[Mega Thread] Update 2.0.16 - Haunted Shores Discussion / Feedback

  • I don't know if this is a bug with this expansion, or if it has to do with the Steam release, but I started playing when the game came out on Steam, and I see Ashen guardians on nearly every island, but I have yet to see a single Key Captain. I've heard about them, but never seen one. Aren't they supposed to be about the same numbers as the guardians, so you can have a chance to find keys?

    And yes, I've tried fishing without bait. I get a fish every single cast. no trash, no keys.

    Also, I've seen youtube videos saying that empty collector type chests can actually be sold for gold, but when I sell one, I get nothing but a "You sold a treasure chest" message. No gold.

  • @redwoodtheelf It can take half an hour or more to get keys from fishing, or sometimes the first cast you throw, it's just random.
    But I have yet to see a key skeleton either, except in forts.

    Any chance of there being a patch anytime soon? The game itself is confused half the time of where to respawn me, when my ship isn't even sunk, spawn at islands and have to take a mermaid back.
    And bugs galore, pulled out my instrument instead of my weapon.

    Setting aside the game breaking bugs, how about the audio one too. When will our ships stop moaning and creaking nonstop when there's no damage to them anymore?

    And game crashed while doing nothing.

    And twice in a row in the same session the kraken has spawned on me while my ship was being chased by other ships once in the middle of a storm. Is the AI intentionally being mean spirited?

  • @galactic-geek said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.16 - Haunted Shores Discussion / Feedback:

    @kleptomic The developers have already explained how to set it up to be like the older system.

    Control Changes to Sea of Thieves

    An excerpt:

    Button Mapping Options

    Because we appreciate that some players will not utilise the Non-Verbal Radial, or will prefer to have Quests on RB/E regardless, we are adding a standalone Quest Radial that players can map to any button. Quests will always be available inside the Equipment Radial, but you can also map the standalone Quest Radial to any button you wish. For example, you could map this to RB on controller and map non-verbal comms to D-pad Up in order to recreate the older version of button mappings.

    Does this change the behaviour whereby if you press Q on PC, it brings up your last used equipment item. Which used to work well but now it brings up your last used map and if you press it again it switches to the equipment item. It seems to keep swapping between them. Really frustrating, especially in FOTD where you need to use and put away your lantern often and I found my muscle memory meaning that I kept reading my map in the middle of the fight.

  • A little off topic of the ghost ships I think it would be nice to have a feature that you could gift gold. (i was just thinking gold rather than cosmetics or doubloons.)

  • Alright, I have a half hour to play! Give me a mission, Order!

    "Kill skeletons on Marauder's Arch"

    looks at map Uh, looks like there's a Ghost Fleet world event exactly at Marauder's Arch. Cancel that mission and give me a new one!

    "Kill skeletons on Marauder's Arch"

    Okay, cancel that one, give me that last available mission.

    "Kill skeletons on Marauder's Arch"

    ...okay. Cool. How long does it take for events to clear? Oh, the entire half hour I have? Gotcha.

    I think that if you're going to have a world event that is absolutely impassable for lone players/people hoping to just jump in and play, there should be checks in place to make sure that quests DON'T place goals on the island those events are on.

  • I've also had it happen where I try to select a mission, see it's going to an island surrounded by ships, and choose a merchant mission instead and it sends me to a trading post that's within the event range of that island.

    It's just not friendly design to newbies, who look for quests to give them direction in their play, to give them direction into a meatgrinder.

  • Hello good, you know I am new to this and I loved the game; I think that we can all improve it, I want to share my ideas with you, I have noticed that most of my friends and also on YouTube that the community would like a new boat, that has capacity for 6 or 8 people, could also implement a kind of giant whirlpool that drags the boats, I want to add an extra idea with the new boat, they could implement cannons up and down, 4 up and 4 down hatch type, where one shows the cannon and gives it more realism. and that would make many people happy, I await your response, thank you very much.

