Arena PvE'ers

  • Today after finally getting into Arena because it is extremely bugged out and is really hard to get in an actual match for, I was met by some Arena players who killed maybe two players, and maybe fired four shots at a ship that had people on it. They won. No chests. No kills. No cannons. And you know why? Because sometimes the ships that have no people on them still spawn, this allows for players to bucket and keep them alive and just farm them for points. When I actually engaged with these players after fighting the entire rest of the server, they were hot garbage at PvP but because of this exploitative technique they could win. I was in another round with them where they only went for chests too. They were able to just run from people, luckily that round the entire server was on them pretty much, and I won, and they couldn't escape the PvP. But the fact you can farm empty ships and PvE in the PvP mode essentially is so infuriating. They literally put no effort in, they just farmed a ship and then ran the entire rest of the match. Some ideas to fix this are 1. I noticed the empty ship was empty in the Other Crews section before we were actually put into the match, that means the game knew it was empty, but because of the function where you can rejoin previous matches the ship didn't go away. Rejoining previous matches on an empty ship should NOT be an option. The ship should go away and scuttle immediately. If they had another team mate however they should be able to rejoin, as there is somebody there. But if they are starting late enough to the point where their ship has been sitting their for five minutes, they've practically lost anyway, make the ship scuttle. Or if you keep the option, the ship can just spawn back in when they rejoin. 2. You should not be able to bucket or repair enemy ships in Arena, this will prevent people from farming these empty ships if somehow the first option is a definite no.

  • 5
  • I've lost count of the number of rounds where I've had this happen. Something needs to be done.

  • iT's A pIrAtE gAmE

  • @man-of-ocean

    I agree with you but I would also like to add that PVP personnel also kill and keep afloat not so good pvp players just so they can keep spawn killing them. I would bet this is part of reasons why so little people play arena. I know I don't play often because of that.

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