
  • Rare, please please please a million times please. I am sick of boarding ships and instantly dying because the sword was made a 4 hit kill. It was an extremely horrible decision. On a sloop, for example, if you fight the two people they only have to get two hits on you each and you’re gone. The even bigger problem is the sword lock. 4 hit kill and being locked in place is not reasonable whatsoever. Please return the cutlass same to what of originally was. It was 6-7 hits and was fine for two years until you randomly made it 4 hit. This has removed all skill from it. If you get cornered the lock prevents you from moving or doing anything fast enough leading you to instantly die. I’m truthfully sick of this happening. Give us back our old cutlass Rare, please.

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  • @illbushido305 personally they can stop the sword vortexing by making it the same as firearms, the swipe cannot pierce your own crew members.

  • @illbushido305

    Euhm... 6-7 hits? You know that it was 5, now reduced to 4 due to the ability of people tanking the hits while reloading? The change wasn't made without a reason, it was not random at all - guns are 2 shot kills with range, yet if people missed one of their 2 shots and didn't kite they could still simply reload and shoot again (missing at point blank range is hard). This allowed non-skilled double gunners to simply dominate due to not dying and just eating the hits. Keep in mind double gunning is still the superior setup if used properly, but now it weeds out the bad for not playing properly.

    Just reverting it will cause the issue to return as well that caused the change to happen. I don't mind adjustments and not totally happy with everything that Rare changed, but reverting the damage isn't going to happen.

  • Rare please please please stop letting people making the same threads whining about combat or Private servers. I swear each day there are 5 new threads, as if there isn't already a thread people keep bumping without actually adding to the thread.

  • @illbushido305 Did you know that you can sword dodge out of stun? It's true! Simply press block+move+jump in any direction you want (including through your opponent!). It gets you into another position and instantly negates the stun effect.

  • @galactic-geek said in Cutlass:

    @illbushido305 Did you know that you can sword dodge out of stun? It's true! Simply press block+move+jump in any direction you want (including through your opponent!). It gets you into another position and instantly negates the stun effect.

    This doesn’t actually move you far enough in most cases. Especially when they are doing the old m1 spam and POV sweep. This is why a small short movement penalty on a miss of loot carrying speed for 1 second or if necessary a 1.5-2 second cool down on a miss instead of the current 1.1 would help.

  • @illbushido305 cutlass is fine now

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Cutlass:

    @galactic-geek said in Cutlass:

    @illbushido305 Did you know that you can sword dodge out of stun? It's true! Simply press block+move+jump in any direction you want (including through your opponent!). It gets you into another position and instantly negates the stun effect.

    This doesn’t actually move you far enough in most cases. Especially when they are doing the old m1 spam and POV sweep. This is why a small short movement penalty on a miss of loot carrying speed for 1 second or if necessary a 1.5-2 second cool down on a miss instead of the current 1.1 would help.

    It can move you just enough to get a 2nd chance to block, or to confuse your opponent, which is enough. And 2 seconds is way too long of a delay for combat - that's as bad as the charge cooldown.

  • @galactic-geek said in Cutlass:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Cutlass:

    @galactic-geek said in Cutlass:

    @illbushido305 Did you know that you can sword dodge out of stun? It's true! Simply press block+move+jump in any direction you want (including through your opponent!). It gets you into another position and instantly negates the stun effect.

    This doesn’t actually move you far enough in most cases. Especially when they are doing the old m1 spam and POV sweep. This is why a small short movement penalty on a miss of loot carrying speed for 1 second or if necessary a 1.5-2 second cool down on a miss instead of the current 1.1 would help.

    It can move you just enough to get a 2nd chance to block, or to confuse your opponent, which is enough. And 2 seconds is way too long of a delay for combat - that's as bad as the charge cooldown.

    Meh, lunge cool down locks you in place when you miss. Also, 3-4 second reload seem to work for all other weapons. 1.5-2 seconds for a miss seems on par given it does 25 damage when it connects vs 50-70 for others. It’s literally half damage and miss cool down.

    Right now there is no difference between a miss and a connecting swing.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Cutlass:

    @galactic-geek said in Cutlass:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Cutlass:

    @galactic-geek said in Cutlass:

    @illbushido305 Did you know that you can sword dodge out of stun? It's true! Simply press block+move+jump in any direction you want (including through your opponent!). It gets you into another position and instantly negates the stun effect.