  • Hello everyone, the idea of a new boat with greater capacity is everywhere, both on YouTube and on social networks, the community asks for more capacity of players, I would like to share an excellent idea to solve the problem and improve the experience of game. The new boat can have a capacity of up to 8 people, the cannons are 8 at the top and 8 at the bottom, they are 4 cannons. on starboard and on port.
    About the lower guns it occurred to me that they can implement a hatch system, that allow to show the guns and hide them, to make the ship more threatening, about the giant whirlpool, it can be in the cyclone or in the storm. if a ship enters it must be a good captain if it wants to overcome that danger, that will have more impact on the game mode if a whirlpool forms, I await your comments, thank you all very much.

  • I think the idea of having a whirlpool event, would be a cool thing to have in the game. Maybe it could spawn in the centre of the storm, or instead of one being in every storm there could be mega storms that the whirlpools spawn in. It could maybe just spawn when you are sailing but not in a storm. I just get the feeling that it would be a pretty cool event or dangerous thing that could be added to the game.

  • I'm thinking a whirlpool might go well with a leviathan monster of some sort. Similar to the Kraken's ink circle it would be tied to the monster so it's not just a meaningless hazard like the storm.

  • @TakuBoto Has the Crab Dance emote bundle been removed from the emporium? I simply cannot find it.

  • @takuboto Hi, I hope this is the right location for this. I'm a new player who picked up the game to play with friends a couple weeks ago. I went along for the ride on a few quests my friends were doing, and had a great time. Tonight they weren't available, so I tried to play by myself. Tried unsuccessfully. I bought a voyage, accepted the quest, and... nothing. Couldn't find the ledger for the life of me. Well, maybe it just didn't spawn/give it to me for some reason? I try another quest. No ledger. I try another. And another. The merchant alliance is out of quests so I go to the Gold Hoarders. No treasure map. I restart the game, try again. Nothing. I restart my whole computer. Nothing. I feel like an idiot. I search high and low. I google, I check reddit, everyone says "Just hit E on keyboard, or RB on controllers!" Nothing but this useless chat radial. Finally I go to key bindings in game- maybe I missed something? Then I see it: "Quest Radial: Unmapped" "Non-Verbal Radial: RB". Oh wow, I must have messed up and remapped this radial on accident like an idiot. I google to see if this is a common problem- finally come across the oh-so-useful blogpost titled "Updates to the Non-Verbal System and Radials", one of maybe 3 places on the internet that mentions the new radial system. I finally understand that I am in fact an idiot, and if only I'd been paying more attention I'd have realized that this fundamentally critical feature which is necessary to play the game in any meaningful way is hidden behind nested radial menus. I still cannot shake the highly negative feelings lingering from this experience.

    I know this devolved into something of a salty rant, but please, PLEASE, for the sake of all new players, revert the remapping of the Quest Radial. 90% of the information/guides for new players are now incorrect about an absolutely critical part of the game. I literally cannot describe how unpleasant I found this whole experience, and while some of this comes down to a certain reasonable expectation of player engagement (obviously I should have been paying more attention in the tutorials and that damn quest button hiding away in the Item Radial), even the potential for the amount of frustration that I experienced trying to sort this out should be a major red flag. The Non-Verbal Radial is a nice, cute, quality of life feature. The Quest Radial is one of the most absolute most important bits of UI in the game. Please, for the sake of any other new players, revert. The experience I had left such a bad taste I my mouth that I'll never bother playing solo again personally, and I say that as someone who's fully willing to admit that I was foolish to miss the tutorials and not double check every nested menu. If I wasn't stubborn enough to keep digging for an answer, or truly believed you guys were at fault in some way, I'd probably request my Steam refund and never look back. I know there WAS a tutorial, and the Quest button in the Item Radial WAS clearly marked, and you announced it in the blog, I understand that you did your due diligence and all. But the new layout is unintuitive to the extreme for novice players.

    Thanks for taking the time to read all this! I've been having a lot of fun with the game overall, but this one event tipped the scales so dramatically in the other direction I thought that might be something you'd want to know. I hope this helps you keep making SoT an even better game!

