Question about in game name

  • Hey everyone!
    New to SoT I am logged in with Xbox and go the game through the MS store. When I log into SoT it doesn’t display the correct gamer tag that is associated with my email. On here it’s correct as Momsteromen but in game it’s my irl name. Anyone know how to fix this?
    Thank you!

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  • That is...very odd.
    So your saying instead of it being "Momsteromen" above your pirate, it says (example) John Smith?
    Steam or Xbox?

  • @MonsterOmen This is a problem with xbox live. I actually haven't seen this problem occur in a long time.

    double check that it displays "Momsteromen" near the top right of the box Here

    if it doesn't then it means your gamertag is set incorrectly, so change it (if you can without having to pay $10)
    if it does then you can try to go to your xbox app (assuming your on PC) and sign out of xbox live, and signing back in.
    unfortunately i myself have not had this issue to i can only offer advice from witnessing previous cases of this.

    this is all i can offer. however ill still be here if you need me. Good luck.

  • Burn bacon that is correct and butter pig I will attempt this tomorrow and let you know.
    Thank you for the insight

  • Also I am on pc using Xbox .

  • @monsteromen

    Did you get any update? My buddy and I bougt the game on the same day. My xbox name tag does not match my ingame tag. I do not see my achievements in xbox companion app either, nor do I show any activites while his works without issues. Both are Steam purchases.

  • @sigilosauros I was able to resolve this issue. I had the game through xbox game pass but then bought it on steam. When I logged into my xbox account through steam it worked just fine and now my gt is what it should be.

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