance servers created an unfair advantage for players using them. The player that topped the leaderboard, if I recall correctly, was one of the biggest alliance server hosts back when they first started in 2018 and still uses alliance servers.

    The design of the mechanic never should have allowed for this to happen, and Rare needs to revisit how alliances are executed. Especially if there are going to be contests like this.

  • @eggyboffer97 Getting rid of alliances is a bad idea. Alliances can serve a purpose in the SoT ecology, but alliances are clearly broken as they stand. Anyone who denies that can't see the forest for the trees. Alliances are aversion of risk. Avoiding risk should not be rewarded with extra gold and reputation. It just shouldn't. Also, capping ships per alliance should also be implemented so that entire servers don't become gold farms. With the introduction of the leaderboards for emissaries there is even more of a valid point for not letting people farm without fear of repercussion. It completely negates the point of a leaderboard like that in the first place. Play the game how you want, but don't try and defend a practice like full server alliances as if they are some necessary and well-planned aspect of the game. Alliances were shoe-horned into the game like many of Rare's additions. That is clear to see.

  • @flying-poopla Full server alliances were already a thing long before alliances were, well, actually a thing. If you remove them or limit them, unofficial alliances will still occur just like they did prior to the creation of Emmisaries and alliances.

  • lollll, RIGHT

  • @klutchxking518 said in Alliance servers:


    Players should be banned? No.

    Alliance Servers should be removed? How?

    Rare should do something to dissuade people from alliance servers? Yes!

    I actually came up with a suggestion regarding this issue so long ago now... a simple solution really: An alliance can only consist of 3 ships or at the very most, half the map population (so in this case, 12). Problem solved. It also means that there can now be two reasonably sizable opposing alliances on a single map.

  • @pvp-creed Your funny. People still have to work for their commendations :') they still have to do quests, They still have to play the game to get anything.

  • After further contemplation I have decided Alliance Servers are for Cowards.

    Weak, sniveling, sneaky, plotting, devious, weasel cowards.

    And a coward dies a thousand deaths!

  • I've watched a bit of streamed footage from several alliance servers this past month..
    Who knew pirates didn't have to be tiny and scrawny and dressed in black!!
    Every ship livery I saw had obviously been purchased from the emporium as did many of the players. No wonder Rare loves them. Everyone seemed to be having a fun time, and for me, that's good enough.
    I don't need to endlessly chase another crew down to get my kicks.
    I'd rather be on a server with players who welcome the unknown

  • At the end of the day, it's play the game the way you want.

    If you happen to be lucky and get into an alliance server, then the people generally are nice and do not bother you, so go on and do your thing, or alliance with them, do your missions and get free money, done.

    It's not exploiting at all, where did you get that logic!

    I've been on a few of the servers, had some fun and enjoyed it.. Had some players come down looking for a fight and we teamed up on them, if you want the PvP then change server, again.. done!

  • I'm ok with people making alliance with other ships on the server. I've been on a few servers where a ship might approach every ship on the server and alliance with everyone. I'm ok with that. You dont know who you can really trust and anyone can betray you.

    There are discord groups that use VPNs and have multiple people serverhop together until they have all the ships on a server. A VPN helps with everyone more likely getting on the same server. These discord groups have strict rules against any real piracy

  • @eggyboffer97 and that comment was ignorant, how are people "workng" for their commendations when they have several other ships do it for them and give them the loot to sell because they have to? the simple answer is they dont. it is exploiting the alliance system and my comment stands.

  • @galactic-geek Sure, but they will not confer undue advantage that the current official system does. Earning more gold and reputation than your haul of treasure allows would not be possible with unofficial alliances. I don't care about alliance servers ultimately. The biggest issue is the fact that people get extra for the alliances when there is a leaderboard system in the game. It literally makes no sense.

  • @flying-poopla The leaderboards were added after alliances, and IMO, only to appease the mob. All you get from it are 1-time sails and titles and your prestige only lasts for the month, so yeah. It's a pointless goal after you get the cosmetics (which in itself is really easy to do).

    Anybody who pursues it is, IMO, wasting their time.

  • @flying-poopla said in Alliance servers:

    @galactic-geek Sure, but they will not confer undue advantage that the current official system does. Earning more gold and reputation than your haul of treasure allows would not be possible with unofficial alliances. I don't care about alliance servers ultimately. The biggest issue is the fact that people get extra for the alliances when there is a leaderboard system in the game. It literally makes no sense.

    The Emissary leaderboards do NOT count alliance turn ins, only what is turned in by your own crew. This is a complete non-issue.

  • @c-l-u-3-3 said in Alliance servers:

    These should be removed from the game and all players should be banned for exploiting. Thoughts?

    I say leave them how they are. Me and my crew love finding them and sinking every ship within them 1 by 1.

  • @dlchief58 said in Alliance servers:

    @flying-poopla said in Alliance servers:

    @galactic-geek Sure, but they will not confer undue advantage that the current official system does. Earning more gold and reputation than your haul of treasure allows would not be possible with unofficial alliances. I don't care about alliance servers ultimately. The biggest issue is the fact that people get extra for the alliances when there is a leaderboard system in the game. It literally makes no sense.

    The Emissary leaderboards do NOT count alliance turn ins, only what is turned in by your own crew. This is a complete non-issue.

    No it isn't IMHO. People who use the emissary system on an alliance server do not run the risk of getting sunk as the people who use the emissary on real adventure servers - they have an unfair advantage.
    People, if they're smart, on an alliance server probably even swap treasure for the emissary they're running.

  • Alliance servers are the biggest exploit in the game much worse than the loot juggling exploit.
    And worse the game is experiencing an influx of new "pirate legends" that have no clue how to sail a ship let alone attack or defend due to speed leveling.

    3 ships in an alliance is more than enough and when loot is handed in it should be 75% for the crew handing in and 50% for the other crews and no reputation just gold should count.

    They should just change the slogan from be more pirate to be more passive.

  • @nabberwar I think it would be cool if part of an alliance was a loot share agreement out of 100%
    More ships= smaller shares.

  • @c-l-u-3-3 dude your so unbelievably wrong like your whining over people who just want to hop on after maybe a hard day or work and just enjoy a calming game like sea of thieves you literally sound like a baby waaaaaaaah someone’s enjoying the game and wanting to have fun waaaah like seriously dude just leave them alone they don’t affect you they’re friendly and just want to have fun on a VIDEO GAME, you don’t like it when you get griefed on GTA 5 so why would you bother people trying to enjoy the game just stop you big baby

  • @vto-jager you should have let this stay dead lol

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