Tall Tales all locked?

  • Hi everyone,

    I’m posting on behalf of a friend.

    My friend and I have been running through the Tall Tales for our first time. We just finished Fate of the Morning Star last night and went to start Revenge of the Morning Star and it won’t let her vote on it despite her having the Xbox achievement of finishing it. In her commendations they are all locked and says she has made no progress on any of them.

    Has anyone else run into this issue before? Could the Ships of Fortune update be causing a glitch? Any insight is welcome, thank you!

  • 5
    xbox one
  • Update day usually breaks due to the number of people all logging in to try the game. This generally affects anything to do with your characters (inventory, equipment, commendations, tall tales) or with the stores (unable to buy voyages, clothing, items, etc..).

  • @d3adst1ck that’s what I had figured, she’s pretty bummed out over but we can just do them all again. Thank you!

  • @anna-goes-rawr Maybe just wait until it's not patch day to see if it fixes itself.

  • @schalfing We just did Shroudbreaker and everything unlocked again!

xbox one
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