    This doesn’t actually move you far enough in most cases. Especially when they are doing the old m1 spam and POV sweep. This is why a small short movement penalty on a miss of loot carrying speed for 1 second or if necessary a 1.5-2 second cool down on a miss instead of the current 1.1 would help.

    It can move you just enough to get a 2nd chance to block, or to confuse your opponent, which is enough. And 2 seconds is way too long of a delay for combat - that's as bad as the charge cooldown.

    Meh, lunge cool down locks you in place when you miss. Also, 3-4 second reload seem to work for all other weapons. 1.5-2 seconds for a miss seems on par given it does 25 damage when it connects vs 50-70 for others. It’s literally half damage and miss cool down.

    Right now there is no difference between a miss and a connecting swing.

    First of all, there's definitely a difference between a connected swing and a miss. It's clearly visible. It takes longer to swing your sword again when you miss than if you connected

    Secondly, the advantages of having a ranged weapon (or 2) warrant the long cooldown of the reload, because those are established superior weapons over the sword, especially in the hands of a well-trained crew. A sword-user still has to work out how to get in close and stay alive. As a result of this, I think the balance is just fine.

    Besides, slowing your movement on a miss is backwards thinking. The devs already did that; it didn't work, hence why they changed it. Gunners were able to run away and keep their advantage; now they have to maintain their distance and work to maintain that gap lest they get cut down. It creates a balance as 1 has to close in while the other has to maintain distance.

  • @galactic-geek Yes! And if you pair this with a slash from behind, you're now dominating the battlefield and have the upper hand. I feel like people dont understand this, I havent been sword stormed in forever, aside from a few times on a gally when you board and all 4 are ladder guarding.
    So I say, stop complaining about sword storming and instead learn to adapt, change and overcome your opponents.

    I have been an avid PvP cutlass user for many years now, and have learned to slightly change my playstyle when needed, if you can change your playstyle on the go, you will be a much better player.

  • @schwammlgott if you’re being attacked by more than one person you have no chance to eat because you get damaged faster than you can heal. Even one person can kill you faster than you can eat anything.

  • @galactic-geek said in Cutlass:

    @illbushido305 Did you know that you can sword dodge out of stun? It's true! Simply press block+move+jump in any direction you want (including through your opponent!). It gets you into another position and instantly negates the stun effect.

    I actually am aware but as I was saying the cutlass damage being a 4 hit kill doesn’t make this any helpful. When there is more than one person attacking you which is usually the case. You also don’t go far enough to do anything by block jumping.

  • @illbushido305 said in Cutlass:

    I actually am aware but as I was saying the cutlass damage being a 4 hit kill doesn’t make this any helpful. When there is more than one person attacking you which is usually the case. You also don’t go far enough to do anything by block jumping.

    I don't really see how that makes any difference. You're likely going to die when you're outnumbered no matter what they are using. You will die a lot faster than being hit with swords if 2 people shoot you, and that can't be blocked. There is never going to be a case where you can balance a 2+v1 situation because that is inherently unbalanced to begin with.

  • @illbushido305 Even before the change you could get counered.

  • @basicdust822138 It was actually possible to not die though since it didn’t do as much damage.

  • Put me down in the camp of pirates who feel the balance is pretty solid right now. The state of the cutlass proposed here was at the same time as the entire meta of the game was to play double gun setup or lose miserably. Every pirate you encountered ran double gun.

    Now, I tend to encounter double gun and cutlass loads about equally, which is something I would expect to see in a balanced system. Neither loadout has the clear advantage, so people lean to what they like personally and try to work combat encounters to the advantage of their loadout as much as possible.

    I've also watched plenty of people manage to do just fine with both types of loadout setups (since we live in the age of streaming), which again tells me these things are striking a good balance as what tend to be the more top tier players can do just fine with their preferred loadouts.

    Me, I like to decide my loadout based on the situation I'm finding myself in. Sometimes that warrants running two guns, sometimes it makes more sense to have a cutlass on me. Again, this strikes me as something that is obtaining a balance as different configurations are able to be optimal in different circumstances, while the others are feasible in those instances but not the ideal configuration.

