still fun watching rookies try pvp outside of arena mode

  • was having a nice game with friends and doing a gilded voyage and we had our fun and got all of our treasure from it and while at a trader a ship of noobs tried to pvp outside of arena mode and it was funny cuz it showed they got so salty over the fact we had treasure and other loot and they couldn't find any.

    I don't care who judges me for this but if your gonna pvp just go to arena mode as its where pvp is not outside of it cuz u look really stupid trying to pvp on ships who mind their own business. so for the salty pvp players dnt rage when us pve players find stuff before u.

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  • @daniel-1102 I don't think anyone rages that people doing PvE content find loot that they don't (although the thought makes me chuckle) However I personally prefer to consolidate my loot-gathering to a single battle, in which I can get loot that otherwise would have taken me hours of running around islands aimlessly. I really do appreciate all of you who PvE and couldn't care less about PvP. Makes my life that much easier :D

  • @daniel-1102 said in still fun watching rookies try pvp outside of arena mode:

    was having a nice game with friends and doing a gilded voyage and we had our fun and got all of our treasure from it and while at a trader a ship of noobs tried to pvp outside of arena mode and it was funny cuz it showed they got so salty over the fact we had treasure and other loot and they couldn't find any.

    I don't care who judges me for this but if your gonna pvp just go to arena mode as its where pvp is not outside of it cuz u look really stupid trying to pvp on ships who mind their own business. so for the salty pvp players dnt rage when us pve players find stuff before u.

    I mean it's ok to pvp outside of arena and pvp is part of the game

  • Adventure Mode is not an exclusive PvE mode, just as Arena Mode is not an exclusive PvP mode. Both are PvPvE. If you don't like to be stolen, don't buy a pirate game.

  • @daniel-1102 this game IS PvEvP...not only PvE or PvP...

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