Replace gamertags options

  • As well as the current ability to turn on/off the 'replace gamertags' option it would be a nice addition to include the following so that a particular group may have the potential to see your real gamertag:

    • On.
    • Off.
    • Friends only.
    • Friends/allies only.
  • 9
  • @uncoupledlight9

    This is only geared mainly for Streamers so their viewers can not see who their enemies are.

    I would not see the benefit of turning on Replace Gamertags if you are not a streamer and just playing regularly.

  • @mrbadabing Fair point. I just thought that it would be good to have the additional option for others/non-streamers to retain their anonymity if required, whilst being able to easily identify friends and alliances in the game.

  • @uncoupledlight9

    Just to extend an olive branch here..

    If you turn on Replace Gamer Tags, ONLY "YOU" will see everyones names changed, nobody else on your team will see it or if you are face to face with an enemy, they won't see it either unless EVERYONE turns it on.

    Like I said, it's literally is STREAMER Mode for the person who actually enables that option.

    I have to turn it on to prevent my viewers from seeing the other teams names when I am tucking on boats or doing fort steals, which will prevent them from messaging them and telling them what is going on.

  • @mrbadabing Ok, I must be misunderstanding the feature then. I thought that when turned on everyone on the server would not be able to see your real gamertag. I understand what you mean now. Thanks for clearing that up.

  • @uncoupledlight9

    Yeah no problem bud, like I said, if you don't stream, then it's a useless option lol

    Even still when activated, it takes 2 seconds to find out peoples gamer tags just going to recent players.

  • @uncoupledlight9 if i have replace gamer tags on, i would like my name to be replaced by a generic name when OTHER ppl see me, does it not do this!? this is something streamers need as well

  • @dougsluggins No, anyone else can still see your regular Gamertag, it only replaces other peoples that you may encounter.

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