    So, I just really don't see this issue when people bring up these threads. You're going to die by means of all weapons in the game, as it should be.

  • @illbushido305 im guessing you double gun and you miss the days where it was meta hence why you ask for the "old cutlass" to return into the closet where nobody uses it

    the sword wasn't "randomly" buffed

    it was buffed to nerf the biggest issue the game had which was the overused boring fps meta called "double gunning" combat was a nobrainer back then

    the whole "the sword takes no skill so naturally the guns needs to be op" is stupid

    i got so tired of the trigger happy nobrainer meta combat style

    that i literally threw a party with my crew i even went so far as to pay for one of my friends "apple juice"

    it was get two tapped if you have a sword

    or two tap yourself

    basically suck if you have the sword

    or win having two guns

    no longer is this a thing thank god the heathens are now unhappy amen

    no but in all seriousness the only viable choice was double gunning back then it needed to go because it was stupid op and simple as that

  • @illbushido305 said in Cutlass:

    @basicdust822138 It was actually possible to not die though since it didn’t do as much damage.

    if two people shot you with a sniper you would 100% die oor if just one guy had a sniper and a flint equiped he could kill you in two hits alot faster than a guy can hit you with 4 sword hits

    "it was possible to survive because it didn't do as much damage" WDYM?

  • @illbushido305 sagte in Cutlass:

    @schwammlgott if you’re being attacked by more than one person you have no chance to eat because you get damaged faster than you can heal. Even one person can kill you faster than you can eat anything.

    Doesn't change the fact, that the cutlass is fine now

  • Although I don’t like the current cutlass, I see why rare did it. With all the newer players and all the double gunners, people were getting sick of it. Although, removing nearly all the skill from the sword ruins it. Sword combat is so much more clunky than it used to be.

  • @scurvywoof said in Cutlass:

    Although I don’t like the current cutlass, I see why rare did it. With all the newer players and all the double gunners, people were getting sick of it. Although, removing nearly all the skill from the sword ruins it. Sword combat is so much more clunky than it used to be.

    Clunky? Nah... There's still plenty of skill to be had. It's just a bit more straightforward. You no longer have to rely on any "special tricks" to get the upper hand. Now it's more about YOU.

  • @jollyolsteamed said in Cutlass:

    @illbushido305 said in Cutlass:

    @basicdust822138 It was actually possible to not die though since it didn’t do as much damage.

    if two people shot you with a sniper you would 100% die oor if just one guy had a sniper and a flint equiped he could kill you in two hits alot faster than a guy can hit you with 4 sword hits

    "it was possible to survive because it didn't do as much damage" WDYM?

    Two sniper shots aren’t guaranteed hits if you’re moving. The cutlass up close is not possible to escape because one hit locks you. A combo even less, and more than one person you are locked until you die. That’s what I mean.

  • @jollyolsteamed said in Cutlass:

    @illbushido305 im guessing you double gun and you miss the days where it was meta hence why you ask for the "old cutlass" to return into the closet where nobody uses it

    the sword wasn't "randomly" buffed

    it was buffed to nerf the biggest issue the game had which was the overused boring fps meta called "double gunning" combat was a nobrainer back then

    the whole "the sword takes no skill so naturally the guns needs to be op" is stupid

    i got so tired of the trigger happy nobrainer meta combat style

    that i literally threw a party with my crew i even went so far as to pay for one of my friends "apple juice"

    it was get two tapped if you have a sword

    or two tap yourself

    basically suck if you have the sword

    or win having two guns

    no longer is this a thing thank god the heathens are now unhappy amen

    no but in all seriousness the only viable choice was double gunning back then it needed to go because it was stupid op and simple as that

    I play every load out combination possible depending on the situation and depending on how many enemies. Currently no matter what load out I use, more than one cutlass swipe and you’re practically gone if you’re in a tight space. It’s whatever man but that stun is but much I personally think.

  • @galactic-geek said in Cutlass:

    @scurvywoof said in Cutlass:

    Although I don’t like the current cutlass, I see why rare did it. With all the newer players and all the double gunners, people were getting sick of it. Although, removing nearly all the skill from the sword ruins it. Sword combat is so much more clunky than it used to be.

