Is griefing your own ship against the game rules?

  • I just started the game recently and sailed for 2 hours today doing gold hoarder voyages, i finally got an open crew mate join when i had about 40 chests, he looked around the ship proceeded to pull anchor over and over. He locked the wheel by standing on it and crashed repeatedly. He raised sails and got a keg and killed me with it sinking the ship along with it.

    This was pure griefing and really made me not want to play the game. Is this against any rules can he be punished? It sucks there was no way for me to stop him from doing this, Brig etc as i was on a solo sloop :(

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  • Close your crew and u won't have these dummies sabotaging your ship matey.

    and to answer your question all you can do is to report him best with some kind of video recording.

  • As someone who plays open crews every day I can say it's high risk high reward

    Between lazybeards and crew menaces it can get ugly. They love to blow kegs and then say you shouldn't have had an open crew. Some people just like to watch the world burn

    On the reward side you can meet awesome pirates and cash in handsomely.

    The more you play the more you will see both types.

    I'd say if you're joining open crews just take the good with the bad

    If you're alone on a sloop I'd be extremely selective about the times you allow people in and remove opportunities for them to do quick damage upon joining. No kegs and keep blunder bombs and firebombs to a minimum.

    When it comes to trouble on the seas you mostly have to focus on what you can do to prevent trouble because when trouble comes calling there won't be much you can do about it after.

  • @olothgb
    Short answer... Yes, this is one of the few times that using the word "griefing" is appropriate in this game. Report this player and move on.

    As others have noted, playing "open crew" has its dangers. I would suggest not giving up on it completely. It's okay to start a session with an open crew to see what you get. If it's a mess of trolls, you can just leave the game and start over.

    But if you're much further along in your session and have loot and/or progress that you don't want to lose, it is unwise to let randoms join in. Even if you started with an open crew and your crew member(s) quit out, you can close the crew in the game menu.

  • @little-squash Thanks for the advice... I guess this is the approach I will have to take going forward... Really sad though :( I reported him through Xbox and through a SoT Ticket..

  • @olothgb said in Is griefing your own ship against the game rules?:

    @little-squash Thanks for the advice... I guess this is the approach I will have to take going forward... Really sad though :( I reported him through Xbox and through a SoT Ticket..

    Personally I'd focus more on prevention than justice. So many of those tickets are just people being mad about getting sunk in pvp and not a justified complaint. I get reported on the regular (according to the messages I get saying they did so) just because they lost a battle so there is no way mods can sift through all of that and really know what happened. You can do clips and all that but I doubt it leads to much it's just too much of a workload and too little info to go off of typically.

    Protect yourself as much as you can at all times and keep an eye on the crew

    People acting fishy are usually fishy

  • if youre going to open crew, dont do it on a sloop. if youre on a brig or a galleon you at least have a fair chance that your teammates will want to see this guy in the brig long enough to cash out!

  • @OlothGB First off, I feel for you on this regard! I've had quite a few of these since I picked this game up at a friends request when it launched on Steam.

    Best advice I can give is similar to what some other folks here have said: exercise caution when using Open Crew. There are a lot of awesome Pirates out there, but also a lot that just want to be Toxic.

    One thing I wanted to add that (I don't think?) anyone mentioned, is that a good way to do an 'Open' Crew without just straight up doing an Open Crew, would be to use an official channel like their community Discord to find crew mates. That would probably work better because it would A) Eliminate some of the Toxics by nature of requiring more effort than they usually give, and B) It would give some form of accountability. While not 'reportable', a good portion of folks wouldn't want to be Toxic when their using a service like that.

  • its a pirates life mate

  • Can you just vote to lock him up?

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