  • Here's some things I think should be changed/added/improved:

    -Make outposts safe zones. Put a green ring around them on the map that shows you can't attack players or their ships. Once they enter, you have to wait on a cooldown to re-enter once leaving. It's disheartening getting attacked and ship camped by a group of players, especially when you're solo. Not only that, but getting shot while shopping and outside of quests on an island is stale. This will encourage players to actively hunt other ships on the map.

    -Make it safer to respawn, especially on Arena. Players will wait behind spawn points and doublegun you over and over again, making it impossible to make a comeback. Add a timer before you can be attacked and you can attack others.

    -Add a skill ceiling to the blunderbuss, like make it wildly inaccurate unless you're aiming and make aiming slow down your movement. It's supposed to be a heavy weapon, so players jumping around with it is just ridiculous. Do the same for Eye of Reach. Please make it 2-hit kill.

    -Add a crosshair to the snipers and add a scope to the harpoon. There isn't any reason for harpoons to be so hard to use, and the Eye of Reach should be easier to aim with.

    -Make fishing much faster. It takes 3-4 minutes to catch a single fish, and that's for a common one. The pulling rod mechanic is cool but reeling in should be way stronger and you should only have to do it once or twice for a small fish.

    Remove the single sword swing at a time. Do three slashes but make it much weaker and short range. Add a parry mechanic so when people time their blocks they stun players, increase the block range to 180 degrees and make it so players can only block a certain amount of hits at a time.

    Add more pirate weapons, like dirty tricks. Kicking sand in the face, spitting, throwing fruit, coconuts and other objects at players. This will the combat more dynamic and hilarious. The bucket of vomit was funny but it takes way too long to prepare to be viable in combat.

    Make all player ships on the map visible. It's PVP, we want to see where everyone is. If not this at least make them visible once they fire their cannons/weapons.

    Open to thoughts and feedback.


    -Balance matchmaking on arena. When teams are unbalanced, merge other teams. Being a one-man galleon is near impossible. This will speed up loading times.

    -Add a timer for people to know how long before they can respawn, and let them press a button to do so.

  • @t3zz13munch48 said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.16 - Haunted Shores Discussion / Feedback:

    Here's some things I think should be changed/added/improved:

    -Make outposts safe zones. Put a green ring around them on the map that shows you can't attack players or their ships. Once they enter, you have to wait on a cooldown to re-enter once leaving. It's disheartening getting attacked and ship camped by a group of players, especially when you're solo. Not only that, but getting shot while shopping and outside of quests on an island is stale. This will encourage players to actively hunt other ships on the map.

    No, it'll encourage camping on the outside of the safe zone for easy kills/steals.

    -Make it safer to respawn, especially on Arena. Players will wait behind spawn points and doublegun you over and over again, making it impossible to make a comeback. Add a timer before you can be attacked and you can attack others.

    Spawn in with teammates to increase your odds.

    -Add a skill ceiling to the blunderbuss, like make it wildly inaccurate unless you're aiming and make aiming slow down your movement.

    It's already got a massive spread when hipfired and slowing your movement speed would be counter it's ability to get closer.

    It's supposed to be a heavy weapon, so players jumping around with it is just ridiculous.

    Who said it was a heavy weapon? It's not; a gunpowder barrel is a heavy weapon... Have an issue with jumping? Hit them as they land, or don't chase them - just blunderbomb them.

    Do the same for Eye of Reach. Please make it 2-hit kill.

    The EoR IS a 2-hit kill weapon; it only does 70% damage.

    -Add a crosshair to the snipers and add a scope to the harpoon. There isn't any reason for harpoons to be so hard to use, and the Eye of Reach should be easier to aim with.

    The EoR has a crosshair; it's in the scope. Harpoons don't have the range to warrant a scope and are easy to learn with a small bit of practice.

    -Make fishing much faster. It takes 3-4 minutes to catch a single fish, and that's for a common one.

    Really? Takes me 30 seconds on average.

    The pulling rod mechanic is cool but reeling in should be way stronger and you should only have to do it once or twice for a small fish.

    Again, this is already the case! It only takes 1 or 2x for the fish to tire in order to reel it in.