    Clunky? Nah... There's still plenty of skill to be had. It's just a bit more straightforward. You no longer have to rely on any "special tricks" to get the upper hand. Now it's more about YOU.

    There’s plenty of clips of people boarding ships with a cutlass and everyone dies because they’re locked in place. The attackers do nothing but spam the attack behind the as they’re locked. Anyone can do this.

  • @redeyesith said in Cutlass:

    Put me down in the camp of pirates who feel the balance is pretty solid right now. The state of the cutlass proposed here was at the same time as the entire meta of the game was to play double gun setup or lose miserably. Every pirate you encountered ran double gun.

    Now, I tend to encounter double gun and cutlass loads about equally, which is something I would expect to see in a balanced system. Neither loadout has the clear advantage, so people lean to what they like personally and try to work combat encounters to the advantage of their loadout as much as possible.

    I've also watched plenty of people manage to do just fine with both types of loadout setups (since we live in the age of streaming), which again tells me these things are striking a good balance as what tend to be the more top tier players can do just fine with their preferred loadouts.

    Me, I like to decide my loadout based on the situation I'm finding myself in. Sometimes that warrants running two guns, sometimes it makes more sense to have a cutlass on me. Again, this strikes me as something that is obtaining a balance as different configurations are able to be optimal in different circumstances, while the others are feasible in those instances but not the ideal configuration.

    So, I just really don't see this issue when people bring up these threads. You're going to die by means of all weapons in the game, as it should be.

    Fair enough.

  • @illbushido305 said in Cutlass:

    @jollyolsteamed said in Cutlass:

    @illbushido305 said in Cutlass:

    @basicdust822138 It was actually possible to not die though since it didn’t do as much damage.

    if two people shot you with a sniper you would 100% die oor if just one guy had a sniper and a flint equiped he could kill you in two hits alot faster than a guy can hit you with 4 sword hits

    "it was possible to survive because it didn't do as much damage" WDYM?

    Two sniper shots aren’t guaranteed hits if you’re moving. The cutlass up close is not possible to escape because one hit locks you. A combo even less, and more than one person you are locked until you die. That’s what I mean.

    You are only locked down in these scenarios if you're using double guns. If you have a sword, you have options. That's why if you don't have 1, it's so important to keep moving and stay at range.

  • @illbushido305 said in Cutlass:

    @galactic-geek said in Cutlass:

    @scurvywoof said in Cutlass:

    Although I don’t like the current cutlass, I see why rare did it. With all the newer players and all the double gunners, people were getting sick of it. Although, removing nearly all the skill from the sword ruins it. Sword combat is so much more clunky than it used to be.

    Clunky? Nah... There's still plenty of skill to be had. It's just a bit more straightforward. You no longer have to rely on any "special tricks" to get the upper hand. Now it's more about YOU.

    There’s plenty of clips of people boarding ships with a cutlass and everyone dies because they’re locked in place. The attackers do nothing but spam the attack behind the as they’re locked. Anyone can do this.

    And anyone can avoid it, but 99% of pirates don't realize that they can.

  • @illbushido305 said in Cutlass:

    @jollyolsteamed said in Cutlass:

    @illbushido305 said in Cutlass:

    @basicdust822138 It was actually possible to not die though since it didn’t do as much damage.

    if two people shot you with a sniper you would 100% die oor if just one guy had a sniper and a flint equiped he could kill you in two hits alot faster than a guy can hit you with 4 sword hits

    "it was possible to survive because it didn't do as much damage" WDYM?

    Two sniper shots aren’t guaranteed hits if you’re moving. The cutlass up close is not possible to escape because one hit locks you. A combo even less, and more than one person you are locked until you die. That’s what I mean.

    block the sword and dash away

    don't tell me your post is about you getting stunlocked when you have two guns

    then i must ask why did you bring two ranged weapons to close quarter situation?

  • Think new sword is fine. Its balanced so people who don't double gun have a chance

  • @ajm123 Still don't stand a chance against experienced PC pirates - I was felled 3x over yesterday because I was trying to test sword mechanics and I had forgotten to switch back to Xbox Only with Controllers. They were more than willing to run away and shoot me and sink my ship while I was distracted. They just weren't interested in helping me out. 🙄

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