Perceived imbalance in PVP

  • Can anyone enlighten me if I'm getting this wrong? Lately, it seems like when another player attacks me, it takes one hit and I'm Dead, but if I manage to fight the marauder at all, I can't kill him even though I've landed several sword hits or even gun shots. Then he just spawn kills me over and over, as soon as I return from the SotD, I materialize and immediately die! Is he exploiting a cheat, or do I just suck at the game? Any advice on not feeling like I'm just an ant getting stomped repeatedly by an unseen bully? It's really bumming me out in a game I really love. It happened several times last night, even with my head on a SWIVEL, including when I was carrying a chest IN THE TAVERN!

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  • Lots of things go into this

    ping, skill, people being very fast as switching weapons and making hits with both

    on your end it could be lag, hit reg issue, inexperience

    1 shots are if you're blundered or if you arent at full health and take a sniper bullet typically

    sword is just hack and slash, it's all over the place. Sometimes the hack and slash works in your favor sometimes it doesn't it's a bit of a unpredictable mess in general

    cheating? probably not. Some people are just very good on good machines with good connections and they are the lawnmower and we are the grass

  • @wolfmanbush thank you for your reply, it helps to know I'm not just crazy! Considering just scuttling from now on if we get boarded to avoid the frustration.

  • @cassmanjam said in Perceived imbalance in PVP:

    @wolfmanbush thank you for your reply, it helps to know I'm not just crazy! Considering just scuttling from now on if we get boarded to avoid the frustration.

    We all get wrecked in the beginning just stick with it and learn and adapt after every experience.

    Scuttle is fine it can be a good way to make sure you get a fresh start. Going to a different server works. To better your chances at a decent PVE experience tho your best option is to get decent at pvp not only in combat but prevention and awareness of your surroundings

    Assume everyone is hostile. Trust no person or ship nearby.
    If you see any ship around you assume tuckers and stealth attackers. Watch for mermaids and rowboats that are out of the ordinary meaning they don't look like a fresh spawn.

    Some pirates are just always going to be more skilled than you no matter what you do so that's just something to accept but if you take hostile interactions as an opportunity to practice you can get yourself to the point where most of your PVE adventures will go without significant losses

    Sell often to minimize losses and don't let yourself get too frustrated over lost loot and sunken ships. You will have good hauls and unfortunate losses it's all part of the adventure. You need the sad tales to tell at the tavern just like you need the tales of fortune and glory

  • Yeah, my main problem is not being able to "practice" against instant death. Good advice on the "assume all others are hostile and will stealth board you".

  • @cassmanjam said in Perceived imbalance in PVP:

    Yeah, my main problem is not being able to "practice" against instant death. Good advice on the "assume all others are hostile and will stealth board you".

    Pvp is a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get

    Not everyone that is hostile or attempts to board or tuck is actually good at it so you will eventually get some decent practice and wins

    Skill levels are all over the place on the seas so you can be hostile yourself from time to time just to practice. Even if you don't like pvp or being hostile it's still needed to increase your skill that translates to defense against attackers

    You don't even have to steal loot if it's not your thing just engage in combat so your shots get consistent and your evasive maneuvers get more effective. Close combat and shooting from a distance.

    You can also get some practice in with the harder skeletons like athena voyage skeletons or fort skeletons or even an ashen lord which requires a lot of running and gunning

    They are accurate and do a lot of damage so improving against them can also help you improve against players with movement sword fighting gunning while dodging

    It all seems overwhelming and causes frustration at the beginning but once it all comes together you'll be alright

  • @cassmanjam said in Perceived imbalance in PVP:

    Yeah, my main problem is not being able to "practice" against instant death. Good advice on the "assume all others are hostile and will stealth board you".

    Interested in what input you use? My friends and I are on Xbox so we make sure to select "prefer controller-only" so we reduce the chance of ending up on a server with kb & mouse users. Higher framerate on PC is always an advantage and we find we get slayed by anyone using a mouse.

  • @bluecrown I'm on a really fast PC, hardwired to really fast internet, with an Xbox style controller. I'm not great with mouse /kb. What is the advantage do you think?

  • @cassmanjam said in Perceived imbalance in PVP:

    @wolfmanbush thank you for your reply, it helps to know I'm not just crazy! Considering just scuttling from now on if we get boarded to avoid the frustration.

    Start using blunderbombs as your best friend.

    Rather than immediately scuttle try and follow the progression of a fight.

    Every boarding will play out the same because boarding is so valuable it can't really be any different.

    1. they go for anchor.
    2. they go for hull.

    They will ALWAYS do this.

    I never see a boarder who I dunno...goes for your crowsnest or something.

    Tho now I think of it that might be super fun hah.

    Anyway knowing this. Just have blunderbombs and listen for the splash when they grab your ladder.

    Start seeing what you can do opening with blunderbombs first at the ladder then as they run to the anchor.

    Progress to a gun.

    Then sword play.

    Chance are you'll have done enough damage that even if you dont stop the anchoring (or boarding entirely) you'll maybe win the pvp.

    As you get more comfortable with the extremely annoying but super predictable boarding process....try additional tactics. Such as blunderbuss at ladder.

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