    Remove the single sword swing at a time. Do three slashes but make it much weaker and short range.

    The ability to choose whether you attack 1, 2, or 3x with your combo and the ability to cancel it at any time is what allows for versatility in your attacks.

    Add a parry mechanic so when people time their blocks they stun players, increase the block range to 180 degrees and make it so players can only block a certain amount of hits at a time.

    Timing your blocks is incredibly difficult as is with network and hit reg issues, so adding a parry will be harder than you think - the devs have been upfront about this too. 180° angle on the block would be overpowered and limiting how often you can block favors offense too greatly.

    Add more pirate weapons, like dirty tricks. Kicking sand in the face, spitting, throwing fruit, coconuts and other objects at players. This will the combat more dynamic and hilarious. The bucket of vomit was funny but it takes way too long to prepare to be viable in combat.

    Did you kno that you can use a sword block to pass through your opponent allowing you to stab him in the back? It's true!

    Make all player ships on the map visible. It's PVP, we want to see where everyone is. If not this at least make them visible once they fire their cannons/weapons.

    Want to find them? Try using your eyes, spyglass, and ears.

    Open to thoughts and feedback.


    -Balance matchmaking on arena. When teams are unbalanced, merge other teams. Being a one-man galleon is near impossible. This will speed up loading times.

    How do you propose to do this when there is no real metric for comparing skill?

    -Add a timer for people to know how long before they can respawn, and let them press a button to do so.

    Unnecessary. You have 10 seconds to get revived with 25% health; longer in Arena. If you go to the Ferry, it's 30 seconds, but you respawn with full health.

  • @gamesandink said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.16 - Haunted Shores Discussion / Feedback:

    I've also had it happen where I try to select a mission, see it's going to an island surrounded by ships, and choose a merchant mission instead and it sends me to a trading post that's within the event range of that island.

    It's just not friendly design to newbies, who look for quests to give them direction in their play, to give them direction into a meatgrinder.

    Absolutely this! I'm a newer player and have really been enjoying the game, but recent experiences with Flameheart have reduced my desire to play until this event is over.

    Earlier today I was duoing with a friend trying to grind cargo runs, only to run into an issue where all of our voyages were sending us into the island Flameheart spawned on. No issue, we have more than an hour left to play, so we figured we'd sail to another area of the map to avoid being sent back there. 15 minutes later due to a thunder storm, we have new voyages from a new outpost. On the way to the destination, what happens? We server merge into a server where Flameheart is on the new target destination.

    We aren't coordinated enough to handle the event alone, and really didn't feel like doing ship combat and promptly died. By the time we died, we'd wasted about 45 minutes trying NOT to play the event, only to be thwarted by how omnipresent the event is. It wasn't the best time.

  • @galactic-geek
    "No, it'll encourage camping on the outside of the safe zone for easy kills/steals."

    People already camp in the outposts and hang around on ships. Waiting outside a safe zone seems impractical at best and unrealistic at worse.

    "Spawn in with teammates to increase your odds." This doesn't address the problem of people camping behind spawn points to kill you. I can't arrange the respawn mechanic to respawn with teammates, nobody can. Please be realistic. Having a cooldown period after spawning where you cannot damage other players and cannot be damaged would give you time to get your bearings, allow you to prepare for combat and puts both players at an even advantage.

    "It's already got a massive spread when hipfired and slowing your movement speed would be counter it's ability to get closer."

    It's already a close range weapon, especially on ships which most players use it on. If we're talking arena nobody is using a blunderbuss from a distance, and when you're below deck it's almost impossible to dodge.

    "Who said it was a heavy weapon? It's not; a gunpowder barrel is a heavy weapon... Have an issue with jumping? Hit them as they land, or don't chase them - just blunderbomb them."

    A shotgun isn't a heavy weapon? Also you're at a distinct disadvantage if they're a PC player with a blunderbuss.

    "The EoR has a crosshair; it's in the scope. Harpoons don't have the range to warrant a scope and are easy to learn with a small bit of practice." I was using the Parrot Eye of Reach and it just has a broken glass optic. There is no crosshair on it.

