How did you find your username?

  • Was it something that happened on the seas, or did you have it before you played SoT. Was it from a joke, or did it just sound cool?

    Before I played SoT, I played a lot of Halo 5. I was really good with the snipers of the game, and I would call my self the 'super sniper.' However, I like to say words wrong to mess with friends and family, so henceforth came the name SuperSnipper. The 60 just sounded cool and rolled off the tongue, so SuperSnipper60 became my new username.

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  • Let it be known that I love Narwhals, I am a Captain, my friend stole my Username when I told him I was changing it, so I'm Captain Narwha1.

  • Had mine during Halo 3 days
    Was eating bacon strips and they were a little crispy and burned but still good.

    BurnedBacon seemed to be to long of a name, BurnBacon, just fit and rolled off the tongue.

    It doesn’t have any X’s or numbers. No title like general or captain. It was simple and can be used for just about any game.

  • In the olden days of the PS2 there was a game called James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire. I was playing deathmatch with some friends with a Multi-tap, and rather than use my initials like you would for most arcade games I just added BER after to make it actually sound like something. Now NAbber is what I usually go by, but was taken so it has war added cause I made this during my "Edgy" phase.

  • There is a book series called mistborn and there are characters called steelinquisitors. They are tough as nails and have cool powers so it became my username for a week like 8+ years ago. I wanted it to be different than the original so I changed the metal to bronze because it sounded cool and it's my favorite metal. The z in inquisitor is because I spelled it wrong but it just stuck ever since. Some of my friends call me bronze.

  • When i was younger i played a ton of Gears of War 3, and didnt realize that the Lambent had an 'n', and when i realized, i had too many account with LambetKing, and it sounded cool, in my opinion at least.

  • @supersnipper60 Ahoy matey!

    Nice idea, we had a similar thread many moons ago and it was very popular and gave a great insight into those Gamertags out there!

    Here was my response...

    Well, I was going to try remain an enigma but thought I would let you into a secret!


    Musicmee started off as a business venture I went into during my days at college (14 years ago) It was a social networking site I designed, coded and launched which allowed indie bands to upload and share their music with fans. The venture came to an end, and, as I always liked the ring of Musicmee and being a music junkie (naturally) it just stuck!

    14 years of using the same username / Gamertag I can't see me changing it any time soon!

  • I started using the name Coel ( pronounced coal) in online gaming in 2004 playing Everquest 2. My gamertag for a long time was Coel03. Handle plus birthday day. When I found my crew in Sea of Thieves they just all started calling me Captain one day, so I changed it to Captain Coel. I will never change it again.

  • @musicmee Well, many new players have joined the seas during that time period.

  • @burnbacon said in How did you find your username?:

    Had mine during Halo 3 days

    Great game

    Was eating bacon strips and they were a little crispy and burned but still good.

    The real question is: did you get grease on the controller/keyboard?

    It doesn’t have any X’s or numbers. No title like general or captain. It was simple and can be used for just about any game.

    The really annoying names are like XXp1r6t3sl6y3rXX. Try reading that off to your friends/fireteam in SoT, Destiny, or Halo.
    "I got killed by, uhh, XXp one r six t three sl six y 3...I'm dead again."

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