Problem with accounts

  • So I've managed to do something stupid, I have 2 emails right and I've bought SoT a long time ago on my account with the name abiter 72 ktm and played a fair bit of it, also used for my halo MCC on steam.
    But then my friend and I wanted to play Halo Wars 2 and he said he'll gift it to me and he gave me a code for the game that I put into the game activation field, but for some reason I was not able to login to Halo Wars 2 using my main email and therefor I had to use my second which also created a new microsoft username (medoicremage33) or something like that, all fine didn't really matter until I wanted to play SoT again today.
    Now when I log in to microsoft store I choose my main email that I used way back when I bought SoT but for some reason I've lost all my progress and I play under the name MediocreMage instead of abiter.
    No clue how this has occurred but please help me.

  • 2
  • @abiter-72-ktm bump?

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