    "Again, this is already the case! It only takes 1 or 2x for the fish to tire in order to reel it in."

    Distance based.

    "The ability to choose whether you attack 1, 2, or 3x with your combo and the ability to cancel it at any time is what allows for versatility in your attacks."

    Not quite, if your swing doesn't connect you have to wait before swinging again, not only that but blocking doesn't stop players from swinging, which it should.

    "Timing your blocks is incredibly difficult as is with network and hit reg issues, so adding a parry will be harder than you think"

    Wouldn't having a perfect block register as a parry mitigate this issue? How are you supposed to cutlass when two players are on your case? Increasing the angle of the block and having it wear down after taking a certain amount of attacks would be much better than keeping it how it is.

    "Did you kno that you can use a sword block to pass through your opponent allowing you to stab him in the back? It's true!"

    This doesn't respond to what I've said.

    "Want to find them? Try using your eyes, spyglass, and ears."

    You're stating the obvious.

    "How do you propose to do this when there is no real metric for comparing skill?"

    Not what I'm suggesting. I'm saying if there's 4 teams in the lobby, two have 4 players, 1 has three and the last one only has 1 player, merging the 3 and 1 would create a complete team. Sea of Thieves has no levelling system or special items for this specific purpose, so measuring metric of skill would have no bearing on this and it appears to already not be so.

    "Unnecessary. You have 10 seconds to get revived with 25% health; longer in Arena. If you go to the Ferry, it's 30 seconds, but you respawn with full health."

    The timer GUI is unnecessary? Or the button? I think it would help players communicate to one another when they're going to respawn.

  • I have a suggestion how about fixing the shores of gold mission to be able to actually complete the dang thing? It's literally almost impossible to complete it without some guide or something and plus even those guides don't have any solutions for the vaults or anything. I'd rather play Zelda 2 on super Nintendo again than finish the shores of gold tall tale and plus there's not even a checkpoint when you hit the island which tbh there should be. I say fix your game before bring out new stuff.

  • I just saw a skelly ship wander about and park next to Flameheart isle. Ghost ships started shooting the skelly but it didn't fight back. I thought they'd be same faction but apparently no? If they're supposed to fight each others, maybe fix how skellies aggro back?

  • I think that the ship need to have more than one cooking station or a second pan on the oven. Or maybe make it so that we can put more than 1 peice of item at a time on there like 2 chicken for example or 1 snake 1 pork (obviously the bigger meat types like meg meat would only still have 1 on it at a time.) This would increase efficiency for fishing grinding and increse people quality of life so they would not have to wait for so long for the meat to cook.

  • Playing this morning July 18, treasure chests aren't giving me any gold when it says gold discovered. I've picked up 7 chests and none of them have given me gold when I command to take it. The game is also not spawning any other type of chest. Also skellies are taking 2-3x as much force to kill (idk if thats a problem though)

  • @utmostgnu447427 attempting to cash in and I'm still not receiving any coins for any of my loot. I should have 2 rewards for playing insider that I havent gotten either. It seems like every time I play this game I'm unable gather any sort of money. Either the game kills me so many times I loose my treasure or I can't cash in/don't get paid when I do.... I dont remember the last time I actually got any sort of reward in the game, I'd say at least 3 weeks.... Every time I try to play its something different. Hard to enjoy playing it when theres litterally nothing I can do to advance myself regardless of emissary or type of loot. Can y'all please fix.. well.. everything apparently so I can actually play the game???? Really [mod edit] discouraged over here.........

  • @utmostgnu447427 just realized I'm not gaining any reputation either. The only thing I get when I sell anything to anyone is a banner saying item sold. Nothing else. I really question why I still play this game........ There always seems to be a massive glitch whenever I play.

  • @utmostgnu447427 Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.

    Circumventing the Forum Profanity Filter

    A profanity filter is in place to support our commitment to our community to create the world’s friendliest multiplayer game. Topics and posts which attempt to circumvent the filter will be edited or deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • Part 1: I think it would be nice for there to be a Fire and Ice update, making the red zone in the bottom left into an Iceberg Area and making the map finally a square, as well as adding a new "Beach Event" similar to forts centered around land movement/combat, but different in distinct ways to fighting skeletons, just like how Flameheart is distinct.

    Suggestion part 2: Make it so Skeleton Fleets and Burning Blades are considered Ocean Events, while Skeleton Forts and whatever the new "Beach Event" is, Beach Events. Make it so you can run one Beach and one Ocean at the same time like they used to. This new update has made events a lot less accessible which means newer players hold a lot less loot and fighting just isn't worth the resources anymore unless you're fighting another Reaper.
    If I wanted to exclusively fight other Reapers, I'd play the Arena.

  • I would really like to see some more options for playing with friends. Either add more ships that can accomodate bigger crews or come up with a way we can team up on sessions. My friends and I are torn now when we have 5 or more people playing games.

  • Sooo I'm from Poland and now u have translation on Insider. A lot of words are translated just wrong. It's like copy from Google translator and we all now that how bad it is. Sooo I suggest check your teams and maybe make a separate topic for this cause... When I start text all of that here my post will never ends... :(

  • @whitney2nd

    can you give an example?

  • Noticed that whilst doing the Wall Hide emote my characters animation staggers even though the game is running stable at 60 fps. Either that or it hasn't been animated as smoothly as the other emotes.
    Another emote that is still a bit buggy would be the Shooting Story emote. My characters arm overextends in the first "shot".

  • @takuboto Before these problems, can we solve the problem that the game reputation gold coin is not updated?Because it makes the effort of our fleet three or four hours seem meaningless!I think we have to deal with it now!

  • On last Saturday my friends and I played for a long time and killed around 5 megladons, 2 skeleton fleets, 3 skeleton ships, 5 player ships, 1 flameheart, full gold hoarders emmisary quests, reapers 5 emmissary and more along with completing the tall tales for the ashen ship. When we started the play session and sold some loot to collect the gold hoarders emissary we noticed we were not getting gold or rep for selling. We checked the twitter and it said that selling would be slow to update to the account but would eventually be added, either slowly or the next time we logged in. Now we are being told that we are not receiving any of the rewards for that play session when the twitter account explicitly stated we would. I don't get much time to play but I had finally made sure that I could get a full day in Saturday.

    I guess I understand that the data is unrecoverable and I understand that the game is meant to be played for fun but 60k gold and 200 doubloons doesn't seem fair at all. Maybe enough ancient coins to buy a pet or something. I'm mainly upset that we realized what was happening and checked twitter and the account explicitly said that we would receive our rewards and we didn't. It was our biggest hauls by FAR and we were laughing about how many empty treasure chests we had laying out at reapers (it was at least 10 lol).

  • @takuboto It would really be appreciated if voyages did not lead to islands where the ghost fleet is active. Having to sail towards an island while doing a Merchant Alliance voyage only to find that you have to solo the fleet to be able to do your voyage does not make for a good experience.

  • Hey, so I don’t know if this belongs here, but I was told to post this feedback on a mega thread relating to the new ghost fleets. I completed a ghost fleet the other day solo and sailed to Ancient Spire to turn in. There were no ships nearby so I thought it was safe. The moment I landed the server migrated and a fresh brigantine with a full three man crew spawned in right on top of my ship. Suffice to say, there was nothing I could do to avoid or defend from that. Felt like unintended gameplay since I’ve never had ships spawn in on top of each other on server migration so thought it might be a bug with the latest update. Anyone else have this problem before?

  • why do you guys like banning people for being toxic towards streamers?

  • @okdawg7872 I know it’s annoying, but they can’t give everyone a pet, and they can’t give everyone the same amount of money that you earned because then everyone would be rich.

  • Ever since this update came out my friends and I have had trouble with our game crashing and mostly during combat or mid mission which is never fun. I’m afraid my friend might have turned away from the game forever due to the game crashing twice while we were in a critical situation. Had he been in game it might’ve gone significantly more in our favor. But instead we lost a massive loot haul due to the game just kicking us randomly and at the worst imaginable times. I just want the game to run smoothly

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